Chapter 306

Maybe it's because I don't trust him anymore. His words are just the prelude to the storm.

I don't want to wait for his answer in the process of suffering, I like to take the initiative to attack, even if it is the final head broken, I would rather be abandoned by him, rather than be abandoned by him.

"I'll ask the lawyer to give you the divorce agreement. You don't have to pretend to be a good man in front of me, and you don't have to think about my feelings any more. There are cousins and Feifei here. You can accompany your Qianqian and leave me alone."

Say these words, maybe I'm too unkind, Zhou Zeyu such people are willing to be patient with me, if for other people, maybe softhearted, at least not at this time against him, but this is me, would rather suffer some, would rather bear the psychological and physical torture, I also don't want to see betrayal our feelings of him in front of me.

Zhou Zeyu's hand holding the water cup pauses. His heart feels like thousands of ants crawling. Does Su Xiaoran really hate him?

Hate to see him.

"Ran Ran, I will not divorce you. I once said that you are my woman. I will never let you leave me in my life."

Even know you hate, but also want to leave you around, Ran Ran, I really love you.

"You For the first time, I found it so difficult to communicate with Zhou Zeyu.

Is he really reluctant or just trying to torture me.

I can't confirm that.

He poured water for me and tasted the water temperature before handing it to me.

I just looked at him straight, then I found that his face was red and swollen, as if he had been beaten.

Is it Fu Qian? Because he didn't want to divorce me, Fu Qian slapped him in the face in a rage?

Maybe I have too much imagination.

Then, inexplicably, there were two more security guards at the door. According to my cousin and Feifei, those two people came out when they came back from shopping. It seems that Zhou Zeyu wants to see me dead.

I was thinking of sneaking away in the middle of the night, but now I'm afraid the plan is going to fail.

I didn't expect that Su Xiaoran would experience some unimaginable things one day. In my opinion, security guards only stand at the door of the company, but I don't want to be guarding at the door of the ward now. Only at this time do I feel that I am really married to a rich family.

Two days later, I was finally discharged from the hospital, but I was carried by Zhou Zeyu from the ward into the car and into my home.

He said, for fear that if he is not careful, I will run away.

These are all ghost reasons, but I do have this plan, just forced by the form, the plan is directly strangled in the cradle.

He said that from now on, he would like to hide her in a golden house.

I can work, but my studio will be at home.

But Yang Jiayang agreed to such a request.

How can it be called work?

But this is my only chance to communicate with the outside world, and I will not give up.


A year later, one morning, when I got up, there was no Zhou Zeyu around me. When I came downstairs, I found that there was no security guard standing at the door for a year.

It was a strange morning.

The only security guard who can go to the bathroom with him is Zhou Zeyu. I can't even go to the bathroom with him for a year.

Every time I was close to him, he was very protective of me. He had never been so rude as that night.

In this year, although I was more indifferent to him than before, even in the first one or two months, I was particularly disgusted with him. I even called the police several times, but because of Lin's influence and his means, everything was useless. Slowly, I gave up my paranoia and thought, maybe, I can live a life with him in peace.

But life is too long.

This morning is strange, there is no security, the home has returned to the previous calm, but now my mood is not as before.

Open the door, I go outside, it's sunny today.

I go to work after washing as usual, and I feel at home.

This year, Feifei and Li Chao quit their jobs after they got married. Now she is five months pregnant. And my cousin also went abroad because of the company's dispatch. After calculating the days, my cousin should come back in two months.

Because of the last bidding, Lin finally chose Yang Jiayang and gave up Fu Qian. After that, Fu's company went bankrupt and Fu Qian left H city. As for where she went, I don't care.

Because of this, I didn't have much trouble with Zhou Zeyu.

When I came to the company, the female security guard who would have been waiting for me in the company didn't show up. Now I'm sure that Zhou Zeyu gave me absolute freedom, but how could he suddenly change his attention? Isn't he afraid that I'll run away again?As soon as I got close to the office, I thought it was Feifei's good morning call. After all, every morning in this year, she would call me at this point, for fear that something might happen to me.

But the phone says "brother Yu.".

For a moment, I wonder when there will be another "brother Yu" in my mobile phone. In a second, I guess it's him. But in this year, he has never called me, and even if he has, I have never received it. Originally, I changed his name to "bad egg". When did he become "brother Yu"?

I thought that I had some questions to ask him, so I connected the phone. Obviously, he was a little surprised at the other end of the phone. It took me a long time to hear him speak at the other end of the phone.

"Ran Ran, I thought you would not answer my phone. Do you forgive me?"

"If you have anything to say, I'm busy." I just said a word coldly. In fact, I don't know how to communicate with him. After all, there are very few words I said with him in this year. If it is not necessary, I will never take the initiative to speak to him.

"Ran Ran, do you know? You're pregnant. It's been two months since the doctor

when I heard that he was pregnant, I was a little flustered. As for what he said later, I didn't care.

For pregnancy, I have some psychological shadow, and since I had a miscarriage last time, I have not paid much attention to it. I didn't expect that I had been pregnant for two months, but I didn't know how big I was. Now I think about it carefully, it's true that

how careless I am about pregnancy is ridiculous when I think about it now.

Today, on the bus, I was still wondering if I could take the opportunity to leave. Before I had time to make the final decision, I came back with such news

it turns out that this is the reason why Zhou Zeyu removed the security guard, but is he so determined that I will not leave him because of the child?