Chapter 524

Name:Demons Beside You Author:Han Bao
"You belong to the malignant acne pus, which is produced after accumulating a little toxin in the body due to the irregular diet in the past." "Physical resection and repair are not difficult in modern technology, but the performance in detoxification is not so good. In addition to your oily skin, it may recur. In accordance with this trend, within five years, your face will be potholes."

When Keira nerifa heard Chen Yu's words, she couldn't help feeling horror.

Every woman pays great attention to her appearance.

Especially a woman like Keira nerifa.

If you really want her to become what Chen describes, just go to die.

And Keira nerifa also knows that there are many women in Hollywood who can't face people.

Of course, there must be more in the general population.

But under the star halo, their ugliness has also been magnified.

Ordinary people can't imagine it.

What can a female star do to protect her appearance and skin.

says that some female stars in China are always covered with facial mask under the lens.

"So what would you do?"

"Detoxification, acne removal, oil removal, plus a beauty treatment for your skin, $200000 for two days." Chen said.

"The price is OK, but I will not pay until I see the effect."

"No problem."

"Marianne, go and bring my supplies." Said Keira nerifa.


Just then, EULA and Cheryl ran across the living room again.

After them this time is black and white two silly.

Marianne is going crazy about this house.

"They were chased by two wolves, right? Are you sure they won't be hurt? "

"It's OK. It's all my pets."

At this time, two drinks came from farrielle: "two, please."

"Papaya juice can clear away heat and fire." Chen said.

"Your girlfriend?" Keira nerifa looks at fari.

Although her temperament is not comparable to that of her, her skin envies her.

They are about the same age, but their skin is very healthy and delicate.

As a female star who pays great attention to her appearance, Keira nerifa is very good at maintenance.

But she also knows the skin characteristics of Western women.

Generally speaking, 30 years old is a dividing point. Because of the diet habit, after 30 years old, the skin pores begin to expand and the hair follicles secrete a lot of oil.

At the same time, there will be a lot of long hair, even on the face.

And Keira nerifa is now 26 years old, and the oil secretion on her face is amazing.

She needs to wash her face every three hours and then put on makeup again.

"Hello, this is Fanny Jones."

"Fari, your skin is well maintained."

"It's all taught by Chen. Occasionally, he will make me some Detox things."

When she looked at Chen Zhu, her eyes were full of sweetness.

Keira nerifa began to think about whether she would find a boyfriend who knows how to cure and maintain.

, "miss Kayla, please wash the foundation of your face first. Let me help you detoxify."

"Must it be washed out?" Keira nerifa looks at Chen Yu hesitantly.

"Have you ever seen cosmetic skin surgery with makeup?"

"All right."

Keira nerifa, led by farry, entered the bathroom.

After washing off the make-up, when he appeared in front of Chen Yu again, he had completely changed.

Although it is still beautiful, it lacks the aggressive temperament.

So, in most cases, many female stars live on makeup.

It's the same abroad, it's the same at home.

Of course, Keira nerifa is not very old, so her skin is not so hopeless.

"Where are we going?"

"Just lie on the sofa." Chen said.

Chen took out a full set of silver needles and began to do acupuncture on the face of Kaila Neri.


Pierce South felt like a snack jam, and paid a high price for the killer.

Up to now, there is still no news, although only a deposit has been paid.

Even if it's just a deposit, it's still as high as half a million dollars.

Didn't even the killer fail?

It also scared pierce Nanyue.

Can no one in China kill him?

Since the killer can't kill you, find a mercenary.Pierce Nan knew of an organization that trained mercenary witches.

When pierce Nan found the contact information, he dialed the phone number directly.

"Hello, I have a commission."

"First tell us the task, the amount of the entrustment, and then we will evaluate whether to accept the task."

There was a woman's voice on the other end of the phone, simple and capable.

"A Chinese, a wizard, is very powerful, with a commission of two million dollars."

"Is there any specific information?"

"Yes, I will send it to you It has been sent to you. "

“fu**fu**…… Guicai takes this task. Do you want us to annihilate the whole army? Asshole, two million dollars. You'd better keep it to buy your own coffin. "

Peirce Nan heard only a clang. The other side had already smashed the phone.

Pierce Nan opened his mouth and couldn't say a word for a long time.

What do you mean?

Is that Chinese scary enough?

The mercenary witch organization, after seeing the information of the Chinese, scolded itself directly.

How horrible is that Chinese?

But when I first contacted him, I didn't think how terrible he was.

Pierce South began to feel panic.

But in retrospect, the famous witch in Los Angeles gave up the task.

Then there is the wizard killer, and then there is no news of the killer, most of which is bad.

Now I just found the mercenary witch organization. When the other side saw the information of the Chinese, he said he wanted to destroy them.

Can the Chinese, alone, fight against the mercenary witch organization?

The more pierce South thought about it, the more frightened he was.

No, I can't stay here any longer.

Los Angeles is no longer safe.

If it is found by the Chinese, there is absolutely no body left.

I have to flee Los Angeles.

At the moment, pierce Nan has some regrets.

I underestimated the danger of that guy.

As a result, most of my family members are devoted to it.

But there was no gain.

On the contrary, he totally offended the Chinese.

Pierce South booked a train ticket on the Internet and left the city first.

At the same time, Kelly received a message.

"Kelly, a man named pierce south, ordered a train ticket to San Francisco in the railway system. The train number was fa512 and the departure time was 28."