Cui Xiaofang panic God, quickly stop: "don't, don't go."

"No, how to find out which hotel the suspect is staying in." Han Bin asked.

Cui Xiaofang bit her lip and tangled for a long time: "I know which hotel is it?"

"He said

"At the Weijia Hotel on Changfeng Road."

"Which room? Who owns the room? " Han Bin asked.

"My room, Room 408."

"When did you open the room?"

"It opened at 10 a.m. on August 17th."

"Why did you open a hotel room for him?"

"We got to know each other in Paopao. He said he was in a bad mood because of the guarantee. He wanted to come to Qindao city to relax and let me book a hotel for him."

"I asked you just now, why not?" Han Bin asked.

"I I don't want to get involved with him too much. "

"I've already done something." Han Bin snorted: "is he still in the hotel now?"

"I just talked to him with bubbles, and he said he was still in the hotel."

"Is there anyone else in the hotel room besides him?"

"I don't know.

"Do you know he Yan?"

"I don't know."

"Do you know anything else about Kay?" Han Bin said.


"Cui Xiaofang, you are now suspected of interfering with public affairs. If you still have clues to hide, you will only be punished for one more crime and two crimes. Do you understand?" Han Bin harshly scolded.

"Comrade police, I really didn't lie this time. What I said is true."

Han Bin got up and went out of the interrogation room.

Zeng Ping came out of the observation room.

"Team Zeng, you've heard that. Do you want to arrest the suspect?"

"It's not too late to go now and take Cui Xiaofang to identify the suspect."



Ten minutes later, Zheng Kaixuan personally led a team to Weijia hotel to arrest the suspect.

In addition to the second group of the third criminal investigation team, we also called on our colleagues on duty in the technical team.

Liu Jingxiang has been released. Seeing Cui Xiaofang escorted by the police, he sits in a police car and runs to ask.

"Comrade police, what's wrong with my wife? Where is this taking her? "

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, go through your formalities, go home and wait for the news."

"Bang Bang..."

Liu Jingxiang slapped the police car and yelled to Cui Xiaofang in the car, "wife, what did you do? Why did the police arrest you?"

Cui Xiaofang lowered her head and did not dare to look out of the window, let alone look at Liu Jingxiang.

Liu Jingxiang was pulled away by the police, and then the car left the Qindao branch.

Liu Jingxiang broke free and ran out with him.


In the police car, Han Bin contacted the person in charge of the hotel, asked carefully, found 408 hotel has not checked out.

This shows that the suspect may not have left the hotel.

Zheng Kaixuan once again urged the team to speed up and get to Weijia hotel as soon as possible.

At this time, it was nearly eleven o'clock in the evening. There were few cars on the road, and the road was not congested. After driving for more than ten minutes, I arrived at the Weijia hotel.

Tian Li is in charge of detaining Cui Xiaofang, waiting in the car with the technical team.

Zheng Kaixuan and two groups of people were arrested.

Under the leadership of the hotel lobby manager, Han Bin and others went up to the fourth floor, took out a flashlight, loaded a pistol, and blocked the door of 408.

When the waiter took the spare door card and opened the door of the room, Zeng Ping, the leader of the team, and the team members of the second group rushed into the room quickly.

"Police, don't move!"

The room light is turned on, Han Bin and others quickly search the suspect figure, but there is no one in the room and toilet.

"Be careful. Check the wardrobe and the bed." Zheng Kaixuan warned.

Han Bin and Li Hui cooperate, one opens the door of the wardrobe, the other guards with a pistol, but the wardrobe is empty: "the wardrobe is safe."

"No problem with the bed."

"Bang!" Zheng Kaixuan clenched his fist and smashed the wall

Li Hui glanced at the room and said, "I didn't find the suspect's luggage. It's very likely that he has left."

"Close the door. In case the suspect returns to the hotel, don't scare him away." Zheng Kaixuan ordered.

"Team Zheng, do you want to call up the technical team?" Zeng Ping proposed.

Zheng Kaixuan thought about it and said, "Han Bin and Li Hui, you two go to the monitoring room and check the monitoring."

"Zeng Ping, go to the lobby and ask the waiters and the people at the reception desk what they think of the 408 tenants."

"Zhao Ming, you and Tian Li bring Cui Xiaofang up, let her confirm whether it is this room, and call up the technical team by the way."

"Yes." All agreed to act separately.……

Weijia Hotel monitoring room.

The security guard of the monitoring room should have received the notice in advance. When Han Bin showed his police certificate, he took over the monitoring room smoothly.

"Binzi, how can we find out?" Li Hui asked.

"From 10 a.m. on August 17th."

"Then I'll check the monitoring on the fourth floor, and you check the monitoring in the lobby." Li Hui said with a smile.

"Whatever. After you've finished the investigation, you should help me to do the same. Don't try to be lazy." Han Bin hummed.

With the help of the security guard, Han Bin found out the hall monitoring room around 10 a.m. on August 17.

After checking it for a while, I found Cui Xiaofang's figure. She came here alone and lingered in the lobby for a long time before she ran to the front desk to open a room.

However, after opening the room, Cui Xiaofang left and did not go upstairs.

At two o'clock in the afternoon of August 17, the man who called Xiao Kai arrived at the hotel with a travel bag in his hand.

Han Bin also finds out the monitoring on the morning of August 18. At about 10 a.m., a woman who is not tall and somewhat like he Ru walks into the hotel. It's He Yan who was kidnapped.

He Yan went to the front desk, said a few words, then entered the elevator, the hall of the monitoring can not see.

"Huizi, check the monitoring on the fourth floor of the hotel at 10 a.m. on August 18th." Han Bin reminds.

“OK。” Li Hui responded.

Call out the monitoring at 10 a.m. on August 18. Sure enough, he Yan's figure was found in the monitoring on the fourth floor. From the monitoring, we can see that she entered Room 408.

"Bingo, what do you think they can do in there?" Li Hui squeezed his eyes.

"Playing cards." Han Bin guessed.

"Playing cards?"

Li Hui rolled his eyes: "when a single man and a few women arrive at a hotel, it's like a fire burning with dry wood. How can they play cards? They must be doing something they love to do."

"I don't know how to ask such nonsense." Han Bin is too lazy to pay attention to him.

Li Hui, with a smile, was not annoyed: "how long do you think he Yan will come out?"

Hanbin some laugh and cry: "honest check monitoring, don't always ask some out of tune."

"Cut." Li Hui turned his lips and continued to check the monitoring.

However, his mouth was not idle, and he muttered from time to time:

"you said he Yan was married, is that ok?"

"No wonder her husband is so frustrated that he would rather go to the betting station than look for her."


"Tut Tut, it's been two hours and I haven't come out yet. This is a young man."

Li Hui sped up the video playback speed, but no one came in and out of the door of the room. He was surprised and said, "it's been all afternoon."

"Stop!" Han Bin called out: "the one named Xiao Kai has come out."

Li Hui continued: "but he Yan still didn't come out."

"Maybe it's a night in a hotel. Keep playing." Han Bin said.

Li Hui continues to play the monitor. Only Xiao Kai enters and leaves Room 408, but he Yan never shows up again