Chapter 721

Located on the west side of the first floor, the morgue is larger than the other rooms and looks empty.

There are several mobile morgue beds on the left side of the morgue, and rows of freezers on the right side, which look like they are used for storing corpses.

In the middle of the table, there is a dresser on which all kinds of tools are put.

To tell the truth, this place makes Han Bin feel uncomfortable, not afraid, but an instinctive resistance.

Han Bin turned his head and looked at Sun Shaoping, "what's the sound insulation effect here?"

Sun Shaoping said, "it's not bad. It's hard for family members to cry when they come to this place. We usually choose materials with better sound insulation effect."

"Where was Lu Yuee's body that night?"

Sun Shaoping pointed to the right, "put it in the first refrigerator."

Han Bin went to have a look, "Sheriff Ma, are there any fingerprints of the suspect collected around this refrigerator?"

Ma Juntao shook his head, "no, the suspect was wearing gloves when he committed the crime."

"How do you know?"

"Before the surveillance camera was blocked by the balloon, some suspects were photographed. The suspects were wearing hoods and gloves, and the light was dim. Basically, there was no valuable clue."

"Where's the balloon?"

"Ordinary balloons are nothing special. You can buy them everywhere."

Han Bin asked, "why didn't I see a picture of the balloon in the case file?"

Ma Juntao explained, "before we arrived at the scene of the crime, the balloon had been pulled down by the staff of the funeral home. Coupled with the video surveillance, it was no longer meaningful to take photos. Later, we also tested the balloon and found no fingerprints of suspicious people. "

Han Bin glanced. There was only one camera in the morgue, and there was also one camera in the corridor outside. When he came forward, he also observed that there were cameras at the entrance of the building, in the yard and at the gate of the courtyard.

"Do you know the suspect's route?"

Ma Juntao thought for a moment, "make it clear that the suspect entered through the back door, and then used the morgue to transport the body to the back door, and then ran away with the body."

Han Bin subconsciously asked, "is the suspect using a vehicle?"

"Although a tricycle was captured by surveillance, it is very difficult to trace it. There are too many similar cars in the surrounding villages."

Han Bin frowned, three months after the crime, even if the suspect left evidence at that time, it would be lost with time.

"Curator sun, I heard that the four employees were playing mahjong when the body was stolen."

"Yes, it is." Sun Shaoping sighed, "these bastards, if they have more snacks, things will not come to this stage. The body was stolen under the nose. You say these four people are bastards. "

Han Bin asked, "did they play mahjong before?"

"Yes, why not." Curator Sun said that he was helpless. "Actually, I knew about this for a long time, but the funeral home is different from other places. It's very gloomy here, and it's frightening at night. It's understandable to get together to play mahjong and get popular. As long as they don't affect the work and finish the work, I don't care much about it. "

"In which room did the four of them play mahjong?"

"It's in the east room. I'll show you." Sun Shaoping made a please gesture, leading Han Bin three people in addition to the morgue.

In fact, Han Bin doesn't want to stay here.

After walking about 20 or 30 meters, Sun Shaoping stopped and said, "this is the room."

While talking, Sun Shaoping opens the door and asks Han Bin and others to go in.

The room is not big, only more than 20 square meters, and the furniture is relatively simple, including a water dispenser, a sofa, a cabinet, and a ceiling fan above the head.

Han Bin looked at it, "where's the mahjong table?"

"Let me throw it away. Since then they have been banned from playing mahjong. They must have been unconvinced and quarrelsome when I did this before, but they were all honest after such a big accident. "

"Bao Xing, go to the morgue and make some noise. Let me hear it."

Bao Xing Leng for a moment, showing a wry smile, "team Han, what's going on?"

Seeing his advice, Han Bin couldn't help laughing, "simulate the suspect's theft, such as opening the freezer, moving the morgue bed, etc."

"I I don't know much about that either... " Bao Xing's eyes turned and fell on Sun Shaoping. "If you don't let curator sun go with me, let him help me operate and teach me."

Han Bin would not know his careful thought, "curator sun, please."

"It should be. As long as I can catch the suspect who stole the body, I can do anything. "

After the two left, Han Bin took out his mobile phone and found a video of playing mahjong, which played to the normal volume.A lot of people like playing mahjong, not only because it's fun, but also because it's more lively. Everyone talks and laughs, and the atmosphere is very good.

To put it bluntly, the movement of playing mahjong is not small.

Han Bin didn't deliberately listen, because one of the four people on duty was more responsible, and it would not happen.

Han Bin will focus on playing mahjong video, almost did not hear any abnormal sound.

After a while, Bao Xing and Sun Shaoping came back.

"Team Han, according to your instructions, we simulated the process of theft, and the morgue bed was moved to the back door of the corridor."

Han Bin turned and asked, "Sheriff Ma, Sister Li, did you two hear the news?"

Li QinGang was just looking at the mobile phone information, shaking his head, "did not hear too much movement."

Ma Juntao was close to the door. He didn't do anything at that time. He wholeheartedly listened to the movement outside. "I heard some noises, but the sound was not very loud or very clear. It was easy to be ignored. "

Han Bin nodded and concluded," that is to say, if those four people concentrate on playing mahjong, they may not hear anything. "

Ma Juntao went on to say, "in fact, when I took over the case, I doubted whether there would be an insider among the four night watchmen. I made a detailed record for the four watchmen and went to the bank to check their recent economic situation, but I didn't find any problems."

Li Qin said, "generally speaking, before the theft, the suspect will come to the theft site to visit. Have you found any suspicious people?"

Ma Juntao said, "I also thought about this. I checked the surveillance and checked several strange faces. However, they all had legitimate reasons to come to the funeral home, and no suspicious objects were found."

After thinking about it, Han Bin still thinks that there is something wrong with the four mahjong players. More than three months after the crime, many clues and evidence have disappeared. He can only start investigating from the four night watchmen.