Chapter 371

Han Bin and his colleagues had a meal outside, and it was more than ten o'clock when they got home.

I'm tired and cold. I've been running outside for most of the day, and I'm frozen through.

The delay in the snowman case made him feel very tired.

Han Bin put water in the bath and took a hot bath. His tiredness was relieved, and he drank a bottle of Qindao beer.

It can not only relax, but also relieve fatigue, and have a good sleep at night.

Han Bin is not hard hit, but also have their own life and rest time, it is impossible to work 24 hours a day.


Words are divided into two parts, one for each.

Near the intersection of North 2nd Ring Road and Mangbing road.

New new town.

This is an old community with a large area and many residents. Compared with a small town, the population is only a lot more.

If you are not a local resident, it is easy to get lost when you enter this community. Many people who come to visit their relatives every year, but still can't remember the way.

In a relatively remote alley, the street lights are dim, there are no cameras around, and there are a few cars on both sides of the road.

Two men in down coats and hats went into the alley.

One is taller, wearing thick soled shoes; the other is shorter, carrying a black bag.

"Shanzi, what do we really want to do?" Asked the short man.

"Nonsense, don't do it. What are you doing out at night? The weather is freezing people to death." The tall man took out a pair of gloves from his pocket and put them on.

"Shanzi, I'm afraid of..."

"Lao Ka, don't drop the chain at the critical moment. If our brother doesn't have the money, how can we go home for the new year? We can't go back empty handed." Shanzi patted his face: "we have been in the city for a year. We really want to go back empty handed. Do you want this one?"

Thinking of the expectation of his parents, the competition of his neighbors, and the inquiry of his relatives, Lao Ka gritted his teeth: "Damn, TM, I've done it. After I've finished the work, I'll go home. I don't want to be looked down upon again."

"That's right. Those people in our village are more snobbish than each other. If we go back like this, our spine will not be broken." Said Shanzi.

"When I was a child, we enjoyed the new year so much. Now I don't know if I'm old. I'm afraid of the new year. " Old card sighs.

"Old fart, your boy is only 21 years old this year, and he hasn't even reached the legal marriage age. Don't tell me that he is not old. You are poor. If you really want to have money, you have to run away and have a beautiful daughter-in-law. You want to celebrate the new year every day." Shanzi spat.

"Ah, it seems that's true." Lao Ka touched his chin.

"Don't talk nonsense, just do it. The rent for the new year hasn't been found yet." The mountain son urges a way.

"You say that if we do a part-time job, we can earn thousands of dollars a month. Why can't we have any money left?" If he wants to spend the new year on the money of evil ways, there is a kind of inexplicable sadness in his heart.

"Now I'm earning more than before, but I'm spending more. Everything has gone up in price. I don't care how I get the money. As long as I get the money, it's good." Shanzi picked up his thumb for fear that Lao Ka would give up.

If he was left alone, his heart would be empty.

old fellow took a deep breath, put on his mask and gloves, and looked at the cars around him: "old iron, do it!"

"Iron, that's right." Shanzi pushed his glasses and put on a mask, so that even if he was seen, he could not recognize them.

Two people went to a white Toyota car in front of old card from the bag took out two steel pipes, handed Shanzi A: "in the car to steal things, I was the first time, this will not sound the alarm."

"No, don't worry. Look at me." Shanzi took over the steel pipe and said everything.

In fact, Shanzi has no bottom in his heart. If he smashes the car, he will sound the alarm. Be careful. Besides, even if it rings, he can't run away.

On a cold day, no silly x would run out in his pajamas.

"Shanzi, let's smash that?"

"Smash the glass." With that, Shanzi took out a piece of cotton cloth from his pocket, wrapped the steel pipe, and then smashed it against the glass.

Bang, the glass broke and the alarm didn't go off.

Visible to the naked eye, they both breathed a sigh of relief.

Shanzi smashed the glass and Lao Ka put his hand into the car to open the door from the inside.

"Don't move. You are so stupid. The door can't be opened. The car will ring as soon as you open it." Shanzi grabbed Lao Ka by the arm.

"How can I get things?"

"I'll hold you and get in."

"Why don't you drill?"

"I'm too tall to stretch my legs."

"Day." Old card scolded a, however, in order to be able to scenery home new year, or do.

Lao Ka got into the car and found 300 yuan in the mirror interlayer of the cab sun visor. I found half a cigarette in the box in front of the copilot's cab. There is a watch and a bracelet in the small box next to the gear."Day, TM, there is nothing." Old card dissatisfaction way.

"Don't worry. There's a white Audi in front. It's valuable. There may be something good hidden in it." Said Shanzi.

Lao Ka climbed out of the car and saw a white Audi A4 parked not far away: "this car is worth money. The alarm is estimated to be good. Will the alarm sound if you break the car glass?"

