Chapter 49 - Eventually Things Will Need To Change

As the exhibition ended, Shen Xia was standing in front of a bunch of reporters who were not here to just talk about the exhibition. "Miss Shen, is it true you were kicked out of the Shen family for your mother having birth to you out of wedlock?"

"Miss Shen, is it true that you set up your cousins?"

"Miss Shen, are you the one who drugged your sister and made her sleep with a bunch of men?"

The questions that were being asked while most were just reporters spreading false information, which Shen Xia could ignore, one of them crossed the line. "Mrs. Shen, we have reports that you poisoned your mother for having sex with some random man she met at a bar. Is this true? "

"Excuse me?" Shen Xia looked over at the man who just spoke with eyes full of killing intent. She could handle the first few questions, but this one was just too much. There was no way she was going to let such a thing slide. 

"I asked, did you pois..." Before he could even finish his question, Shen Xia had already handed Spot over to Shen Lingxin and was standing in front of the man gripping him by the neck.

"Who hired you?" Shen Xia was angry very angry! She was doing her best not to crush this man's throat. 

"You! Let me go! This is assault!" The reporter yelled as he grasped at his throat, trying to peel Shen Xia's hand off him. 

Seeing how he was not answering her, Shen Xia frowned, and this time she released her charm as she repeated her question. "Who hired you?"

"A third party… Tri-Star Media..." The reporter answered. Hearing this, Shen Xia snorted and tossed the man to the ground.

Old Mo walked over and patted Shen Xia on the shoulder. "Don't worry. I will send people to look into it. As for the other reporters." He looked over at Old Yun, who snapped his fingers, causing ten security guards to walk over and apprehend them.  "Make sure they give up who hired them as well." 

"Wait, you can't do this!" One of the reporters yelled out. But his words fell on deaf ears.

"I can and will. Next time do not try to slander my heir. For the rest of you reporters, remember this, in this country of ours, Shen Xia is my and Old Yun's heir. She now has the Mo and Yun family as her backing. And do not forget she is still a Shen. If you want your jobs and your daily lives, I would suggest you do not try to get any funny ideas." Old Mo was wondering just how much these reporters were paid in order to ask questions that were so disgusting.

"Grandpa Mo, Grandpa Yun, thank you." Shen Xia smiled at the two old men and bowed her head. They were both very protective of her, which warmed her heart. 

"Ahh, why are you thanking us? You are our heir. There is no need for thanks. You call us grandpa, so that also makes us all family now!" Old Yun said with a laugh. "You kids go ahead and head on out. We will do the clean up here. Xiaxia, we will be in contact with you in two days." 

"Alright, Grandpa Yun, Grandpa Mo, I will take my leave. Make sure you call me!" Shen Xia went from being in a bad mood to a good mood as she hooked arms with Quan Xinya and Lilith and walked out to the exhibition hall. None of the reporters dared to follow under the gazes of the two old men. Most of the reporters who were there to actually ask Shen Xia about her robot were cursing the other reporters who ruined their chances of asking questions.

When they got back to the hotel, Shen Xia wanted nothing more than to go to sleep. She had a long day. When she got to her hotel room, Lilith decided to follow Shen Xia into her room while she sent Shen Lingxin off with the other girls. This was because right now, Shen Xia's protection came first. "Xiaxia, you need to be careful now. You will have a bigger target on your head now that you were announced as the Yun family and Mo family heir."

"Mmm.. I know… I will need you to start teaching me a weapon skill, maybe a sword. Something I can keep concealed. I don't want a gun or anything like that. It just feels like it won't fit my fighting style." Shen Xia said as she stripped down to her underwear and began digging out her nightshirt from her bag.

"I had been planning to. I think for you, a short sword will be perfect since you are a close ranged fighter. But that does not mean your weight training will stop." Lilith made sure to add the last part in. When she looked over at Shen Xia, she only saw her purse her lips before falling face first onto her bed. Lilith chuckled and took a seat at the small table in the room. She then pulled out her phone and made herself busy.

"Lilith, I think my brain is becoming warped. I almost killed that man today. It took everything I had to restrain myself..." Shen Xia said, her voice sounding very sleepy.

"While for humans, it might be considered wrong of me to say this, but it is a good change for you to have. You are no longer human. You will have these urges to do such things. But you will need to control them and then when they least expect it. Rip out their hearts and feed it to them. You are now in a world that is much deeper than the underworld. Violence is the only answer here. Only those who are strong are able to be free of the fights that are to come." Lilith explained while sighing. "I will be with you all the way. I promise not to leave your side." 

"Mmm… Thanks, Lilith..." Lilith's words may sound disturbing, but they were comforting for Shen Xia. She knew she was no longer human and that she would need to really enter the world that humans do not see. But for now, she still wished to enjoy her human life, even if it was for just a little longer.  Her eyes grew very heavy, and she soon found herself in a deep sleep.

[I stayed up to 4 am to get this chapter out all because Draconis0kelly bought me a castle... And I thank you! P..S. If you see mistakes leave a comment on the paragraph so I can fix it when I wake up! Thanks for reading~!]