Seeing the girl's face full of youth, Qin Ruoyu suddenly felt envious when she talked about these things with everyone.

University, what a beautiful word. Since she was sensible, she has been dreaming of going to university. Sometimes, even when she dreams that she didn't go to university, she will wake up crying.

If it wasn't for the nightmare half a month ago, she thought that she would sit in the classroom and study at ease, and then wait for the college entrance examination in the near future. She thought that she would also be admitted to the University, and there would be no more discrimination and humiliation.

However, all this, like a bubble, has been shattered.

When asked about Qin Ruoyu, Qin Ruoyu simply said that his family was poor and he went to work in Z city.

After getting off the train, Qin Ruoyu walks in a strange city with a suitcase, goes out of the railway station and buys a map.

It was getting late and she had to find a place to live as soon as possible.

Qin Ruoyu followed the map all the way to a village in the city.

These dilapidated houses, hiding under the city's tall concrete buildings, exist humbly.

Although it's not very far away from the riot, compared with the high-rise buildings and neon lights, the gray here is no different from the rural town.

Most of the people who come here are migrant workers working in the city, and some students who secretly move out to live together behind their parents' back.

Qin Ruoyu went to the front of the house where the guest house was written in white chalk on the cement wall outside the house and pulled the suitcase in.

This kind of place, although the environment is not good, but accommodation is the cheapest.

Once inside, there was a tree in the yard. A middle-aged woman, who looked very fat, sat under the tree with a fan to enjoy the cool.

Qin Ruoyu's eyes looked quickly, and there was no one else. Qin Ruoyu was just about to ask where the front desk of the hostel was. The middle-aged woman said, "girl, do you want to find a place to live?"

Qin Ruoyu nodded quickly.

This small yard is extremely narrow, and there is a tree, so a few bicycles are parked full.

There are about four or five rooms downstairs. There is a clothesline at the door of each room. It seems that there are several families.

The second floor is also a house. It can be seen that it was built later, because Qin Ruoyu lived in this kind of house at the beginning. He knew that for the lighting of the first floor, the second floor usually had a drying shed.

In order to rent more houses to others to make money, houses in urban villages generally don't waste a little space, and the whole yard looks more crowded.

"If you live by the day, it's fifteen a day and three hundred a month. It's not a big place, but it's OK to live. There's a vacant room. If you think it's suitable, come up and have a look at the house." The middle-aged woman stood up from the low stool. Her fat figure made her walk funny. After introducing the price to Qin Ruoyu, she went up the narrow stairs.

It's inconvenient for Qin Ruoyu to pull the box, so he just put it against the wall and followed the middle-aged woman.

A wooden door was opened, and the middle-aged woman asked her to go in and have a look.

Qin Ruoyu went in and looked around. The narrow room, only a few square meters, had a single bed and a set of old tables and chairs used by students in the school. There was nothing else.

Qin Ruoyu thought that if the aunt outside wants to come in, I'm afraid there's no room to turn around.