Chapter 546

Li Hui asked, "what is taking the wrong bag?"

Zheng Rong sighed and recalled, "that day, we watched the sunset at huangjintai. The sky was golden in the distance. It was really beautiful. We chatted and took pictures together. I also drank two glasses of red wine. I don't have much to drink, because it's provided by the resort for free, so I had two more drinks, and I was a little drunk at that time. "

"After taking photos, I picked up my bag from my desk and went to the bathroom. The two of them were still chatting. When I got to the bathroom, I found that I had the wrong bag. "

"We bought the bag together. Fangfang and I bought it one by one. At the beginning, I really took it wrong. Later, when I saw that there was a diamond ring in the bag, I took it out and put it on the partition of the single room in the toilet

Han Bin asked, "this diamond ring is valuable when you buy it, but it can't be sold for a few money. Why did you steal it?"

Zheng Rong shook his head, "I also know that I can't sell a few money, and it's not for money."

"Why is that?"

"I was possessed at that time. I didn't think so much. It was an instinctive drive. To tell you the truth, I regret it when I get back to the hall. After Ma Fangfang called the police, I was even more frightened. "

"If I were given another chance, I would never do such a stupid thing."

In Li Hui's opinion, since Zheng Rong committed the crime, she must have a motive. An instinctive drive can't explain her behavior at all. She asked, "some human behaviors seem unintentional, but they are actually premeditated for a long time, or you want to do it in your subconscious. If you don't do it for money, you have a grudge against Ma Fangfang."

"No, we've always had a good relationship. We don't have any grudges. Otherwise, we couldn't have gone on holiday together." Zheng Rong denied.

Han Bin turned the carbon pen in his hand, "do you have a criminal record of theft?"

Zheng Rong said, "no, it's my first time. I've always been law-abiding since I was a child. I've never done anything to steal, and I'm very sorry about it. "

Tian Li, holding her chest in both hands, stood opposite Zheng Rong and looked down. "Are you jealous of Ma Fangfang?"

"I I... "

Zheng Rong choked her neck and retorted, "I didn't. I'm jealous of what she does. I'm a teacher and have a stable job. I have another house, not big, but at least in my name. What does she have? I know it's great to have a man propose. "

"I'm not rare. I'm an independent woman. If I want to buy a diamond ring, I can buy it myself. What can she compare with me? "

Han Bin smiles, and sure enough, women know women.

There are many kinds of friends, including intimate friends and fair weather friends, which are more common.

It goes without saying that intimate friends are reliable, but they are rare.

Most of the time, a friend who drinks and meat is a derogatory term, but Han Bin thinks that a friend who drinks and meat is also useful. As long as he carries it clearly, there is no harm. It's good to find someone to drink occasionally and talk about Dashan.

There is also a kind of friend who can share weal and woe but not wealth.

Frankly speaking, I can't see you.

When you were poor, he was very enthusiastic and he could be your brother. He seemed to have a good time.

If you are poor all the time and not as good as him, maybe they can become good friends for a lifetime.

One day, you'll be in transit. You'll have a better life than him.

His heart is not taste, light began to alienate you, gradually do not contact.

That's pretty good.

Some people may hurt you.

After the harm, he will comfort you falsely. In fact, he has been happy for a long time.

When you meet someone like this, stay away from him.


Half an hour later, a man came to the interrogation room building.

The man is not very old and looks like he is in his twenties. He is wearing the uniform of a resort attendant.

After entering the building, he asked a man in police uniform, "Hello, my name is Chen jialie. I'm here to take notes."

"Just a moment. I'll report." An auxiliary police officer stood up, knocked on the door of the interrogation room, stood at the door and said a few words.

Chen couldn't hear what she said, but saw the auxiliary police waving to him,

"go in."

When Chen jialie entered the interrogation room, she saw two men sitting in the room and said, "Hello, comrade police. My name is Chen jialie. I'm here to take notes."

Han Bin put out the cigarette end, "please sit down."

"Comrade police, what can I do for you?"

"Don't be nervous, just routine inquiries." Li Hui poured a glass of water and put it in front of Chen jialie.

"Is it about theft?"

Han Bin nodded, "yes, what do you know about theft?"

"I don't know much about it. I just heard from my colleagues that a diamond ring of a female guest was stolen from the golden platform. And there seems to be another theft last night. I don't know exactly what happened. " Chen jialie was a little nervous,"Comrade police, what does this have to do with me?"

Li Hui said truthfully, "we have received reports. Some people suspect that you are the suspect of the theft last night."

