I don't know which author filmed this scene. The next day it swept the headlines.

Gu Pan'er and Zhong Zimu took Noah to the shopping mall and met many fans, "Wow, isn't this Gu Pan'er and Zhong Zimu?" One after another, Gu Pan'er and Zhong Zimu didn't refuse to take a group photo. Instead, they made all kinds of funny moves, which were very down-to-earth.

Noah stands by and looks at the people who have no idol aura, but laughs happily.

"Let's go and have dinner. They should be here." After a tour, the three came to the hotel.

"Oh, sister man, you and your brother-in-law are here first." Three people came to the hotel only to see Suman and Jiang Yi first.

"Yes, we came after your brother-in-law was busy."

"Noah, come here. Uncle, give you a big red envelope." Jiang Yi waves to Noah and hands him a red envelope.

"Thank you, uncle."

"Uncle Ouyang, aunt Qingwan, here you are!" After a while, Ouyang Xuan and Li Qingwan arrived, and Su Yu and hibiscus arrived one after another.

"You are Lu Xingyun, uncle Lu. I saw you in magazines." Noah spoke when he saw Lu Xingyun.

"Ha ha ha, you have good eyesight. I like it. If my uncle has a daughter, how about being my little son-in-law? Noah Lu Xingyun looks at Noah with a smile.

Noah still looked at Lu Xingyun calmly, and did not speak.

"Lu Xingyun! What? Your son-in-law is mine. "

"Noah, are you uncle Lu's son-in-law?" Lu Xingyun looks at Noah with a smile.

"All right, all right, stop teasing Noah." He Xia pulls Lu Xingyun's clothes with a smile.

"Ha ha ha." Lu Xingyun sat down with a smile.

"Come on, Noah, aunt Youyou, have a good look." Xu youyou looks at Noah carefully.

"Very good, Noah. How about sister Wenxin?" Xu youyou looks at Noah and asks.

"Did you say this little sister? It's good. " Noah gave a lazy glance.

"All right! In that case, Noah, my little son-in-law! It's you Xu youyou said happily.


"Well, Noah, Youyou, come to dinner." Noah just wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Gu Pan'er.

Zhong Zimu couldn't help laughing when he looked at Noah's resentful little eyes.

"Hum." Noah stares at Zhong Zimu, who knows Zhong Zimu smiles more happily.

"Well, eat." Gu Pan'er looks at this big and small living treasure with a smile.

"Well, I see, mom."

"By the way, Zimu, what happened last time is over, isn't it?" While they were eating and chatting, Lu Xingyun couldn't help asking.

"Ah, he Xia, why do you step on me?" As soon as Lu Xingyun finished, he Xia stepped on him.

"Poof." Noah couldn't help laughing.

"I have nothing to do now, but I'm afraid this kind of person will harm other newcomers." Zhong Zimu said with some worry.

As a matter of fact, Zhong Zimu hasn't come out of the shadow completely after what happened to general manager Zhou last time. But seeing Zhong Zimu and Noah pinching each other today, Gu Pan'er is also happy.

"I must take revenge for you, but I checked that Zhou was also the famous owner of pig feed in the city. I have nothing to do." Lu Xingyun said helplessly.

"What's the matter Ouyang Xuan couldn't help but ask.

"The thing is like this, the director asked me to go to dinner with the boss that day, and then the director ran away first..." Zhong Zimu told the story of that day flatly.

"Our company is not peaceful recently, and I can't take charge of it..." after listening to Zhong Zimu, Ouyang Xuan also said, after all, those old people are very noisy now.

Jiang Yi listens to Ouyang Xuan and glances at Ouyang Xuan meaningfully, but is caught by Noah.

"You forget who I am? It's just a small company in the city. Give me a few days. " After listening to Ouyang Xuan, Jiang Yi finally spoke.

"Yes, there has been such a saying in business before. Once Jiang Yi makes a move, the business circle will shake it." Yi Zichuan looks at Jiang Yi and says.

"Wow, uncle Jiang didn't expect you to be so powerful. If you had a daughter, I would be your son-in-law." Noah was particularly interested in hearing about business.

"Ha ha, but Noah, you know what? Uncle song Zhixin encountered also want to let him three points Jiang Yi said with a smile.

"Noah, don't you think my sister is OK?"?! Why are you going to be someone else's son-in-law again? " The awkward atmosphere was enlivened.

"Cough, cough." Noah was about to swallow food when he choked on Xu youyou's words.

"Sister Youyou, don't scare Noah. Please scare him." Zhong Zimu said with a smile and patted Noah on the back.

"Aunt Youyou, just because I say she's OK at night doesn't mean I like her. I don't know whether I should say she's ugly or beautiful, so it's OK to use it." Noah wittily answered Xu youyou's question.

"Ha ha ha." Hearing this reply, Lu Xingyun burst into laughter, and all the people on the table laughed.

Li Qingwan was even more surprised. Why didn't he find Noah so clever when he was in the United States.

"Uncle and aunt, the food is so delicious, why don't you eat it? You always make fun of Noah. " Noah finished and ate for himself.

"Well, let's eat. Let's talk when we're finished." Gu Pan'er said quickly.

Jiang Yi looks at Noah with a smile. "This kid is so smart. He must be a legend in business in the future."

"Uncle, you've been looking at me, Noah. How are you looking?" Noah saw Jiang Yi looking at himself and asked naively.

"Yes, Noah looks good." Jiang Yi smiles.

"By the way, uncle, let me ask you a business question."

"Well, well, ask."

"There's something wrong with my father's company, but people have been buying their shares. Do you know what's going on?" Noah couldn't help asking.

Hearing Noah ask, Ouyang Xuan stops his chopsticks.

"This, of course, is to help your father. Noah, how do you know so much?" Jiang Yi is curious that Noah knows too much at a young age.

Hearing this, Ouyang Xuan began to wonder, how does Jiang Yi know so much? Is he

"Uncle Jiang, can I come to you when I'm bored?"

"Noah, uncle Jiang has a lot of work to do every day. Don't disturb uncle Jiang."

"Yes, yes, Noah. Your mother is right. Uncle Xingyun welcomes you to disturb uncle."

"If Noah wants to come, come. This kid is so talented in business. I like it." Jiang Yi spoke.

"Brother Noah, can you come to play with brother Noah that night?" I like it when I see this little brother late.

"Forget it, you can play with aunt Zimu. She likes children very much and has bullied me all day."