Chapter 116

Name:Demon's Diary Author:Wang Yu 忘语
His eyes quickly toward the vicinity of a sweep, did not find any abnormal existence, just body movement of the past.

When he got close to him, Liu Ming found that this hairy animal was a huge grey rabbit, which was more than twice the size of the external rabbit. From the two extremely sharp tusks in the petal shaped mouth, it was obvious that this giant rabbit was not only vegetarian.

Liu Ming looked at two eyes, bent down and pressed a palm on the head of the dead rabbit. At the same time, a stream of heat gushed out along the five fingers.

But the next moment, Liu Ming's face sank slightly.

There are residual mana fluctuations in the Giant Rabbit's corpse. It's not an ordinary rabbit, but a low-level monster.

Just then, with a whoosh, a black red slender thing suddenly shot out from the trunk of the tree. It was so fast that it just flashed to Liu Ming's neck and wanted to go through it directly.

Liu Ming, who had been bent down and motionless, suddenly moved his arm. He grabbed a black and red object with his backhand. Then he gave a low drink and pulled it in front of him.


A large piece of yellow green "bark" on the trunk of the tree was suddenly pulled down, but on the way, a blur suddenly turned into a giant gecko like medium-sized monster, and went straight to Liu Ming with open teeth and claws.

The black red slender thing is the animal's tongue.

"Poop" and "poop" twice!

Two wind blades shot out of Liu Ming's hands. After a flash of green light, they cut the new beast into three parts. After the body weight fell to the ground, blood poured out of it.

Liu Ming then loosened the animal's tongue, floated down from the branch, and fell to the side of the new monster's body. He looked at it again.

The body of this monster, which is less than half a foot long, is extremely flat. After its death, its yellow green body surface turns into a layer of smooth and abnormal milky white skin. Its four claws are slightly bent and look extremely sharp.

"It turned out to be a chameleon lizard. No wonder it can't be found at such a close distance." After Liu Ming saw the animal's face clearly, he said to himself happily.

Although the rank of chameleon lizard is not high, its skin is very rare outside. It is one of the main materials for refining several kinds of spirit armor!

After Liu Ming shakes his sleeve, a light green dagger appears in his hand

After a cup of tea, there were only three piles of stripped flesh and blood left on the ground.

And Liu Ming will be three pieces of complete peel off the milky white skin a close, no longer any stay on the road.

Two days later.

Liu Ming stood motionless on the branch of a big tree. On the other trees around him, there were several leopard like monsters, which were surrounded by them

The fur of these monsters are all printed with red patterns, and their eyes are flashing with blue light. When one of them drinks, all the monsters suddenly open their mouths, fist after fist, big fireballs burst out, and then their bodies move, turning into a series of virtual shadows.

Poop, poop.

Liu Ming's sleeve moved a little, and immediately a black rope flew out like lightning. With a little wave, he pulled out the fireballs and put them out. With a flick of his finger in the other sleeve, a green awn shot out. Just a few flashes around, he flew back like lightning through the heads of some monsters.

These monsters immediately fell down from the air without saying a word, and there was no breath any more.

Liu Ming doesn't look at these monsters any more. After his body moves, he floats over the corpse.

These monsters are just the common fire leopard beasts in the outside world. Naturally, he will not stay for them.

Five days later.

In a secret place in the dense forest, Liu Ming embraces a half man tall flower tree, which is turning into a green shadow, jumping among the trees, no longer as leisurely as he did a few days ago.

Not far behind him, there was a big buzz, and a big black cloud was following him..

All of a sudden, Liu Ming raised his hand backward, and a red fireball burst out in the black cloud.

Immediately after the heat wave, dense black spots fell from the black clouds. They were all black wasps with ferocious shapes. Each wasp was the size of a finger, and was covered with light silver stripes. The tail showed a long black needle.

Although the whole colony was blocked by fireballs for a moment, the fallen black bees immediately spread their wings again before they really fell to the ground. Just now, such a powerful fireball didn't seem to cause too much damage to them.

After a meal, the dark cloud followed Liu Ming again.

Half an hour later, wrapped in a layer of black air on his body surface, Liu Ming hid in a pond no larger than mu, and hid two or three feet deep under the water.

The bees hummed over the pond for a long time before they flew away.