Chen jialie said hastily, "impossible, you must be mistaken. How can I steal? Who reported me?"

"Don't ask who reported it first. We invite you to come here just to return your innocence. I hope you can cooperate with our work." Li huidao.

Chen jialie said, "I haven't done anything. How can I cooperate with you? I really don't know anything."

Han Bin comfort way, "you relax a little bit, as long as honest answer a few questions, we police will try to prove your innocence."

"What's the problem?"

"Where were you between 8:30 and 10:30 last night?"

"Last night I'm in the dorm. I'm playing with my cell phone in the dorm of the resort. "

"Can anyone prove it?"

"yes, there are four people in our dormitory. Besides me, there are two people in the dormitory that night. They can all prove that I stayed in the dormitory after 8:30 last night and never went out at all." Chen jialie said.

Li Hui said, "it's easy to have an alibi. Tell me the contact information of your two roommates."

Chen jialie thought, "I can't remember clearly, can I have a look at the mobile phone?"


Chen jialie took out her mobile phone and found out the contact information of her two roommates.

Li Hui wrote down the number, "OK, you can leave."

Chen jialie asked, "that's the end."

Li Hui asked, "do you have anything else to explain?"

"No, no, I didn't, I didn't." When she got to the door, she stopped, "Comrade police, did Cao Jingyang report me?"

Li Hui frowned and said, "go out and close the door."

After Chen jialie left, Li Hui took out his mobile phone and called her roommate to verify the matter.

Before long, there was a lot of noise outside, and then the door of the office was pushed open.

Han Bin looked up and saw that two women came in, Ma Fangfang and Li Lan.

Han Bin is preparing to inform Ma Fangfang that the case has been solved and the diamond ring has been found.

Instead, she came.

Ma Fangfang hurried to the opposite side of the table. Before Han Bin spoke, he couldn't wait to say, "officer Han, I want to call the police."

"What kind of police did you lose again?"

Li Lan also looked anxious and replied, "it's not that we lost something. It's our good sister Zheng Rong. Last night, she said she would climb the mountain. As a result, we didn't see her when we got up this morning. We thought she had gone to climb the mountain, so we didn't take it for granted. "

"As a result, she hasn't come back until now, and she can't get through with her mobile phone, but she's very anxious."

Hanbin some laugh and cry, took a look at Ma Fangfang, I don't know what kind of attitude she will be when she finds out the truth.

Ma Fangfang urged, "comrades of the police, it doesn't matter if you lose something and can't find it. It's a big deal if you lose someone. You should organize the police to go up the mountain to find someone."

"Don't worry. I'll help you find people. Before that, I have something to tell you." Han Bin said.

"It's time. I'm not in a hurry. My good sister has an accident. What's more important than that?" Ma Fangfang said.

Li Lan also some discontent, "Han police officer, you sit down, but now it's life."

In order to calm them down, Han Bin said, "I have found Zheng Rong."

"Where is it?"

"It's in the next room."

Li Lan was dubious, "really, what is she doing next door?"

"Zheng Rong is not in any danger. You don't have to be nervous. I have something to tell you, and then you will understand it all. " Han Bin waved his hand and said, "sit down and listen to me honestly."

Li Lan and Ma Fangfang look at each other. They both look puzzled. However, they sit down according to Han Bin's instructions.

Han Bin opened the drawer, took out a plastic bag and put it in front of Ma Fangfang, "have a look."

Ma Fangfang picked up the bag and looked at it carefully

Ma Fangfang looked excited. "I found my diamond ring. When did you find it?"

"I found it yesterday afternoon."

Ma Fangfang questioned, "ah, I found it yesterday. Why didn't you inform me? I worried about it all night."

"Manager Hao didn't come to you. He has promised to pay for it. What else can I worry about?" Han Bin said with a smile.

Ma Fangfang was a little surprised, and had a feeling of being seen through by Han Bin, "how do you know?"

Han Bin didn't answer directly. He said, "I didn't return the diamond ring to you yesterday. It's to catch the thief who stole the diamond ring and thoroughly investigate the case.""So the thief has been caught."


"That's great. I finally caught this hateful guy. I finally got angry." Ma Fangfang waved her arm and said with a smile, "Comrade police, who stole my diamond ring? Is it the guest in the hall that day? "

Han binyi pointed out, "yes, the thief has been caught. He is locked in the next room."

Ma Fangfang was stunned for a moment, then seemed to understand something, and his face became a little ugly.

