Chapter 1065

China Resources community, underground parking lot.

A van was parked near the elevator.

The door opened and a man in a cap was pushed in.

Huang Kuangshi, Han Bin and Bao Xing are all in the car.

Huang Kuangshi looked at the cap man carefully and took off his cap. "What's your name?"

"Sun Youguo."

"Do you know why we arrested you?"

"I don't know."

Huang Kuangshi put his hat back on again, "according to your meaning, we have wronged you?"

"No, I did make mistakes when I was young, and you can be forgiven for suspecting me. But now I really want to change. I don't want to go to jail any more, and I don't dare to make any more mistakes. He is willing to cooperate with the police investigation and return my innocence as soon as possible. "

Huang Kuang said with a smile, "you have a good attitude. I like it."

"Comrade police, what's your name?"

"I just asked you, but I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Huang. I'm from the serious crime detachment of the provincial department. In order to trace your whereabouts, I drove hundreds of kilometers from Quancheng. It's not easy to find you. "

"Captain Huang, I missed it. I was in Quancheng before. I just came to Qindao these days. If you want to come to me a few days earlier, you won't have to go so far. "

"We are destined to meet for thousands of miles. Although the process is tortuous, it turns out that we are still destined."

"Yes, you are right. Why are you looking for me? Is there any misunderstanding? "

"Don't make fun of me. We people don't talk in secret. If we don't have enough evidence, our provincial department won't arrest people casually. Similarly, since you have been arrested, you can't leave without a clear explanation. "

"I'm wronged. I haven't done anything illegal recently."

"What are you doing in Qindao?"

Sun Youguo blinked. "I'm... I'm here on holiday."

Han Bin asked, "where do you want to go on vacation? I'm familiar with Qindao. I can make a plan for you."

"I like the sea. I'm going to go to the seaside. It's good to see the sea, eat some seafood and drink beer."

"Ha ha, open your eyes and tell lies." Huang Kuang sneered, "since you arrived at Qindao, we've been watching you. Apart from eating out, you spend most of your time at home. You don't go out to play at all. Is there a man named Haihai hiding in your room?"

Sun Youguo was sweating on his forehead and lowered his head slightly.

Huang Kuangshi glanced at his watch. "I don't have time to listen to you any more. Those two children may be torn up at any time. If those two children have an accident, your charges will be heavier. Talk to me. It's your only chance to make a meritorious contribution and reduce your sentence. "

"Captain Huang, I really don't know what you mean, what child? What are you tearing up? "

"On the evening of May 22, you and your accomplice kidnapped two students from Xiangfen international primary school and extorted 4 million yuan from their families. Your whereabouts and crimes were investigated by the police."

"Do you have any evidence?"

"What evidence do you want?"

"Why do you think I have something to do with this case? I have never been to Xiangfen international primary school, and I have never kidnapped primary school students. I admit that I have committed crimes before, but I have really changed it. "


"It's true, of course, and I assure the great leader."

"Well, you're the only one who's qualified." Bao Xing disdains the way.

"Comrade police, you can't deny my life just because I made mistakes when I was young. Who dares to say that I never made mistakes?"

Bao Xing asked, "so, this case really has nothing to do with you."

"It doesn't matter."

"Have you ever been to Xiang Fen international primary school?"


What Bao Xing and others said was that he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and found out the surveillance video of sun Youguo thinking about Fenji, "you see for yourself what this is? I found you at the gate of the primary school on May 18. How do you explain? "

Sun Youguo took a look at the photo, "I..."

"Come on, don't you say you haven't been to Xiang Fen international primary school?"

"I went to work nearby that day, passing by."

"The surveillance shows that you stayed at the gate of the primary school for half an hour, which is not what passers-by would do."

"Comrade police, even if I have been to the gate of Xiangfen international primary school, it does not mean that I have committed a crime. There is no necessary relationship between the two."

"You're right. One time may not necessarily matter, but you went there more than once. On May 18, May 20 and May 21, you went to the gate of Xiangfen international primary school for three consecutive days. It's not a coincidence."

