Chapter 347

Han Bin didn't completely believe what he said. He continued to ask, "who are you calling just now when you were out of the building?"

"To my friend, I have money, let him come to the Internet bar to play together, he said no time, to accompany his girlfriend shopping." Hao Feihu said.

Han Bin pointed to Li Hui: "check the mobile phone number he just dialed."


Han Bin pointed to Hao Feihu and continued to ask, "now express delivery is so convenient, that girl asked you to send things, you have no doubt?"

"I asked. The girl said that Mr. Xiao Bao had raised her. Now she wants to break up with her partner, so she wants to return the things Mr. Xiao sent. She also said that she wants to draw a clear line with Mr. Xiao and doesn't want her partner to find herself. So I believe it." Hao Feihu sighed: "who knows that smelly woman actually lied to me."

"Is Xiao always a man or a woman?"

"I didn't ask. It should be a man, or it doesn't have that function, right?" Hao Feihu said.

"Where exactly did you meet that girl?"

"A few hundred meters to the east at the intersection of Fangchun road and Qifu street, I met her on the sidewalk. Although I didn't see her clearly, her voice was very nice. I felt that she was not very old and she had a faint fragrance. I helped her with my soft heart." Hao Feihu recalled.

"I'll tell you, you're legally responsible for what you're saying, understand?"

"Yes, I'm telling the truth, not a lie."

After that, Hao Feihu is taken to the police car. After discussing with Zeng Ping, Han Bin arranges the task.

Tian Li and sun Xiaopeng go home or have a rest in their dormitory.

Zeng Ping and Li Hui went to the communication company.

Han Bin, Du Qi and Zhao Ming escorted Hao Feihu to the traffic police monitoring center.

Only Hao Feihu has seen the woman. It's more appropriate for him to go to the monitoring center for investigation than other people.

Of course, the traffic police monitoring center is not just for anyone who wants to go. Zeng Ping will communicate with the leaders of the traffic police department in advance.

Han Bin and others went to the traffic police monitoring center and were not stopped, but for the sake of safety, Hao Feihu was handcuffed.

Han Bin finds out the monitor near Fang Chunlu and asks Hao Feihu to look for the woman.

In Hao Feihu's words, the woman was carrying a black bag, a box from the bag, wearing a khaki coat, glasses and a mask. Because she didn't see the girl's face, she could only look for it according to these characteristics.

After entering the traffic police monitoring center, Hao Feihu was a little embarrassed, and he was in a hurry to urinate. He asked Du Qi and Zhao Ming to take him to the toilet.

Hao Feihu stared at the screen for nearly half an hour. Suddenly his eyes lit up, pointed to the screen and cried, "this is the bad woman."

Han Bin looks to the screen and, sure enough, finds a woman who is consistent with Hao Feihu's description.

"Check the monitoring of this woman to see where she came from and where she went?"


Zhao Ming and Du Qi should say, also did down, began to check the monitoring.

Ten minutes later, duchy pointed to the screen and said, "chief, I find that this woman seems to be following Hao Feihu, and she has also been near Mingzhu commercial building."

"When did you leave? Is it possible to find us?" Han Bin asked.

"I don't think so. From the monitoring point of view, she didn't stay near the Pearl Tower for a long time. She didn't go to the Internet bar all the way, but went in the opposite direction. I think she probably saw Hao Feihu leave the Pearl Tower safely and knew that the police didn't arrest Hao Feihu, so she left." Duchy guessed.

Han Bin nodded: "it seems that we are right to delay the capture time."

Han Bin sat on one side and said, "we must find out her whereabouts."


"Hao Feihu."

"Yes." Seeing Han Bin calling him, Hao Feihu quickly stood up.

"Do you want to contribute?"


"Then check with them."

"Yes." Hao Feihu felt a little more secure and checked the road monitoring with Du Qi and Zhao Ming.

Han Bin poured a cup of tea and sat on a chair, drinking tea while supervising the work of the three.

As time went by, thirty minutes later, Zhao Ming pointed to the screen and said, "brother bin, that woman seems to have entered Zhili Road West, and she has never been seen again."

"That is to say, the woman is likely to live near here." Han Bin looked at the other two: "how are you doing?"

"I'm rewinding the video to track down where the woman went out. It's going to take a while." Ducky road.

"I, I didn't find it either." Hao Feihu is doing this kind of work for the first time, which is not as professional as the police.

Han Bin is not worried, sitting in a chair for a while.

After about ten minutes, Durge said, "I found out that this woman appeared near Xing'an Street."Han Bin touched chin: "check, Zhili Road West Road and Xing'an Street between which district."

Zhao Ming checked on the map: "the South Gate of Dingdu community is on Zhili Road, and the east gate is on Xing'an Street."

Han Bin snapped his fingers: "that's it!"


Dingdu community.

Room 502.

A 40 year old woman came out of the kitchen. She took off her apron and yelled, "Tongtong, clean up. We're going out."

"Mom, I went out this morning. I don't want to go out this afternoon."

"I haven't asked you why I went out early in the morning?"

"Oh, I went out to do something." Tongtong said casually.

"Clean up and let's go to the psychological clinic." The woman urged.

"Mom, I really don't want to go." Tong Tong sighed.

"Don't make trouble. You can't do without it." The woman frowned.

"I just don't want to go."

"If you don't go to see a doctor, when will you get better? You don't want to go to college?"

"Mom, I can hold the pen again." Tong Tong excited way.

"Really Just two words, a woman's voice, contains complex feelings.

Once upon a time, their daughter was their pride. Since she was young, she was smart and learned faster than others. She was a good student in primary school, an excellent class cadre in junior high school, and a key class in senior high school.

In her opinion, her daughter is going to go to Qinghua Beida. Her daughter is among the best in every mock exam, and she has achieved 686 points in the college entrance examination, which is enough to enter the dream Qinghua University, but

Because of an accident that shouldn't have happened, Tongtong lost the chance to go to university. Tongtong was hit hard. She didn't eat or drink enough and lay in bed for three days. She began to eat after being persuaded by her parents and friends.

However, since then, Tong Tong can not hold the pen.

"Tongtong, come on, let mom have a look." The middle-aged woman rushed into the bedroom.

Tongtong takes a deep breath and walks to the desk with a firm face. There is a black carbon pen on it. She used to be a familiar partner, but it was like a rock for her some time ago.

The middle-aged woman breathed, saw her daughter's hand hold the pen, and wrote a few beautiful words on the white paper: "I want to go to Qinghua."

"Well, let's cut in class and repeat, and continue to take the exam next year." The middle-aged woman cried and laughed with joy.

"Dong Dong..." There was a knock on the door outside.

"Who is it?"

"Natural gas company's checklist!"

Tongtong's mother wiped her face and grabbed her daughter's shoulder: "Tongtong, let's not go to see the doctor. You sit in the room and practice calligraphy more. Mom will open the door."

Seeing her mother out of the bedroom, Tong Tong sighed: "Mom, I'm sorry."

"Creak..." Let's hear it.

Tongtong's mother opened the door and saw several people standing outside, not wearing the uniform of the natural gas company: "who are you?"

"We're the Interpol team." Han Bin shows his police certificate and takes people into Tong Tong's home.

"Comrade police, what can I do for you?" Tongtong's mother was puzzled and surprised.

"Is there anyone else in this room besides you?" Han Bin scanned the room, and his eyes fell on the two pairs of women's shoes at the door.

At this time, Tong Tong came over: "police uncle, are you looking for me?"

Hao Feihu widened his eyes, pointed to Tongtong and yelled, "Comrade police, it's her. I remember her voice!"