Chapter 1078

Anyway, Han Bin was very excited by the long lost police badge prompt sound and rich rewards.

Han Bin returned to the conference room and sat on the main seat. He glanced at the people. "Bao Xing, you can make more copies of the files and case materials and share them with you later. Others will introduce themselves first. Let's get familiar with them and start investigating the case."

"Wang Chang, let's start with you."

Wang Chang got up, "team Han, I'm the leader of the first squadron and the first group."

Opposite Wang Chang sat a man in his thirties with an inch of head and stubble. "Team Han, my name is Nie Pengxiang. I'm the leader of group 2."

"My name is Bai Jianshan. I'm from group two."

"My name is Zhou Peng. I'm from group two."


After the introduction, Han Bin said, "we'll get the file and get familiar with the case. Team leader NIE is responsible for contacting the three victims in Quancheng and asking them to take notes at the police station. Group leader Wang contacted Qindao Public Security Bureau and asked about the situation of Qindao victims. "


Then the team members successively left the conference room, and Han Bin left Wang Chang and Nie Pengxiang.

"Team leader Wang and team leader Nie, I have just been transferred to the serious case detachment. I don't know much about our squadron. If any arrangement is inappropriate, you can mention it."

Wang Chang said, "team Han, there is nothing inappropriate. We will support your work."

Nie Pengxiang said, "yes, team Han, I've heard team Huang mention you for a long time. I just want to learn from you."

Han Bin smiled, "let's learn from each other in the future."

The three said a few polite words and went back to the office.

Group 1 and group 2 are in the same office, with a large area of nearly 100 square meters. Group 1 is in the East and group 2 is in the West.

There are computers and messy documents on the table. There are two vertical air conditioners in the room. It's not hot.

The squadron leader's office is next door, about more than ten square meters. The furnishings in the room are very simple, including desk, cabinet, tea table, two sofas, one large and one small, water dispenser, hanging air conditioner, and very standard office room.

It's not much different from Han Bin's office in the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Han Bin touched the surface of the table with his fingers. There was no dust. It should have been cleaned recently.

Han Bin burned hot water, made a cup of tea and drank it himself.

"Dong Dong..."

Han Bin put down the teacup“ Come in. "

Bao Xing came in. "Team Han, the document has been copied. I'll send you a copy."

"Put it here." Han Bin knocked on the table, "what time does lunch begin“

"From 12 to 2 o'clock, I'll take you there."


"Then I'll go out first."

Han Bin picked up the document and began to check the information carefully.

Look, Han Bin has a little more chill. Now he has changed t, really TM.


At noon, Bao Xing took Han Bin to the canteen for dinner.

The canteen of the provincial public security department is large, with many kinds of dishes and high food subsidies.

Han Bin ordered a braised meat, a chicken leg, a stewed white gourd, a scrambled egg with tomatoes, a hand cooked rice with mutton legs, and a mung bean soup.

Bao Xing squeezed his eyes, "Han team, what's the taste?"

"Yes, no wonder when I returned to Qindao last time, I thought your boy was fat. It turned out that he was fed by the food of the provincial hall."

"Hey, hey, you should try the dumplings in the canteen. They are all made and cooked now. They have thin skin and big filling. They are much better than those sold outside."

"Well, try it at night."

At this time, group leader Nie Pengxiang came over with a dinner plate in his hand, "team Han, I have something to report to you. Don't delay your meal."

"It's all right. Sit down and say."

"After the meeting, I contacted three victims. One of them didn't get through. One said he was on a business trip, and another said he would come to take notes in the afternoon."

Han Bin chewed a mouthful of mutton and said, "the victim doesn't cooperate very well."

Nie Pengxiang smiled. "In fact, I can understand that this kind of thing happens to women. I'm embarrassed to say, not to mention a man."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but the case has to be investigated and the records have to be made. Leader Nie, you have to spend more time."

"Yes, I'll contact you after dinner."

"The victim is coming. Remember to inform me."


After dinner, Han Bin took his usual lunch break.

The victim is not in a hurry. He is in a hurry.

Han Bin was not used to the recliner. He only slept for an hour.

After waking up, Han Bin went to the office of the members of the second squadron with a tea cup. First, he wanted to see whether the victim came to take notes, and then he contacted the members for feelings.

The members of the serious crime detachment are generally older. Several of them are in their thirties, and the youngest is Bao Xing.

Han Bin, holding a tea cup, leaned against the table to chat with the people. He had no shelf. He was just talking nonsense. He soon became familiar with the team members and could be named. Until more than five o'clock in the afternoon, the victim still didn't come. Han Bin looked at his watch and it was time for dinner“ Chief Nie, is the victim still here today? "“ At five o'clock, I called him again. He said he would arrive later. It's reasonable to say that it's almost the same. " Nie Pengxiang picked up his cell phone and made another call. After a few words, Nie Pengxiang put down the phone and hum, "the boy changed his mouth again. He can't come until he's off duty."“ Well, don't wait. " Han Bin stood up and moved. "Let's go to dinner first. It's estimated that the boy will have to wait until dark." Han Bin went to the canteen with a water cup and asked for a dumpling with beef and scallion. Let alone, it tastes really good. One is not full, but also a three fresh stuffing. There is a shrimp in each dumpling, which is very affordable. After eating, Han Bin returned to the office to have a rest. At 8 p.m., it was dark and his door rang“ Come in. " Bao Xing showed half his head, "team Han, the victim is coming."“ Go. " Han Bin took his notebook out of the office. There are only five people in the big office next door, and the rest are off duty. Among them, a strange man sat at his desk with his head down and his hands on his thighs. He looked cautious, just like a little daughter-in-law who had just passed the door“ Team Han. "“ Here comes team Han. " Seeing Han Bin, the other team members greeted him one after another. The strange man also looked at Han Bin and immediately lowered his head. Nie Pengxiang pointed to Han Bin and said, "Mr. Su, this is our captain Han and the person in charge of the case."“ Team Han, this is Mr. Su Fei. " Han Bin sat opposite Su Fei and looked at each other. "Mr. Su, thank you for helping us investigate." Su Fei nodded, his voice a little hoarse, "sorry, I'm late because of something temporary."“ It doesn't matter. Just come. I want to ask you a few questions. "“ You... I... "Su Fei was confused and took a deep breath." Captain Han, can you not expose my identity when you investigate the case? "“ No problem. As long as it's not the person involved, we won't disclose the relevant case. "“ Thank you. "“ Mr. Su, if there's no problem, let's start taking notes. "“ OK. "“ What's the specific time of the crime? "“ I'm not sure about the specific time. On the evening of July 5, I went to the refueling bar to drink with some friends. I was very happy because I hadn't seen you for a long time. I drank too much. We should have left in the early morning of July 6. I don't know the specific time. Later, I asked a sober friend. He said that we left the bar at about 12:40. Because my home was not far from the bar, I walked back. Who knows, I was...... "Su Fei said more and more, the lower his voice was, and his face showed a look of pain. This experience was a shame in his life. Han Bin hands the other party a cigarette. He can understand Su Fei's difficulties, but the key points of many cases are hidden in the nuances. If the victim doesn't recall carefully, he may miss important clues. If the case cannot be solved, the victim will fall into long-term pain. Long pain is better than short pain.