Song Zhixin leads Noah to come over. No one says hello. He comes up first and kisses Gu Pan'er's forehead. Then the leader pressed his little son's head and pushed him back a few steps. Fortunately, Noah was ready to follow his brother.

Noah gives way, so song Zhixin can lean to the side of the car and sit beside Gu Pan'er. At this time, song Zhixin had the time to look at the editor in chief and said, "Hello! I'm Gu Pan'er's husband, song Zhixin. "

The editor in chief nodded and said with a smile: "that Gu Pan'er should be paired with you and introduce her as song Zhixin's wife, Gu Pan'er?"

Song Zhixin shook his head: "of course not. I have to introduce my wife to others first. My wife is so good, so many people are covetous, of course I have to take the initiative to attack, this is to show off and declare ownership. When my wife introduces me to others, I have to rush to introduce myself, which is also a way to declare ownership. "

The editor in chief choked. All the people who knew Chinese at the scene choked. I really want to not understand Chinese. I really don't want to eat this dog food. Why do you want to give it to us? It's immoral, you know?

The chief editor silently took up her sunglasses, yelled let's start again, and then stepped on her seven inch high heels to the outside firmly.

Gu Pan'er stealthily pinches song Zhixin's waist meat where he can't see it. He stares at Song Zhixin. Song Zhixin doesn't care. He gets out of the car and asks Noah to take his younger brother with him to the outside. Don't disturb his mother.

There are three sets of costumes for the photos of alley faces and classic cars. Song Zhixin has already taken one set when he came here. This is the second set, and there is a retro style of the world street style. The temporary clothes changing place uses the bathroom of the cafe across the street. When Gu Pan'er goes to change clothes, song Zhixin takes Noah and Noye with him. Looking forward to changing clothes, Noah crawls in front of the cashier with a card and asks for coffee.

When song Zhixin went to the scene, he asked Noah to count the number of people on the scene, and then buy coffee for everyone. In this way, everyone will like their mother more and treat their mother better. When the three men in their family are not around their mother, her mother will not be hurt. Noah almost regarded the mission as a major event comparable to the moon landing plan.

When Gu Pan'er goes in to change his clothes, he pulls song Zhixin's hand and tells him how many people there are at the scene. Song Zhixin takes out his card and Noah goes to buy coffee. Noye is sitting on the side of Noah. He can't see the counter at the high cashier, but Noye is trying to stand on tiptoe and shout to the cashier to buy coffee for his mother!

Several people in the clothing group who came in with envy looked at the little boy and the little fart in front of the counter. When the cashier asked who this was for, Noah said that it was for his mother and colleagues. In this way, everyone would be happy. When he was good to his mother, he was in tears. I saw Noye standing on tiptoe with his brother shouting hey, mom, colleagues. When he was nice to his mother, the inner power of the strange Auntie and the strange corn was almost irresistible.

Several strange aunts were in the group of the company. They were crazy about the live broadcast of two brothers buying coffee. The Royal photographer of the magazine leaned on the spot: "it's enough to eat dog food by remote control one street apart!"

The editor in chief took off his sunglasses and looked at the cafe across the road enviously. Through the floor glass, he could see two small figures in the same color clothes in front of the cashier. He looked up and sighed: "I need a man. I want to have a monkey. My God! Give me a man! It's OK for one to fall from the sky

The assistant asked: "sister Amy, we are working overtime this month. Your blind date this month has been ruined."

"Ha ha, you also work overtime!"

"But I got married last month. My boyfriend and I have been in high school for a long time. Now, we have achieved good results!"

Misty grass! Who can tell her the secret of killing her assistant without being found? She wants to know now. Online waiting!

Gu Pan'er's third dress is pure street style. It's a cool pullover with BF style. The length of the pullover reaches the thigh. Below is a short skirt. The length of the skirt is just one palm longer than the hem of the sweater. A white sock to the calf, a pair of running shoes, with a baseball cap, hair that a bright bandage tied to the side. The jewels I just brought are all removed. My hands and neck are clean, and there is nothing.

After removing all the makeup just now, only light makeup remained on her face. She looked like a little girl in her early twenties. Around the men drinking coffee in the coffee shop can't help but look around and make a voice of admiration.

When Gu Pan'er comes out, song Zhixin's eyes brighten. He can't help but feel the palpitation in his heart. Holding her is a kiss on his forehead. If it wasn't for public, he would like a deep kiss on the lips.

Song Zhixin takes Gu Pan'er's hand and goes out. Just halfway through the walk, Gu Pan'er turns his head to look at Noah and Noye in doubt. Then he sees his son sitting at the nearest desk in the shop.

Song Zhixin took her hand and walked out: "let's go! Noah will be there in a minute

Gu Pan'er looks at Song Zhixin suspiciously: "what happened to Noah? Did your father and son quarrel? "

Song Zhixin jokingly scraped her nose tip: "what are you thinking about! Don't worry. You don't know what your son is. Let's go! "

Gu Pan'er listens to song Zhixin's words, but she can't help looking at Noah. The little boy is sitting on the edge of the table, and his younger brother is sitting on the edge of him. Noye looks unhappy and turns his mouth. The little boy says a few words, and Noye continues to sit quietly. Gu Pan'er takes a deep look and follows song Zhixin out.

Noah looked at his mother, looked at them for a few eyes, and then he was pulled away. He looked at his brother's face. He wanted to see his mother's back, but he couldn't help sighing. Even if he is still young, even if he is still watching his mother drool today, even if he is sometimes stupid, but he has slowly understood some of the truth. For example, if you can't cry, if you can't solve the problem by crying wet, you have to work hard. For example, mother always belongs to father, and father against, unless you can be stronger than father.

Noah sighs, what if he is stronger than his father? When Noah grows up, he will understand that being stronger than his father is very simple, because his father will grow old. But my mother loves them again, if it's the last thing my mother loves most, it's still my father. Basically, the two brothers said it.

Of course, in the future, they will also step into dad's state today, but it's far away, don't worry