Chapter 554

Han Bin said tentatively, "before Liu Lingzui broke up with Lin Jianrong, did he already associate with Lao Zhang?"

"At that time It should be just a meeting, and there is no formal communication yet. " Chen Tiantian's tone is a little uncertain, "at least, that's what she told me."

"Has Lao Zhang ever been to your company?"

"Yes, he drove down to the company to pick up Ling Ling."

"Have you seen Lao Zhang?"

Chen Tiantian thought, "I haven't seen the face."

"What's the license plate number?"

"I can't remember that, but I remember it was a black Mercedes."

Han Bin asked, "when was the last time Lao Zhang came to pick up Liu Lingzui?"

Chen Tiantian replied, "last winter, I haven't seen it this year."

Han Bin frowns. Feng Ailian and Chen Tiantian's impression of Lao Zhang is limited to a black Mercedes Benz, which is too wide.

That car came to Liu Lingzui's company last year, but after a long time, the monitoring has been covered for a long time.

Unable to find the specific situation of Lao Zhang, Han Bin asked another question, "how much do you know about Lin Jianrong?"

"I know his name. He came downstairs to take over Ling Ling. We met each other."

"What does he look like?"

"He's about the same age as Ling Ling. He's medium-sized and handsome. He's riding a small motorcycle."

"Describe what he looks like."

Chen Tiantian recalled it and shook her head. "It's been a long time. I've seen it once, and I can't remember what it looked like."

"Do you have Lin Jianrong's contact information or photos?"


"Can we get in touch with each other?"

"He's Ling Ling's ex boyfriend. What can I contact him for?" Chen Tiantian shrugged her shoulders and asked, "Comrade police, how did Ling Ling die? Was it love killing?"

"The case is still under investigation and cannot be determined for the time being." Han Bin perfunctory, handed each other a business card, "you think of what new clues, you can directly contact me."

"Ling Ling's case has come to an end. Please let me know." Chen Tiantian put down a word and left with a gloomy look.

Before long, manager Yan came in again and took a look at Han Bin's water cup. "Officer Han, I'll ask someone to add some hot water to you."

"No, we've almost got the information. It's time for us to go."

"It's late. It's time for dinner. I'll book a private room and invite you to have a light meal."

"Don't mention it. We have to go back to the police station. We won't have dinner." Han Bin waved his hand and said, "but I want to ask you a favor."

"What do you say?"

"I want the files of Liu Lingzui and Feng Ailian, as well as the list of Liu Lingzui's clients." Han Bin said.

Yan Weiji hesitated a little and said, "officer Han, I'm sorry, I can't be the master of this. Please sit down for a moment, and I'll ask the company leaders for instructions. "

After Yan Weiji closed the door and left.

Han Bin to one side of the package star said, "you and Li Qin go to the building property, the gate of the monitoring out, see if you can find the black Mercedes Benz."

"Good." Bao Xing tidied up his things and went out of the lounge.

Although both Feng Ailin and Chen Tiantian said that they had seen Mercedes Benz last year and had not seen a Mercedes Benz pick up Liu Ling this year, they could not be drunk with Liu Ling every day. It does not mean that they have not seen a Mercedes Benz.

Although the possibility is not big, Han Bin still does not want to miss this clue.


Four Seasons restaurant.

Wang Ting is sitting in a daze at the counter. She contacted Han Bin this afternoon to remind him to eat on time.

Han Bin talked with her a few words and said that he would take her home in the evening.

Wang Ting took a look at the wall watch in the hall. It's already more than seven in the evening. Han Bin should still be busy with the case. She's not sure when Han Bin can come.

Wang Ting doesn't complain about this. She also knows about the escape of the escaped prisoner. Han Bin may be busy with this case. She doesn't urge her, but just waits quietly.

After more than 20 minutes, Han Bin walked into the restaurant.

Han Bin said with a smile, "Hi, beauty, I've been waiting for a long time."

Wang tingjiao snorted, "who's waiting for you? I don't see that I'm settling accounts."

"Hearing this sentence, I feel a lot less guilty. You can continue to settle the accounts. I'm not in a hurry."

Wang tingbai glared at him, "not today. Let's talk about it tomorrow. I also want to go home early."

"Wait for me. I'll go to the kitchen again."

