Chapter 2440

Name:Demons Beside You Author:Han Bao
"Transfiguration!" Shaq directly released the deformation of Chen Yu.

There are two types of transfiguration: self use and others use.

And the transfiguration used for others is very advanced.

Because my magic is irresistible to me.

But for others, there are resistance factors.

Even if you use transfiguration on ordinary people, there is a great chance of resistance.

As for the use of Chen Yu

Chen's magic resistance is almost breaking through the sky.

His current magic resistance can't say he's absolutely immune to magic.

Basically a high-level magic doesn't work on him.

Before Shaq's magic had fallen on Chen Yu, it had disappeared.

Chen Yu knows what's going on, but Shaq doesn't.

Although he uses transfiguration, he has a chance to be resisted.

But he thinks he's really good at transfiguration.

Chen's resistance is just a coincidence, a lucky result.

An ordinary psychic master the transfiguration, and the possibility of releasing and resisting to ordinary people is about 50%, that is, the probability of each half.

And if it's Shaq, he's got some tips for transfiguration.

So his metamorphosis is 90% successful for the average person.

Just now, the man in front of me was resisted by using transfiguration, but he stepped on the dog Shi.

He felt that Chen would not be so lucky the second time.

If Chen Yu knew Shaq's idea at this time, or if Shaq had studied probability himself, he would not agree with him.

Just like the positive side and the negative side of a coin, in terms of probability, the first time a coin is put on the positive side is not to say that the second time a coin can be put on the negative side. The second time the positive side is still 50% each.


Chen Yu is still unmoved.

"Missed again? Again, transfiguration! "



Suddenly, Chen Yu stood up and covered Shaq's mouth with one hand.

"Shh! Sit down, sit with me for a while, or I'll crush your chin now. "

Chen Yu looked at Shaq: "do you understand what I mean? If I understand, I'll let go. "

Shaq nodded, but when Chen released his hand, Shaq suddenly turned to Chen again: "blind."

Poof -

Chen Yu punched Shaq in the abdomen.

Shaq was kneeling on the ground with a slight spasm.

Chen Chu looked at the ashenni next to him.

Ashenni was too scared to move.

These are two pure newcomers.

This is Chen's impression of them.

Let alone their strength.

At least their reaction was too much of an aberration.

Chen Yu looks at the two.

"Sit down, or I will take you directly to the ward of this hospital."

Both of them sat down honestly.

"You're from that madeko pawitch?"

They were silent.

They seem to think that this way they can negate the problem.

"Well, I'll take it as your default." Chen Yu said quietly, "do you know what kind of interrogation method a policeman likes best?"

Two people still do not speak, Chen Yu is chattering.

"The most favorite way for the police to interrogate is to face two prisoners, because if a prisoner answers each question first, he will be able to reduce the penalty, while the second prisoner will increase the penalty accordingly."

Chen Yu looked at the two magicians sitting on both sides, who were honest for the time being.

Hands on their shoulders.

"So next time I'm answering my question, I hope you can rush to answer it."

Shaq and ashenni lowered their heads, but their eyes exchanged secretly.

Obviously, they are not going to cooperate with Chen Yu.

Chen Yu's strength suddenly increased a few points.

Grab their collarbones and lift them.

Click and wipe -

along with the scream of the two people, their clavicles were removed at the same time, and their left and right shoulders collapsed at the same time.

"You can refuse, but believe me, I will let all the bones of your body out of their original position."

"Are there any other companions besides you?" Chen asked again.

Click and wipe -

the two screamed again.

"There are 206 bones in a person, which means you can experience 206 dislocations."

Shaq and ashney were pale with fear.They didn't experience too much pain.

They don't know how to face the pain.

"Again, do you have any other companions?"

"Yes." This time, Cassini answered.

"Good, it's a good start." Chen Yu said with satisfaction.

"Cassini! Ah... " Shaq made a more painful voice than before.

Chen Yu broke Shaq's bones this time.

More punishment!

"How many of you?"

"Eighteen." This time Shaq replied.

Shaq's betrayal is more justified.

It should have been Athenian who betrayed first.

Two young children.

This is what Chen knew from their mouths.

Basically less than 10 questions, they have even touched the color of today's underpants.

"West, you come to my side and pick up two people."

"Don't you say that if we just answer your questions, you will let us go?"

"If you don't make me do it, I'll let you go, but you make me have to resort to violence, and you lose your last chance."

Since they appeared in front of Chen, Chen did not intend to let them go.

Only they believed Chen Yu's words naively.

I thought Chen Yu really planned to let them go at first.

Joking, these two are real information.

With West in charge, we can definitely ask for more and more valuable information.

Why let them go now?

It's not easy to find another one so easy to deal with.

When they were sent to West's car, they wanted to fight again.

But at this time, they didn't even have the power to lift the magic wand.

Chen Yu is like doing something irrelevant.

And the strength of madeko savage has also been lowered by Chen Yu.

Originally, Chen Yu thought that madeko savage was an alien.

To his disappointment, madeko savage was a normal man.

Moreover, his personal career development is also combined with the confession of Shaq and ashenni. It can be clearly found that he has made remarkable progress through their supernatural power after meeting the immortals.

Every time he encountered a problem that he could not solve, he would seek the help of immortal crown.

And the immortal crown obviously depends on the money of madeko savage.

The immortality crown was established after the birth of the psychics who lived in seclusion.

Their foundation is so shallow that they have no foundation.

Unlike the more successful organizations, they have found their own development direction through long-term adaptation.

Second is the strength of the immortal crown, whose membership is actually similar to that of the supernatural society.

However, his personal strength is a little mysterious. Even Chen Yu can't tell what is the concept of "awesome" in the words of ashenni and Shaq.