Seeing her unbelievable expression, her sad and disappointed face, and tears in her beautiful eyes, he really wanted to hold her in his arms and tell her that what he liked was her. "Girl, whatever happens will pass."

After the car stopped, the driver took a worried look at Qin Ruoyu and comforted him. After crying, Qin Ruoyu's eyes were a little red. He barely laughed and began to pay. I searched all my pockets, took out all the money and found that there was still five yuan to go. Qin Ruoyu was in a bad mood originally. Now he even needs five yuan from the driver's master to take a taxi. He's even more flustered to find it everywhere. "Master, my cell phone is pressing you here."

Qin Ruoyu handed the driver a pile of change and a mobile phone. The driver took the change and gave it back to her: "this one is still useful for you. Just five yuan."

After thanking the driver, Qin Ruoyu got out of the car with red and swollen eyes and looked around. He was familiar with the environment, but there was no place to go. I wandered downstairs a few times. If she didn't meet Yunshao, if they didn't have so much intersection, she wouldn't like him, and there wouldn't be so many things. Although she knows that Yun Shaohua is famous and has many women, how she hopes that he really likes her instead of being so nice to her because he wants to abduct her to bed and say some sweet words to cheat her. If it is because of that, she would rather not! The sun has just set. At this time, most of the people have gone home to eat together, and there are few people outside. Qin Ruoyu looked up at some gray days, a piece of broken snow fell on her face, slightly blowing a small wind, shivering, began to snow. "If fish?"

A voice of surprise. Qin Ruoyu sucked his nose and turned his head. He was the former landlord's aunt. "If fish, how did you come back?"

The landlord's aunt probably just came back from the supermarket with a bottle of vinegar in her hand. She came up and asked kindly. "I miss it here. Come and have a look."

Qin Ruoyu pretended that nothing had happened and said it easily. "You child, why don't you come here early? It's so cold outside. You don't even have a scarf around. Go, go in and have dinner? Today we have dumplings at home. Let's stay for dinner. "

The landlord aunt is very enthusiastic to pull Qin Ruoyu to go in. The house of the landlord's aunt is on the first floor. Before, she always looked down and didn't look up. When she saw that Qin Ruoyu was a girl, her family was lonely and took good care of her. "No, auntie, I have something else to do. I'll go back first. Please hurry in."

Qin Ruoyu stopped, took the landlady's hand and said. Landlady aunt see her so persistent, also did not invite again, just said: "then go back early, wear so little, not cold ah, next time to come in advance and aunt said."

Qin Ruoyu cleverly nodded: "well, auntie, you go first, I'll go back now!"

At this time, the sky has been a dim, street lights are inadvertently all lit up, in the dim yellow light, snowflakes and dust by the sun, falling. Qin Ruoyu shrinks his neck, reaches into his pocket and walks towards the small park next to the community. Seeing the banners and lanterns outside, I found that it was almost new year's day.