"You... How..." Sun Youguo stopped talking.

"Do you want to ask, how do we keep an eye on you?" Bao Xing laughed, "to tell you the truth, we've been following you since last year."

"Oh." Sun Youguo was a little disdainful, as if he were saying, "cheating ghosts?"?

Bao Xing took out his mobile phone and opened a photo. A man about 40 years old was wearing a brown turtleneck and a down jacket on his chair. He was smoking. It was obvious that the filter of the cigarette had been pinched off.

Sun Youguo's eyes widened and he looked surprised. "When did you take this picture?"

"Last year, you took photos of your wedding banquet. Look at the angle of the photos. It's not a surveillance screenshot after the event. It was taken with a mobile phone at that time. We've been eyeing you for a long time." Bao Xingyi just said, but also to Han Bin squeeze eyes, this is Han Bin last year to send his photos, he has kept, did not expect to use today.

At this moment, sun Youguo is really a little flustered.

Huang Kuangshi struck while the iron was hot. "Sun you has resisted. You should know very well that it's time to trade ransom. Once we have successfully rescued the two hostages, it means that you have lost the chance to do meritorious service and reduce your sentence."

"Hoo... Now that you all know, what else do you want us to say?"

"We know it doesn't conflict with your own account. If the case is decided by our will, I promise you that you will not come out again if you go to prison for the second time. "

"These evidences can't prove that I am the kidnapper."

Huang Kuang said, "that woman recognized you! We have not only evidence, we have witnesses. "

"It's impossible, I was..." Sun Youguo said half way, and swallowed back.

"What age do you think the devil can't be one foot higher than the Tao?"

Sun Youguo hesitated, but he still didn't speak.

Han Bin said, "Sun Youguo, even if you don't admit it, your mobile phone and the place where you live are under the control of the police. You can guarantee that there is no evidence left in these places. I don't believe you have no contact with other suspects."

Han Bin's words, broke sun Youguo's last fluke, the police's arrest is too sudden, did not give him any time to destroy the evidence.

"Comrade police, how do you keep an eye on me?"

Huang Kuangshi asked, "did you kidnap those two pupils?"

"I... I'm just an accomplice. I'm all fooled by them. I'm totally on the boat."

"A positive answer."

"Yes, I was involved in the kidnapping, but I already knew that I was wrong, and I took the initiative to quit."

"What do you mean? What do you mean you quit on your own initiative? "

"I had a disagreement with them... And I didn't want to go on."

"What difference?"

"In fact, my nature is not bad, and I can't help it, because I made mistakes in the past, my family didn't want to communicate with me, and I couldn't find a decent job. I had a bad life all the time. I was very short of money, so I wanted to get some money“

Bao Xing snorted, "there are many ways to make money, but you go to kidnap primary school students, and your conscience is eaten by dogs?"

"I know it's not right for me to do this, but I'm really just looking for money, and I don't want to hurt them. I think these children's families have money, and they don't lack the two million. It's an emergency. When we get the money, we'll let them go. It's good for everyone. "

"Oh, it's good for everyone. You have a wonderful idea." Bao Xing showed the color of ridicule.

"I know it's not right, but I'm really scared. I admit that I am an open robber, but those rich people are not good things, and their way of getting money may not be cleaner than me. "

"All right, you have your own fallacy. Come on, what's the difference between you and the other suspects? "

"They think it's a certain risk to let the two children go, so they want to do it together after they get the money."

Bao Xing grabbed sun Youguo's collar and said, "Damn it, I'm not doing anything."

"Yes, I don't think it's right for them to do so, so I broke up with them and ran to Qindao to hide myself."

"If you say no, they will not be afraid to call the police if they agree?"

"Call the police?" Sun Youguo showed a touch of self mockery, "dare I? If people are tied up, I have no way out. Although I don't want to kill two children, I won't send myself to prison for them. "

"Now back out, what large ransom are you willing to pay?"

"They promised to give me a million dollars as long as I didn't make trouble. However, I think they are lying and perfunctory. It would be nice if they could give me half a million. "

"You think it through."