After a while, Liu Ming flushed out of the water with a long breath. As soon as he was black, his clothes were as clean as before, and half a drop of water had not been stained.

But after Liu Ming looked at the direction the bees left, there was still a trace of fear on his face.

This group of Silver Spider bees is more difficult than the rumor. They not only fly very fast, but also have strong resistance to most magic. If he hadn't found a pond here in advance and spent a lot of time cleaning up a group of strange fish hidden in it, I'm afraid he would have used two spirit weapons to fight these demon bees.

However, with the large number of Silver Spider bees in the colony, even if they can really clean up, I'm afraid that a body of mana will cost 7788.

In such a dangerous place, such a practice is very dangerous. Not to mention the time wasted to recover mana.

Liu Ming thought about it in his heart, and then looked down at the silver flower tree in his hand, he could not help but smile.

There are silver spots all over the flower tree, a palm sized silver sunflower at the top, and dozens of light silver melon seeds at the center of the flower. Each one is plump and abnormal, and the pure and pure Yuanli breath comes from it.

"Xuanshuikui, you can find this kind of real world spirit thing here. It's enough to replace it with a low-grade spirit weapon in the outside world. It seems that the number of spiritual things in this secret place is far beyond the original imagination. " After murmuring a few words, Liu Ming took out xumipa, shrunk the flowers and trees, and then went on the road with a trace of excitement.


In another place in the dense forest, in an open place with brambles and shrubs, a disciple of Xuehe hall was leaning towards the center of the Bush carefully.

Surrounded by thorny twigs, a bright red blood like spirit grass grows there quietly.

Holding a long bloody blade, the disciple of Xuehe hall kept chopping the thorns in the way. Every minute he got close to the spirit grass, his face became fiery.

Seeing that he only needs a few more steps to reach the distance of lingcao, he suddenly changes!

All around, the thorns, which looked like dead things, suddenly flashed with blood, and they all came alive and went to the disciples of Xuehe hall,

This disciple of Xuehe hall was selected to participate in the trial of life and death. He was naturally an extraordinary person. Although he was surprised to see this situation, he immediately pinched the formula, and a bloody light curtain appeared on his body. At the same time, after a sudden wave of the bloody long blade, it turned into countless shadows and cut away the thorns around.

After the shadow of these blades took the bloody wattles around them, there was a dull sound. It seemed that they were extremely powerful, but they only cut three or four wattles.

But in this way, also let the blood River Temple disciples in the hands of a hot, almost will be in the hands of the blade fly out.

Then, after taking advantage of the opportunity, Jingtiao wrapped the disciples of Xuehe hall in it, but all the spikes were resisted by the bloody light curtain, which did not really hurt him.

The disciple of Xuehe hall mentioned his heart in his throat and immediately put it back. He immediately pinched the formula with one hand, and a little spark flashed around him. He was about to use some powerful fire attribute spell to attack the thorns around him.

But as soon as these Mars appeared, the thorns all around suddenly trembled, and the dense spikes suddenly shot out with a sharp sound. The strength was as fierce as that of a strong bow and crossbow.


Blood River Temple disciples see this situation naturally scared exclamation exit, want to change other defense means, but it's too late.

The bloody light curtain on him just resisted a breath, and then the light broke up and died.

After another shrill scream, the disciples of Xuehe hall were full of holes.

At the same time, after a tightening of the surrounding thorns, he tore the spirit apart, and countless blood and meat paste squeezed out from the cracks of the thorns.

As soon as they fell to the ground below, countless white filamentous roots suddenly turned out of the soil, all of them plunged into the blood and began to drain like living creatures.

In an instant, the flesh and blood disappeared quickly with the naked eye, and the originally wrapped thorns were slowly released, and everything recovered as usual.

If it wasn't for a long bloody blade and some ragged clothes left on the ground, I'm afraid no one could see anything unusual.

But these relics, after a slow creep in the nearby soil, slowly sank into the ground and disappeared.

Just then, behind a big tree at the edge of the open space, another strange man's voice suddenly came out

"Tut Tut, it's a powerful demon wood, but now that it's revealed, it's not easy to deal with you."

As soon as the voice fell, the shadow of the man behind the big tree flickered. Another tall young man in fenghuomen costume came out with a red banana fan in his waist. Suddenly, he looked as if it was the same as the one in Chiyang's hand.

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