"If you're afraid of a hair, it will ring. If you steal something valuable, we'll run." Shanzi encouraged.

They went to the white Audi, and Shanzi habitually pulled the door from the outside.

In case the car forgot to lock.

The door opens.

"Nest grass."

Both of them had some accidents.

"Shanzi, what's the matter? The door is unlocked." Old Carla pulled the back door and opened it.

"Ha ha, this silly x is so careless that he didn't lock the car." The mountain son ha ha a smile, directly sat into the car: "iron, still wait for what, whole."

Lao Ka, with a smile, got into the car.

"Shit, here's a purse with five big red tickets in it." Shanzi smiles, takes out the money and throws his wallet on the ground.

Old card frowned: "it's smelly, there's a strange smell."

"Don't be fussy, just find something and leave." Shanzi didn't like it.

Lao Ka began to search in the back row, and found a few pieces of clothes scattered on the seat, which looked like women's: "my God, there are women's Neiyi and * *.

" OK, Lao Ka, you are very lucky. " Shanzi gave a strange smile: "maybe it's the girl who left behind with people."

"The color of NIMA is wrong. It looks like blood..." Old card still feel wrong, take out the mobile phone, point on the flashlight, to the car.

"You stupid x, quickly shut down." The mountain son scolds a way.

"Oh, my God!" Lao Ka screamed in fright and jumped out of the car.

"What are you yelling at? It's such a fuss!" Roared the mountain.

"Blood, blood in the back seat, and Meat... " Old card was too scared to speak quickly.

Shanzi took out his mobile phone and took a picture of it. His face changed suddenly: "Damn, there's so much blood! It's broken... "

"Shanzi, we What shall we do? "

"Half a hair, run." While Shanzi was talking, he ran out of the car and ran towards the distance.

Lao Ka got up from the ground, looked back and ran away.

This big night, too terrifying.


The next morning.

After Hanbin gets up, he directly arranges tasks on wechat. Du Qi and sun Xiaopeng still go to the traffic police monitoring center.

This time, the main purpose is to find out where the car came from and who has driven it before.

As long as the person who drove before can be found, even if it is not the murderer, it may be related to the victim.

Han Bin and others look for the whereabouts of the suspected vehicle.

After arranging work, Han Bin had breakfast with his grandfather and parents.

After dinner, I drove to Beixin police station in Li Hui's car.

The area near the North Second Ring Road and Mangbing road is under their jurisdiction.

After arriving at the police station, Han Bin explains his intention and is taken to the deputy director's office.

It is reasonable to say that for a person of his level, it is OK to find a sheriff to receive him, and the deputy director will not show up.

Deputy director surnamed Fang, two people briefly introduced, Han Bin said: "director Fang, this time to your, is to ask you to help find a suspect vehicle."

"Team leader Han, please take a seat. What kind of car is it?"

"It's a white Audi. It drove into the vicinity of North 2nd Ring Road and Mangbing road early yesterday morning."

"Audi A4?" Director Fang asked.

"How do you know?"

"This morning, someone came to the police station to report that his car was smashed, and a white Audi A4 was smashed, but the owner has not been found." Said director Fang.

"Well, that's easy." Han Bin can't laugh or cry.

It takes no effort to find a place without breaking iron shoes.

Then, under the leadership of a policeman, Han Bin and others entered Xinxin town community.

Responsible for investigating the theft is the North Xin police station sergeant, Tian Junhai.


After a brief introduction to each other, Han Bin began to investigate the scene.

This alley is just behind a building, which can shade the sun. There is snow beside the car, which is half melting, leaving some obvious shoe prints.

The license plate is the same as in the surveillance.

The door of the Audi is still half open. There are bloodstains, pieces of meat and some women's clothes in the back of the car. After the door is opened all night, the smell inside is dispelled.

Han Bin turned to Tian Li and said, "call and call the technical team.""Team leader Han, you're here just in time. As soon as I look at the back seat, I know that this case is not simple. I'm going to ask the director for instructions and report to the Branch Bureau." Tian Junhai said.

"Chief Tian, who is the reporter?"

"Over there, standing next to the Toyota, the man in the red cotton padded jacket is also the owner of the Toyota."

Han Bin was about to walk over and ask about the situation when Li Hui stopped him: "binzi, wallet was found in the car. It's likely that it was left by the dead. There are also some car documents."

Han Bin put on gloves, took the wallet to check, there is an ID card, the front is a photo, the back is the identity information.

Name: Xue Mengjiao

gender: female

date of birth: May 4, 2001.

Address: Room 601, building 1, jinfengjiayuan, 218 Zhongshan Road, Qindao city.

Li Hui pointed to the date on his ID card: "this girl is 19 years old. Will she be the dead?"