Li Lan pointed to the room next door, "you Is the thief Zheng Rong? "

Han Bin replied, "yes, Zheng Rong is the one who stole the diamond ring."

Li Lan looked shocked and shook his head. "How can this be? We are good sisters. How can Zheng Rong do such a thing? I don't believe it."

Han Bin tone firmly, "whether you believe it or not, this is the truth."

"I don't believe it either." Ma Fangfang came back and asked, "do you have any evidence that Zheng Rong stole the diamond ring?"

Han Bin asked, "when we caught her, she was holding a diamond ring in her hand. Is this evidence?"

"But the three of us were together that day. If she took something from my bag, I couldn't miss it." Ma Fangfang still doesn't believe it.

Always concerned about their good sister, how can become a thief.

Han Bin asked, "did you two bring the same bag that day?"


Han Bin continued to ask, "has Zheng Rong been to the toilet?"

Li Lan is still puzzled, "I remember she seems to have been to the toilet, but what does it matter."

Han Bin explained, "when Zheng Rong went to the toilet, she took Ma Fangfang's bag. She took the diamond ring in the toilet. Naturally, you can't see it. Then she hid the diamond ring in the toilet. This morning, she was going to take the diamond ring, and we caught her personal booty."

"This It's too... " Li Lan has grown up. Although she thinks it's impossible, Han Bin's explanation really makes sense.

Ma Fangfang spread out on her seat and muttered, "no wonder she's going to climb mountains in the morning. I think it's abnormal. She's not a diligent person to climb mountains alone. She's going to get my diamond ring."

"How can she do this? I always regard her as the best sister and share everything with her. Why does she do this to me?"

Li Lan also felt incredible, "yes, the three of us are the best sisters. Why does Zheng Rong do this? Does she have any difficulties?"

"If she needs money, tell us. We can help her."

"Thanks to us for treating her as a sister. Not long ago, she was lovelorn, and we both went out of our way to accompany her. The bag was bought at that time. Who knows she had this idea."

Ma Fangfang fiercely stood up, "officer Han, I want to see Zheng Rong, I want to ask her personally, why do you do this!"

Hanbin zhengse way, "OK, the thief caught, diamond ring found, even if the case is closed, don't make trouble here."

Ma Fangfang is so emotional. Now let her see Zheng Rong. It's not asking for trouble. In case of a conflict between the two, the police are also responsible.

Subsequently, Han Bin called the police Xiao Wu in, let him be responsible for the reception of Ma Fangfang two people.

As for the dog blood story of these three "good sisters", Han Bin is too lazy to pay attention to it. There is a more serious theft that needs to be dealt with by him.


Before long, the office was quiet again, and other police officers were sent out to investigate the case. Only Han Bin and Li Hui were left in the room.

Li Hui poured a cup of tea and sat next to Han Bin. "I contacted her roommates, and they can prove that she didn't leave the dormitory last night."

"But just in case, I asked Zhao Ming to take a policeman with him and take notes for the two roommates face to face."

When Han Bin nodded and took notes for Chen jialie, he had been observing each other's expression. From his experience, Chen jialie should not have lied.

"Has Cao Jingyang's alibi been verified?"

Li Hui snorted, "I've checked the surveillance, but the boy is lazy on patrol, and he just picks up the place without surveillance. How can I prove that?"

"That is to say, his suspicion cannot be completely ruled out."

Li Hui nodded, "I also blame myself. If I don't work hard, I know how to cheat. If I patrol honestly, I will be able to get surveillance along the way, and I won't even have an alibi."

Han Bin smiles and habitually takes out a cigarette. Before he can light it, he hears a familiar voice.

Then the door of the office was knocked, "Dong Dong."

"Come in."

"Creak..." There was a glottis.

Two beautiful young women came in. They were Wang Ting and Huang Qianqian.

Han Bin got up, some surprised, "Tingting, how did you come?""I've brought fruit. Come and see you." Wang Ting glanced at the office, "Why are you two alone? What about the other team members?"

Li Hui laughs, "they are all sent out by him."

Wang Ting smiles, "eat fruit, it is washed, bananas, apples, oranges, kiwifruit have, want to eat what you take."

Li Hui is also a cheeky, hey, a smile, "sister-in-law really thoughtful, then I'm not polite."

Li Hui took a banana, peeled it and ate it.

Han Bin took an orange, cut it with his knife and gave it to Wang Ting and Huang Qianqian.

Wang Ting asked softly, "I didn't disturb your work."

Han Bin said with a smile, "no, we are sitting here with big eyes and small eyes. You come just in time. I'm tired of him."

