Chapter 475

"It turns out that some people are amorous."

Li Wei's sarcastic voice rang out when she saw this scene.

Gu Chen coldly looks at Li Wei one eye, his affair, when need others to come many mouth.

"I'd love to."

Smell speech, Li Wei face instant white, Gu Chen when a few meaning? Even if I can't see her, I'm still so arrogant to play in front of her. It's really

Just as Li Wei is about to speak, Gu Chen goes directly to Xiong Huanjun and Wang Ruolin.

A hand directly comes over to press on Xiong Huanjun's shoulder, and Gu Chen's joking voice rings in his ear.

"Huanjun, I haven't played basketball for a long time. Do you have time to compete?"

Xiong Huanjun looks at Gu Chen. He knows him. Although Gu Chen's words don't mean provocation, the meaning is obvious.

Gu Chen likes to play basketball as long as he is not happy.

Although Gu Chen has a height of 1.9 meters, he has no talent in basketball. If he can score two in ten shots, he will get good results.

However, Xiong Huanjun is just the opposite. In all sports, he is good at basketball. If one of the ten goals doesn't score, he is out of order.

Now, Gu Chen wants to play basketball with him, but he wants to be angry.

"Good." Xiong Huanjun clenched his fist and touched Gu Chen's fist. It was an agreement.

Because of the snow, even for meals, there are not many people in the hot pot shop. We usually have to wait in line to eat the hot pot. There are many vacant seats today.

The four of them sat down in a place close to the heating. It's warmer here.

After taking off the scarf and putting it on the chair, Wang Ruolin takes out her mobile phone and sends a message to Ji Ruqian, telling her that she doesn't need to bring her dinner in the evening. She has come out to eat.

At this time, the waiter brought the menu.

"What kind of bottom would you like?" Asked the waiter.

Looking at Wang Ruolin holding the phone, Xiong Huanjun said, "let's have a mandarin duck pot. It's very spicy over there."

Gu Chen and Li Wei also agree. When Wang Ruolin raises her head after sending the message, Gu Chen hands her the menu.

"What do you like to eat, Rolin? We ordered beef and meatballs. If you have any meat you like, just order more. Today, it's my treat

Hearing that Gu Chen wanted to treat, Xiong Huanjun and Li Wei were not polite. They looked at each other and laughed.

"One more beef, then."

"More to drink, waiter, the most expensive drink in your shop..."

Gu Chen looks at the happy ordering two people, with a smile used to cover his heart almost jump out of embarrassment.

"You two are really..." Gu Chen couldn't say a word for a long time.

But I'm really happy. It's lucky to meet Xiong Huanjun and Li Wei in the club.

It's just that I got to know Wang Ruolin a little late.

Wang Ruolin can see that their relationship is really good.

Looking at the three of them in one, she felt like a redundant person.

Now looking back on her freshman life, she can only regret so much that her intestines are blue.

If I had not been lazy at that time and had participated in several club activities, I would have known Xiong Huanjun from the beginning, and she would not have missed so many opportunities.

In other words, Xiong Huanjun will not have the chance to like others' opportunities.

But after all, there is no regret medicine in the world.

When she thought of what Liu Wenjin said to her, Wang Ruolin had mixed feelings.

If Xiong Huanjun breaks up with his girlfriend, does it mean that she has a chance to chase him now?

Thinking about this, she felt suddenly enlightened and saw that there was hope ahead waving to her.

Xiong Huanjun, in this life, I must catch up with you.

When Xiong Huanjun is joking, he turns his head to Wang Ruolin's eyes. His eyes are opposite, but Xiong Huanjun turns his attention to Gu Chen.

"Gu Chen, you Iron Rooster, it's not easy to invite you once. We have to kill you well, aren't we, Xuejie?"

Li Wei a listen to, also echoed a way: "yes, it is to give you the wind, tonight we don't get drunk don't return."

As soon as he heard Li Wei's words, Xiong Huanjun agreed, so he raised his hand and clapped with Li Wei.

This simple action, in Wang Ruolin's eyes, is a distant dream.

If only one day she and Xiong Huanjun could get to know each other so well.

"OK, give me the wind, and I'll pay for it in the end. You two cooperate well. If I don't agree with you, I'll take you both." Then Gu Chen called the waiter with a loud finger, "then we'll have some white? Red? Or beer? "

Li Wei was the first to raise her hand. "I want to drink red."

Gu Chen looked at Xiong Huanjun, and Xiong Huanjun said with a smile: "then it's red. If there are girls, they can't be white."

Gu Chen cried and said, "you are really going to kill me with a knife. Then come to Hong. Grandfather, I'm willing to give up today. I can only rely on you for the next month."Xiong Huanjun was stunned for a second, and then pushed Gu Chen, "you think it's beautiful, you'd better eat earth."

With that, Gu Chen and Xiong Huanjun tease each other. Li Wei gives back all the drinks she just ordered.

Waiting for the waiter to open the wine, they poured a glass.

Li Wei picked up the glass and said, "stop it. Let's have a drink first."

After listening to Li Wei's words, they became serious and took up their wine glasses.

However, even sitting opposite, Xiong Huanjun always evades looking directly at Wang Ruolin.

"Gu Chen, welcome back to China!" Li Wei spoke first.

Then Xiong Huanjun said, "don't say much, brother. Congratulations on your coming back."

It's Wang Ruolin's turn, but she doesn't know what to say. She doesn't know Gu Chen very well.

It seems too fake to say something like Li Wei and Xiong Huanjun to welcome him back to China.

Finally, Wang said with a smile, "nice to meet you."

For Gu Chen, Wang Ruolin's words are enough.

"Thank you! thank you! Thank you guys. I'll love you more in the future. " Gu Chen clinks glasses with everyone, but when he talks about the word "love", he says it to Wang Ruolin.

He has never felt that no matter what the girl says, he will feel good.

It is estimated that he is in such a state now, even if Wang Ruolin scolds him, he will feel that it is the best voice in the world.

But Gu Chen's smile movement, Xiong Huanjun actually takes a panoramic view, in his mind thinks Gu Chen said those words.

I like Wang Ruolin. I want to chase her. Brother, you will help me.

Some predestination is really a luxury.

Wang Ruolin sipped a sip of red wine, feeling a little astringent. The first time she drank it, she still didn't adapt to the taste.

But seeing that everyone had done it, she was too embarrassed to take only one sip.

Come up to the bottom of the pot and the waiter turns on the fire.

"Put some meat first, Ruolin. Do you like spicy food?" Before cooking, Gu Chen consulted Wang Ruolin.