Chapter 72

Because I have to go to work, Bai Feifei can't accompany Wang Ruolin for too long. He ate almost as much. Bai Feifei said, "cousin, I have to go to work, so I won't accompany you. Call me if you have anything."

Wang Ruolin replied, "OK, you go quickly. Don't be late."

"Goodbye." Bai Feifei and Wang Ruolin wave goodbye, take the bag and leave in a hurry. "My cousin has something to call."

"I see. Bye."

Looking at Bai Feifei's back, Wang Ruolin suddenly envies the people who work in big cities. This kind of life used to be her life to me, but she had to give up for some things.

If she can, she wants to choose again.

So in order to choose again, she quit her job at home and came here without telling everyone. She didn't dare to answer the phone at home and didn't think about how to talk to Su Xiaoran.

This is the first time that Wang Ruolin has gone against her parents' wishes since she was born. She is 29 years old. If she doesn't live for herself again, it will be very difficult for her to be so willful again. So she made a bet with herself. If she can see Xiong Huanjun get married before she is 30 years old, she will give up on him. It's from the bottom of her heart.

In fact, it's only half a year.

Wang Ruolin himself feels ridiculous. In the past eight years, Xiong Huanjun failed to accept her. Now, in a short period of six months, how could a miracle happen.

Walking alone in such a big city street, Wang Ruolin has never felt confused. She once thought that she would never give up. Now she also has the idea of giving up. Is it because she is old? It's still too hard to persist.

Around a couple of lovers from the side, Wang Ruolin incomparable envy, said to be ashamed, to say this love, Wang Ruolin can not talk about. She has loved Xiong Huanjun since she was 21 years old. Since then, she has never liked anyone or fallen in love with anyone.

Suddenly, a couple said to Wang Ruolin, "Hello, can you take a picture for us?"

"Good." Wang Ruolin took the camera in their hands and said.

Looking at such a loving couple showing their love in front of them, Wang Ruolin doubted whether they were sent by heaven to attack her.

However, I am very happy to see that they are very satisfied with their photos.

Wang Ruolin asked, "you are still young. Are you still students? "

the boy replied," yes, we are sophomores this year. "

Sophomore, just when he fell in love with Xiong Huanjun.

There are some differences between other people's sophomores and their own.

Others start to show their love at such a young age. When they are so old, they are still a person and insist on an illusory thing.

Wang Ruolin said with a smile: "sophomore, good age, I wish you can always love so much."

"Thank you, sister."

Wang Ruolin thought, fortunately, she didn't call her aunt.

In this big city, you can see people showing love everywhere. It's very common for a single dog to go shopping alone in the street. Wang Ruolin couldn't see such a scene of love, so she fled home.