Huang Qianqian bared her teeth and turned around, "brother-in-law, this office is good. It's better than our office."

"It's a resort, just for tourism. We're the police station. We're not going to let you have a good time

Wang Ting said, "by the way, when we just came here, we saw Ma Fangfang and Li Lan. Their mood was not very good."

Han Bin said with emotion, "their own things have been stolen by good sisters, and they have been watching jokes for a long time. It's strange that they are in a good mood."

In Han Bin's view, it's not just the relationship between Ma Fangfang and Zheng Rong that has broken down.

The relationship between Li Lan and Zheng Rong must have broken.

Even the relationship between Li Lan and Ma Fangfang is likely to waver.

Originally, the three were sisters who had a good relationship. Now that Zheng Rong betrayed Ma Fangfang, Ma Fangfang has a sense of vigilance and may not trust Li Lan as before.

The relationship between people is a bridge based on trust. Once the bridge breaks, people on the bridge are hard to escape.

Four people chatted in the office for a while.

It wasn't long before Li Hui called.

Wang Ting and Huang Qianqian left the office for fear of influencing the investigation.

Han Bin sent them to the door. Before returning to the office, Li Hui came over and said, "binzi, we have cable!"


Room 201, building 7.

A man put his travel bag on the bed and was packing his belongings.

The man lit a cigarette, held it in his mouth, and didn't care if the ash fell on the bed.

"Dong Dong..." There was a knock on the door outside.

Man Leng for a while, cigarette clip in the hand, "who?"

"Sir, I'm the waiter of the resort. I heard that you are going to check out. I'll come and check the room." There was a woman's voice outside.

"That's troublesome." The man muttered, but he went over and opened the door.

Outside stood a woman in a resort uniform, showing a professional smile, "excuse me, excuse me."

The man turned his head and said, "check it."

As soon as the waitress went in, there was another step in the corridor. Two men came over, and the first man was extraordinary. "Hello, Mr. Jin Haochong?"

"It's me. What's the matter?"

"We are from the criminal investigation team. We are investigating a theft case. I'd like to ask you to assist in the investigation." It was Han Bin who spoke.

Du Qi and sun Xiaopeng did not come to the resort, but stayed in the Yuhua Branch. However, they also participated in the investigation. They have been checking the monitoring of the resort and found a suspicious figure around the duty room.

Last night, a figure appeared twice in the duty room where Cao Jingyang dried his shoes.

The first time was around 7 p.m., and the second time was around 12 p.m.

That man is very cunning, has been avoiding the camera, some close range cameras near the duty room did not capture him.

In the distance, a humble camera caught his blurred figure, just because the light was dim and the distance was far away, he couldn't see clearly.

Du Qi and sun Xiaopeng continued to check other monitors. After a long time of comparison, they found a high-definition picture of the figure from a monitor far away from the duty room.

After the comparison of time, clothes and body shape, it should be the same person.

This man is very suspicious. Ducky immediately called to report.

After receiving the news, Han Bin and Zhao Ming went to the front desk of the hotel and showed the high-definition screenshot. They learned the identity and room number of the suspicious man.

It was the man in front of him, Jin Haochong.

"Two officers, what can I do for you?"

Han Bin went into the room and looked at the travel bag on the bed. "Is this ready to pack up and check out?"

Jin Haochong replied, "yes."

"When did you come to the resort?" Han Bin asked.

"Two days ago."

"Why not stay two more days?" Han Bin asked."There's something private at home. Let me go back early."

"Where were you between 8:30 and 10:30 last night?" Han Bin asked.

Jin Haochong said perfunctorily, "I can't remember clearly. I didn't watch the time when I came out to play."

Li Hui took a look in his bag and said, "think about it."

Jin Haochong recalled for a moment, "I can't remember what time it was. I ate too much last night. I felt a little bit propped up, so I went out for a walk."

"When exactly?"

"I didn't look at my watch."

"Where have you been?"

"I didn't go anywhere. I just went around the resort. It's not against the law."

Han Bin eyes sharp stare at him, "did you go to the duty room at the gate of the resort?"

Jin Haochong hesitated for a while and said, "I'm just walking around the resort. I don't know the way very well. I don't think so."

Han Bin did not see obvious signs of lying, but he heard some problems from his words.

When it comes to key clues, such as the specific time and place, Jin Haochong's answer will be ambiguous, and the survival Yu is full, leaving room for every sentence, so that people can't grasp it.

But the more so, the more suspicious Han Bin thinks he is.