That night, Noah stayed by song Zhixin's side after dinner. He didn't dare to say what he wanted to say.

"What's the matter? Noah, where else do you want to play? " Looking at him like this, song Zhixin thinks that Noah still wants to go where to play. He can't help asking him where he wants to go tomorrow. What Noah wants now, song Zhixin tries to meet his needs.

"Dad, I'm well now. I want to go back to see mom." Noah timidly wrote on the paper and told song Zhixin.

Song Zhixin fell into deep meditation and was a little at a loss.

"Noah, will you let dad think about it?" Song Zhixin didn't know what to do for a moment, so he had to answer Noah like this first

"Well, go back to your room and go to bed." Song Zhixin looks at the sullen Noah.

"Ouyang, how about the company?" After Noah returned to his room, song Zhixin asked about ouyangxuan company.

"Everything is under control. Someone helps us secretly, but I don't know who it is for the time being." Ouyang Xuan wrote on the paper and showed it to song Zhixin.

Song Zhixin picked up the paper, looked at it and said nothing.

Although song Zhixin and Ouyang Xuan have nothing to do here, those old foxes in China are very anxious.

"Zhixin, or you'd better let Noah go back with you first." Ouyang sighed and wrote it on the paper for song Zhixin to see.

"No hurry, aren't you still here? Just keep your eyes on the company. " Song Zhixin didn't know what he was thinking and said it in a light tone.

Ouyang Xuan did not say anything more, just seriously looking at the stock, song Zhixin sitting on the sofa looking at the magazine.

"Ouyang, go to bed late." Li Qingwan came out of the room and dragged ouyangxuan away.

"Alas." Song Zhixin looks at the back of Ouyang Xuan and Li Qingwan, sighs and goes back to his room.

"Ouyang, tomorrow you and Qingwan will take Noah to buy some new clothes." Song Zhixin sent ouyangxuan a text message and went to sleep.

"Ouyang, why don't Zhixin let Noah go back?" Li Qingwan leans on Ouyang Xuan's chest and asks sadly.

"He may want to send Noah back later." Ouyang Xuan doesn't know why song Zhixin still refuses to send Noah back

The next morning, after breakfast, Li Qingwan and Ouyang Xuan took Noah out.

"Noah, what kind of clothes do you like? Uncle and aunt said, we'll buy them for you. You can choose them by yourself." Li Qingwan gently said to Noah, let him choose his own clothes.

"Well, all right." Noah pulls Li Qingwan into the shop.

"Noah, try this, this, that." Li Qingwan pointed out a pile of clothes for Noah to try.

Ouyang Xuan also chose outside.

"No, Noah, try what I've chosen for you." Ouyang Xuan took another pile for Noah to choose.

"All right. Buy it. " Ouyang Xuan satisfied looking at Noah wearing, all bought down.

They took Noah to KFC and play in children's Park. They didn't go home until it was dark.

When Noah got home, he threw himself in Song Zhixin's arms and showed song Zhixin the clothes bought by Ouyang Xuan and Li Qingwan. He laughed happily.

Ouyang Xuan felt very happy and contented abroad, but the old people at home couldn't sit still.

"Ouyang Xuan, back home?" The old guys in China will ask the front desk when they come to the company tomorrow.

"Chairman, otech has not come back yet." The front desk said when they saw the old guys coming all the way.

After leaving ouyangxuan, they thought that they could transfer the company's property illegally without knowing it. They didn't know they were in trouble.

They didn't expect that Jiang Yi was secretly buying their company's shares and controlling the rise and fall of their company's shares.

"Let's have a meeting and discuss it." One couldn't sit still, he said.

"Well, good." The rest agreed.

"Now, what can you do if these things happen?" There was a direct question at the meeting.

"Yes, other than that, even our shares are affected now. I don't know who is operating secretly." There's a echo.

"I've told you not to do this for a long time. Look at the things you did before. Didn't Ouyang Xuan wipe your ass? You want to build up the company even if you are doing well now! " One of them, who opposed it at the beginning, could not help scolding.

"Well, don't argue. Now what should we do?" They are still fighting in the face of disaster, and they have given up on these people.

"Let's pay back all the money that the company got out of it first?" A proposal arrived.

"What else can we do now? Only in this way can we call Ouyang Xuan back. Ouyang Xuan must know about us. Otherwise, how can we go abroad and don't want to come back?" The leader said helplessly.

What can they do now? Even if they are not willing to give up their money, they can only do so.

"Ouyang Xuan, how are you now abroad?" With that, he immediately made a video call to Ouyang Xuan.

"What can I do for you, directors? Ou now do not wipe your ass abroad, but also quite comfortable Ouyang Xuan sneered.

"Well, Otsu, you're back." Everyone embarrassed smile, or cheeky beg Ouyang Xuan back.

"Oh, let's think about it." Ouyang Xuan hung up the phone impolitely.

"Zhixin, those old foxes called me back today." Ouyang Xuan told song Zhixin about today's video phone call.

"Wait a few days before you go back." Song Zhixin said.

"Otezhui, come back home soon. The company needs you." Those old guys call Ouyang Xuan every day to let him return home.

Ouyang Xuan ignored them, just to temper them

"Ouyang, what's the matter? Why does someone always call you and ring again, and you still don't answer?" Li Qingwan saw ouyangxuan's phone ring during this period of time, and ouyangxuan didn't answer and hung up directly, which inevitably made her suspicious.

"Nothing. Leave it alone." Ouyang Xuan also did not care, casually answered Li Qingwan.

But in the next few days, Li Qingwan doesn't know how to ignore Ouyang Xuan. No matter how Ouyang Xuan coaxes her, she just doesn't care.

"What's the matter with you, ignoring me for no reason?" Ouyang Xuan also felt very depressed. How could Li Qingwan suddenly ignore himself.

"Nothing. Leave it alone." Li Qingwan learned the tone of Ouyang Xuan that day, and then angrily turned his back to Ouyang Xuan.

Listening to Li Qingwan's tone, Ouyang Xuan thinks that she hasn't answered the phone recently. That day, she asked herself that she said the same thing. Li Qingwan must have misunderstood which woman called Ouyang Xuan.

"Wife, is it because recently my phone has been ringing and I haven't answered? You think it's another woman who called me, so you misunderstood me?" Ouyang Xuan asks Li Qingwan tentatively.

"Anyone who likes to fight will call you. It's none of my business!" Ouyang Xuan just asked tentatively. Who knew Li Qingwan had such a big reaction