Chapter 488

"I became a self-taught person after I went to college." Xiong Huanjun amused back such a sentence.

In fact, before high school, his mother made him focus on his studies. He really seldom washed clothes, so he didn't feel wrong about Wang Ruolin's words.

"Oh." Wang Ruolin answered one word and immediately raised Xiong Huanjun's image to another level.

They walked along the road, from sunset to sunset, from sunset to dusk.

I haven't felt like this for a long time. When I walk with the person in my heart, I won't feel embarrassed even if I don't speak.

However, occasionally, Xiong Huanjun will find a topic to talk about, such as what good-looking TV, because he thinks that girls should like to watch those love idol dramas, so he usually pays attention to it.

However, when it comes to idol drama, it can never be separated from love.

This topic makes the atmosphere between them a little awkward.

Wang Ruolin didn't want to be so impulsive as before, and didn't want to ask Xiong Huanjun if she liked her.

So, she digs the subject.

"Xiong Huanjun, let's run." Watching someone running on the playground, Wang Ruolin suggested.

She hasn't done it with him yet.

Today is just the time to leave a memory.

"Well, I haven't been exercising for a long time." Xiong Huanjun readily agreed, saying that he was ready to go.

Wang Ruolin, not to be outdone, raised her sleeve. Fortunately, today she is wearing sports shoes.

"You have long legs. You must wait for me." Before starting, Wang Ruolin made an agreement with Xiong Huanjun.

"No problem. I'll run behind you." Xiong Huanjun promised.

"One, two, three..." Wang Ruolin counted, but she ran away when she counted to two.

Xiong Huanjun chuckled and followed.

Soon, Xiong Huanjun followed up, but he never surpassed Wang Ruolin. He tried to slow down.

In this way, they ran around the playground twice. Wang Ruolin couldn't run any more, so she sat on the next step.

Xiong Huanjun ran to a nearby shop and bought two bottles of water. He unscrewed the lid in advance and handed it to Wang Ruolin. Looking at Wang Ruolin's sweating face, he joked: "how about it? Is not tired, you girls are lack of exercise, this is not good for the body

Wang Ruolin was very warm, but she had to go back, "do you like talking to girls like this? In this case, I can't get a girlfriend. "

As soon as the words came out, Wang Ruolin immediately regretted what she said. She just wanted to talk about this topic. Didn't she dig a hole and jump in by herself.

Sure enough, hearing this, Xiong Huanjun drank water, turned his head and said, "I'll run for a while."

Then he put the water on the steps, turned around and ran towards the night.

He's very fast. He'll finish one lap very quickly, then the second lap and the third lap.

Xiong Huanjun didn't stop until the end of the fifth lap.

He gasped, his hands on his knees, and he just bent over.

Wang Ruolin saw that Xiong Huanjun's mood was wrong, and she didn't dare to rush forward. She was very clear that she was in a terrible mood when she was told the central thing.

If it was her, she would not want to be disturbed.

However, Xiong Huanjun is not her after all, and the thinking mode of boys is different from that of girls.

After a while, Xiong Huanjun straightened up, with a smile on his face, and sweat on both sides of his cheek.

Sports men, also very attractive.

Undeniably, Wang Ruolin was attracted by the moment Xiong Huanjun raised his head.

Although she knew Xiong Huanjun, she had never seen him like this. Even if she had seen him play basketball before, it was a long distance. It was the first time that she had seen him play basketball in such a short distance.

"It's so cool. Sweating is a lot easier." Xiong Huanjun comes over and Wang Ruolin hands him the water.

Looking at him drinking water, throat rolling up and down, Wang Ruolin swallow saliva.

Really, every movement of him, she felt super handsome, even such a water drinking movement.

A bottle of water soon bottomed out.

It's almost time..

Xiong Huanjun sent Wang Ruolin back to the dormitory. Along the way, he saw several couples walking past them. At that time, Wang Ruolin felt crazy.

This kind of time, should not be so abusive dog.

At the gate of the dormitory, Wang Ruolin turned around and said, "thank you for sending me back."

"Ruolin, can you tell me one thing?" Xiong Huanjun raised his hand to pick his ears. When he was nervous or thinking about problems, he liked this action.

"What?" Wang Ruolin stares at Xiong Huanjun. What will happen? She has a little expectation.

"Don't always say thank you to me in the future. We are friends. Don't be so polite." Xiong Huanjun said seriously.Although Xiong Huanjun said that they were friends, Wang Ruolin felt that "friends" had made their relationship far away.

But when you think about it, they are really just friends.

From the beginning to the present, it has always been, never changed.

"Well, I promise." Wang Ruolin agreed. Her polite remarks were also made for fear of embarrassment.

"Come on in." Xiong Huan pointed to the direction of the door.

Wang Ruolin is very reluctant to turn around. When she enters the dormitory door, she looks back at Xiong Huanjun and then goes in.

She ran to the window on the second floor and watched Xiong Huanjun's back disappear in the field of vision before she slowly went back to the dormitory.

I don't know why, she feels happy for no reason. She thinks it's a good choice to get along with Xiong Huanjun as a friend.

Now she understood Gu Yan's words.

As a friend, we will never separate.

At the moment, Wang Ruolin's state of mind, has a feeling of suddenly enlightened.

pushed out the dormitory door and saw Ji Lu Qian lying on the bed with a mask. She didn't want to disturb her.

can know how Joanna Wang sat up with a mask on his face. He asked, "are you going out with someone so late?"

"No dates, but we went to exercise." Wang Ruolin took a towel to wash.

Ji ruoqian took Wang Ruolin's hand and asked, "what sport? Exercise in bed? "

Looking at Ji ruoqian's face, she really wants to walk.

"I went for a run. My mind is so shapeless."

"Oh, I see." Ji Ruqian opened her mouth, put on her slippers and said, "I'll go too."

As soon as Wang Ruolin looks at Ji Ruqian's expression, she knows that she certainly doesn't understand it, but she doesn't want to explain it. She explains Ji Ruqian's character, and when she comes to Ji Ruqian, it becomes a cover up.

Sure enough, Ji Ruqian still won't let her go.

"What on earth have you been doing?"