"That's all I can do."

"What are the names of your two associates?"

"Lao Cheng, Biaozi."

"Real name."

"One is Cheng Weikui. I don't know the real name of Biaozi. He's from Cheng Weikui. Cheng Weikui is the mastermind of the case. He is the mastermind of the kidnapping case. He found me and Biaozi and listened to his orders. "

"How do you get in touch?"

"On the phone?"

"What's their phone number?"

"I only have Cheng Weikui's mobile phone number. It's recorded in the mobile phone address book. I haven't contacted Biaozi directly. I'm not familiar with him."

"Where are Cheng Weikui and Biaozi now?"

"Spring city."

"Where exactly?"

"Quancheng, Siming District, wufanglu village. They were there when I left. It's not clear if they are now

"Where are the hostages?"

"There, too."

"Where is the ransom trading? When is the deal? "

"I don't know. I really broke up with them. I'm also an individual, and I can't do anything for children. Please believe me. "

"What about your previous plans? You always know that. "

"Before, we agreed that the ransom trading place was Sports Square, and the specific time has not been determined. However, I didn't contact again after I quit, and I don't know if they have changed the trading place."


Huang Kuangshi breathed a sigh of relief. As long as sun Youguo is willing to assist the police, the probability of arresting the suspect will be greatly increased.

Since the trading location is no problem, the hiding place is probably true. Huang Kuangshi is a decisive person. He says to Han Bin, "Captain Han, come out with me."

"Bang!" Sun Youguo knelt down and said, "Captain Huang, what I said just now is true. I have been honest. Please believe me."

"Get up, the police will naturally verify whether it is true or false. What you have to do is to give an honest explanation. If you want to sincerely repent and be willing to help the police, I will help you fight for the chance of commutation."

Huang Kuangshi finished, and Han Bin got out of the car together.

Huang Kuangshi handed Han Bin a cigarette. "Captain Han, what do you think of sun Youguo's account?"

Han Bin took the cigarette, slightly pondered, "if he is telling the truth, then the other kidnappers and two hostages are likely to be hidden in Siming District, wufanglu village. On the contrary, if he lies and the police act rashly, it is likely that the ransom transaction will fail and two hostages will be killed. I suggest that it be treated with caution. "

Huang Kuang Shi took two puffs of cigarettes. "What you said is reasonable. I will report to the provincial leaders and take your opinions seriously. At the same time, I'm going to take the suspect back to Quancheng immediately and ask him to assist the police in arresting other accomplices. "

Han Bin Leng for a moment, "go straight? I won't go back to Qindao Public Security Bureau. "

"No, time is urgent. One more minute, the hostages will be more dangerous."

Han Bin said, "Captain Huang, I'll report to the leader."


Han Bin goes to one side, dials Ding Xifeng's phone, and tells the other side the situation.

The other end of the cell phone was silent for a long time, only saying four words, "I know."

"Captain, what can I do?"

"If he wants to take it, let him take it. I will report this to Feng Bureau. "

"I see." Hang up the mobile phone, Han Bin went to Huang Kuangshi's side, "yellow team, do you need us to help escort on the road?"

"No, the four of us can't get rid of him." Huang Kuang chuckled, "the case is urgent. It's related to the safety of the hostages, so I'll take people away first."

"Do as you please."

"Captain Han, thank you for the assistance of Qindao police. When you get to Quancheng, tell me, let's get together."


Huang Kuang said hello, and the other three people from the provincial department got on the bus.

In a hurry, Bao Xing just said hello and drove away without saying goodbye.

Seeing the car leave, Wang Xiao came over, his face a little ugly, "team Han, they just left."

Zhao Ming complained, "that is, we are busy from the beginning to the end. We are pulled away as soon as we catch someone. It's just like tearing down a bridge."

"You can stop them."

Zhao Ming counseled, "then I can't stop it."

Han Bin sighed, "me too."

"Ding Lingling..." a burst of mobile phone ringing, Han Bin a look is Chen Defu's number.