Chapter 680

Over the next half month, Qindao will be peaceful, prosperous and stable.

Of course, there are still some small cases. Thieves are handled by the local police station, and ordinary criminal cases are handled by the sub Bureau.

Han Bin seldom has leisure. In the morning, he comes to have a cup of coffee, looks up the old cases, reviews the files, signs, and goes to the leader's office to have a meeting. The time of the day is almost the same.

Han Bin thinks this is also good. The more leisure he has, the better the public security of Qindao will be.

For the sake of Qindao and for the sake of the people, he is willing to be a leisurely eater.

Han Bin took a look at his watch. It's more than 11 o'clock, and it's almost time for dinner. He doesn't know what the canteen is doing today.

"Creak..." A glottal sound, Bao Xingfeng ran in.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have good news for you."

Jiang Yang glanced at him, "you're going to be transferred."

"Brother Jiang, I don't want to run on people like this. I really have something good to tell you."

Wang Xiao yawned, "you don't want to play tricks, just say it."

Bao Xing pulled a chair and sat down, "tomorrow afternoon, the Municipal Bureau will hold a meritorious service awarding and commendation conference to solemnly commend the hero models and meritorious collectives of the city's public security system."

Bao Xing's news has always been well-informed, but Wang Xiao has no doubt, "I said that our reward has not changed, it is waiting for the collective award."

Li Qin asked, "what awards does Bao Xing have?"

"There is one collective first-class meritorious service, two collective second-class meritorious service, four collective third-class meritorious service, and a national public security organ model collective award. These are collective contributions and individual contributions. One first-class work, three second-class work and six third-class work. " Bao Xing pinched his fingers and counted.

Huang Qianqian asked, "what's the prize for our investigation of the 626 joint project?"

"I only know what awards are there, but I don't know who will win." Bao xingdun continued to say, "however, I heard that there was a big case solved by the anti drug brigade. The first squadron of the municipal Criminal Investigation Brigade also solved a big case two days ago. The competition for awards is still very fierce."

Han Bin asked subconsciously, "I've heard about the case in the first squadron. What big case has the anti drug brigade solved? "

Bao Xing lowered his voice and said, "it's said that he destroyed a den of new independent products. Before that, he also sent undercover agents. After the anti drug brigade got the accurate information, it took them to the den."

Jiang Yang hit it, hit it mouth, "this undercover is powerful enough."

There is no lack of undercover plot in movies and TV plays, but undercover work is really not what ordinary people can do. Once found by the other party, it is definitely a death, but will die miserably. It is not easy to successfully deliver information to the outside world.

Bao Xing's news is very accurate. In the afternoon, the Bureau issued a formal notice to hold the city's meritorious service awarding and commendation conference tomorrow afternoon.

The public could not help discussing again.

Wang Xiao was the first to mention the beginning of the story. "Ah, you said we could do some work."

Li Qin thought, "we've solved two big cases in a row. How can we get second-class credit?"

"More than that." Jiang Yang took out his ear and continued, "we solved the prison break case before, which is a big case that has caused a sensation in the whole city. This time, we cracked the 626 joint project. Among them, the influence of the water tower female corpse case is so bad, not to mention the successful rescue of the victim and the removal of her dangerous goods. "

"I think that first-class merit should be ours."

Jiang Yang's words are in everyone's heart. If you can really get a first-class merit, it's a great honor. You can blow it wherever you go.

Everyone ushered in the next day with expectation and uneasiness.

In the afternoon, Han Bin and others in neat police uniforms attended the award ceremony.

Han Bin and others have been placed in the front position. According to past experience, meritorious service is basically guaranteed, but it's hard to say how many meritorious service it is.

This time, the main leaders of the Municipal Bureau all came. On the Z-stage, there were all white shirts. In the middle was director Miao of the Municipal Bureau.

The whole process of the award ceremony was videotaped, and the comrades from the publicity department also came. A policewoman, holding a microphone, said, "in order to commend the advanced, carry forward the healthy spirit and enhance the fighting spirit, the Municipal Public Security Bureau solemnly held the centralized award ceremony of the city's public security organs on the afternoon of July 25. The participants in the meeting were.... "

Just as Tan Jingya introduced her, as soon as the camera turned to the rostrum, director Miao got up and went to the microphone. He habitually blew the microphone: "Huhu..."

"First of all, on behalf of Qindao Public Security Bureau, I would like to welcome you to the award ceremony. In 2020, under the leadership of Qindao Municipal Public Security Committee, all the police and auxiliary police will selflessly contribute and work hard. The overall public security situation of the whole city will continue to be stable, and the people's sense of security and satisfaction will continue to rise, achieving the first good result in the province."

"During this period, many advanced individuals and collectives and outstanding deeds emerged. I hope that they will cherish their honor, be modest and prudent, continue to carry forward their achievements in their future work, press forward, make new achievements and make new contributions again! "

"The eight advanced collectives and 10 advanced individuals who won the prize this time are only a microcosm of the overall police.""I put forward several requirements here. First, we should learn from the advanced and encourage our fighting spirit. If a team lacks fighting spirit, its work will be passive and stagnant; if a person lacks fighting spirit, his life will be pale. We should strengthen our experience, enhance our skills and keep our energy and spirit forever. "

After director Miao's speech, warm applause rang out.

Then, the awarding ceremony officially began, and the first award was the advanced collective award.

There are eight awards in the advanced collective award. One of the special awards is the national public security organ model collective award.

This award was not awarded by Qindao Public Security Bureau, but a national award. The award was awarded by Haixing police station of Changdao district.

Haixing has implemented the "1 + 2" community policing management mode based on community property, and achieved zero cases in the community for three consecutive years. In the past three years, the success rate of dispute mediation in the district has reached 93.6%, and 79% of the disputes have been resolved in the community and village groups in a timely manner

The third class merit of the four collectives was awarded to each bureau.

It also includes the third squadron of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Yuhua Branch. Zeng Ping came to the stage wearing a red ribbon to receive the award.

The first squadron of the municipal Criminal Investigation Brigade won a collective second-class merit.

The municipal anti drug brigade won a collective second-class merit.

The second squadron of the municipal Criminal Investigation Brigade won the collective first-class merit. Ma Jingbo also came on stage to receive the award in high spirits.

Although Ding Xifeng did not receive the award, the municipal Criminal Investigation Brigade won a first-class merit and a second-class merit, which can be said to be boundless.

After the collective award is awarded, it's the individual award.

Han Bin's outstanding performance in solving the case won his second-class personal merit. He also went on stage wearing a red ribbon to receive the award.

Chai Shiwen of the anti drug team won first-class personal credit.

Han Bin is a stranger to this person, but he guesses that it may be the undercover agent Bao Xing said.

However, since he has accepted the award publicly, it is estimated that he will not be an undercover agent in the future.

For the undercover work, Han Bin respects and repels these people, but he can't do it himself.

He prefers to be in the sun.