After a while, Wang Ting came out with two boxes.

Han Bin took over, "what is this?"

Wang Ting said, "don't you want to send me home? I'll bring some ingredients back to cook for you."

On hearing this, Han Bin feels very comfortable in his heart. He has to find such a considerate wife.On the car, Han Bin helps Wang Ting fasten her seat belt and says with a smile, "how's the business in the store today?"

"It's OK at noon. There are not many guests in the evening. The escape of the escaped prisoner has some influence. By the way, have you found any trace of the escaped prisoner? " Wang Ting asked.

Han Bin shook his head, "the fugitive is very cunning, the police organized a large-scale arrest, but the operation is not smooth, the suspect has not been caught."

"Are you busy catching the suspect now?"

"How to say, the current situation is a bit complicated. Last night, another homicide happened. The modus operandi is very similar to that of prison break Zhu Weichao. We are investigating this case."

"Kill again!" Wang Ting swallowed saliva, showing nervous look, "how did that person die?"

"It's a homicide case. I won't tell you the specific process of the crime. It saves you nightmares at night."

Wang Ting asked, "do you think the fugitive did it?"

Han Bin shook his head, "the case is still under investigation, temporarily unable to determine."

"This person is also too terrible, one day can't grasp, this heart one day is not steady, dare not go out alone at night." Wang tingdao.

Han Bin said, "if you're afraid, I'll stay with you tonight."

"In my house." Wang Ting blushed and said in a low voice, "it's so inconvenient. You've been to my house, just a bed. There's no room for you."

"I can sleep on the sofa. Your sofa is very comfortable." Han Bin said with a smile.

"Forget it, how wronged you are."

"I'm worried that it's not safe for you to live alone. If you find it inconvenient, you can come to my house. There are many rooms on my side." Han Bin said.

Wang Ting shook her head, "I still feel a little inconvenient."

Han Bin said, "compared with convenience, safety is more important."

"Do you mind sleeping on the sofa?"

Han Bin does not agree with the way, "sleep sofa has been considered good, to the previous task in the car still sleep."

Wang Ting thought, "OK, it's hard for you."

Han Bin joked, "listen to your tone, it's not like I'm working hard, it's like you've suffered a loss."

"But I'll put it first. You can't have any other ideas."

Han Bin pretended to think of cableway, "idea, what idea?"

Wang Ting turned her head aside and said, "I hate it. I know it."


Twenty minutes later, they arrived at Wang Ting's home.

Today, Han Bin ran several places, a little tired, lying on Wang Ting's sofa watching TV, the next period of time, here will become his temporary residence.

Wang Ting went to the kitchen with the ingredients.

Han Bin opened a can of almond dew, he enjoyed the feeling of home, this is his fantasy love life.

As for the case, he left it behind for the time being.

Han Bin found a documentary program. When he didn't like a TV play, he liked watching it to pass the time and increase his knowledge.

"Dinner." Wang Ting came over with a wooden tray and put the dishes on the tea table, including Japanese sandwich rice balls, tomato spaghetti, Zhao Shao salmon and a cabbage salad.

Han Bin took a look and smelled, "it's good. It's full of color and fragrance. Let me taste it."

"Wait a minute, I'll get a bottle of red wine."

Wang Ting takes out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet in the living room and hands it to Han Bin sitting on the sofa.

Han Bin doesn't know much about red wine, but this bottle of wine is capped, not corked. It's convenient to drink.

Han Bin opened the red wine, did not wake up, directly poured into two goblets.

Han Bin holds up his glass, sniffs it, touches it with Wang Ting, and takes a sip of red wine.

Han Bin also doesn't know much about red wine. He feels that the taste is almost the same, that is, bitter with astringency. However, sometimes the taste of wine itself is not important, what he drinks is a feeling.

Wang Ting took out a fork and handed it to Han Bin, "OK, let's go. Try this pasta. I specially made it for you. I haven't eaten it before."

Han Bin rolled some spaghetti with his fork and dipped it in the sauce. It was sour, but it tasted good, a little like Italian food.

"Pasta is delicious and the sauce is strong. Are you going to push this dish in the restaurant?"

Wang Ting also ate a mouthful, "is to have this kind of idea, but, I also did not make up my mind, want to hear your opinion."

"The food in the restaurant is very good. Why do you think of making pasta again?"

"It's hard to do business in the catering industry now. You don't know how fierce the competition is. I don't want to make much money this year, as long as I can maintain the cost of the restaurant. " Wang Ting sighed and looked at Han Bin enviously,

"before, I didn't think civil servants were very good. Instead, I felt nervous about going to work on time every day. But this time, I found that the iron rice bowl is more stable. No matter how depressed all walks of life are, it has little impact on you."Han Bin shrugged his shoulders, "other industries are not easy to do. Prices are rising and money is devaluing. Civil servants are also having a hard time."

Wang Ting asked, "no matter how hard it is, it's OK to ensure a decent life, isn't it?"

Han Bin stretched out his hand and patted Wang Ting's waist, "you are young, don't mess around there, don't you still have me, you are unemployed, I support you."

Wang Ting blinked her big eyes and said playfully, "I can spend money very much. Can you afford it?"

Han Bin said with a smile, "don't worry, your vision is so good, and your boyfriend is also excellent and can afford it."

Wang Ting showed a pathetic appearance, "I'm a simple person, it's easy to take it seriously, you can't cheat me."

"Even if I cheat, I will cheat you all my life." Han Bin said with a smile.

Han Bin has read a piece of news. Some people say that a rich man surnamed Chen is a fake charity. Han Bin knows something about his situation, but he doesn't know much about it. Most of it comes from the news.

However, Han Bin also has his own opinions on this matter. In Han Bin's opinion, if a person does charity only once or twice, or only for a period of time, he may be doing fake charity.

Maybe it's for fame, maybe it's for profit.

But if he does charity all his life, no matter what the reason, the fake will come true.

Happy time is always fleeting. After dinner, Han Bin takes the initiative to do the dishes, and then they are tired of watching TV on the sofa.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, they turn off the light and go to bed.

Wang Ting sleeps upstairs, while Han Bin sleeps on the sofa in the living room downstairs.

Han Bin is not the first brother, and he is not in a hurry to have a relationship with Wang Ting.

He lives in the name of protecting Wang Ting's safety. If he is not honest on the first night, even if something happens to them, Wang Ting will inevitably feel uncomfortable.

According to Han Bin's experience, this kind of thing is the best when it comes to its own accord. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

As long as we live together, there will be many opportunities for our future success.


The next morning, Han Bin got up early to prepare breakfast for Wang Ting and go to the Municipal Bureau early.

Breakfast is relatively simple, toast, fried eggs, ham, tomato slices, and milk.

After Hanbin has finished breakfast, Wang Ting has just finished washing. She still looks a little listless. She greets Hanbin and says, "good morning, how did you sleep last night?"

Han Bin against the heart of the answer, "not bad."

Han Bin didn't sleep well, not because the sofa was uncomfortable.

But some overestimate their own strength, with a beautiful girl living in a room, the mind will inevitably think some messy, want to be normal, do not want to have a problem.

It seems that Han Bin has to speed up the progress, but it is necessary to make it happen.

Of course, the waterway can be shortened appropriately.

After dinner, Hanbin two people driving a car to work, Hanbin first will Wang Ting to the restaurant, and then drive to the city Bureau.

As soon as I got to the Bureau, I received the news of the meeting in the working group.

The meeting was presided over by Ding Xifeng, the team leader, and attended by Han Bin and Chen Lin's squadron of Changdao branch.

As for Ma Jingbo and the second group were sent by Feng Baoguo to search the whereabouts of escaped prisoner Zhu Weichao.

After Han Bin and others came to the meeting room, Ding Xifeng had not arrived yet. Everyone was chatting in a low voice, sharing the clues and intelligence of the investigation.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the door of the conference room opened. Ding Xifeng strode into the conference room with a serious look on his face.

Ding Xifeng went to the main seat of the conference room, but instead of sitting down immediately, he glanced at the people present.

As soon as the team members saw that the atmosphere was not right, they all sat up straight and looked at the nose, nose and heart.

Ding Xifeng cleared his throat and said, "just now, just now, Feng Bureau asked me face to face whether the case we are investigating is related to Zhu Weichao."

"I think about it carefully, but I can't answer it."

"One of you is one. Who can answer this question?"