Even on the way back to Magic Metropolis, Cao Yan and Eggy continued working hard, capturing suitable demon beasts while remaining cautious.

Cao Yan had brought quite a few demon balls on this trip. Other than the five demon beasts required to complete the mission, he caught some more back so that he could sell them in the shop.

He only got to the edge of the forest past 3 pm. The majestic outline of Magic Metropolis could be seen in the distance.

Cao Yan felt quite good about this mission. There were the thrill and excitement from battling with the demon beasts and the moment of joy when he successfully captured a beast. He was hooked to all of that.

Eggy requested to stay behind in the forest, as expected.

After it saw Cao Yan off, Eggy transformed into a ball of shadow and returned to the depths of the forest.

“I should get Eggy a partner so that they can work together and take care of each other… However, Eggy’s attributes are rather unique. It’s not easy to find a suitable partner that will not bring it down,” Cao Yan mumbled to himself as he walked.

It was already evening when Cao Yan arrived at Magic Metropolis. As he approached the city’s harbor, he could see Old Wu docking his ship after returning from the sea.

The previous owner of Cao Yan’s body knew almost all the fishermen at the harbor. Thus, even if he wasn’t around, there would be people looking out for his empty boat docked at the harbor.

Everything was as per usual on the boat.

Cao Yan scooped two fishes up from the sea and ate them as sashimi. After that, he placed a lounge chair on the deck and laid on it, enjoying the night breeze and the beautiful night sky dotted by the stars.

At this moment, the exhaustion from his recent trip kicked in, and Cao Yan soon fell asleep under the starry sky.

When he woke up, Cao Yan felt a slight headache. He seemed to have dreamed that he had returned to Earth and saw many familiar faces: his colleagues, family, friends… Now, they would all probably think that he was already dead, right?

Cao Yan pressed his lips together as his thoughts drifted away.

The moon slowly set in the west, and it would be daybreak soon.

“Since you’re awake, please bring the demon beasts captured in the forest to the spaceship. It is one of the spaceship’s core missions to collect the countless living organisms’ genetics in this universe to keep updating and refining our gene bank. As the host, you have an obligation to help the spaceship in its mission,” the fake system’s voice sounded in Cao Yan’s head.

Cao Yan sat upright and stretched his body. He then washed up before disappearing from the boat.

In the spaceship.

This time, unlike before, there was actually music playing in the background. The sound quality was superb, and the music resonated around every corner of the spaceship. Although the tune was unknown, it was clean and melodious, making one feel relaxed when listening to it.

Cao Yan entered the spaceship and took out a demon ball. He tossed it around in his hand and said, “Previously, when the spaceship tested the Ocean Peng egg, it refined the egg’s genetics. Does the spaceship only do such tests to each species once?”

“No. Even within the same species, each organism would be different. Therefore, we do not only extract and test the genetics of each species once. We would always welcome you to provide us with the genetics of various kinds of organisms to refine their genes. When you’ve provided the spaceship with a certain amount of genetics, you will receive a reward.

“You can treat this as a special long-term mission to complete.”

As the fake system talked, a futuristic-looking pedestal rose from the floor in front of Cao Yan. On its tip was a curved dent.

When Cao Yan put the demon ball on it, the ball started to glow. It slowly became transparent, showing the ball’s interior.

The demon ball Cao Yan placed on top contained the cave salamander egg.

Within the shell was a small cave salamander. It was rolled up inside, fast asleep. The young salamander appeared quiet and cute, unlike its menacing adult.

The cave salamander beastling’s genes were retrieved by the spaceship without it even knowing. Just as before, the beastling’s genes were refined as a form of repayment.

Hence, its potential had increased.

When the Ocean Peng eggs were being tested previously, Cao Yan thought that providing the spaceship with demon beast species for its gene bank was a win-win situation.

The beasts that had their genes sample taken from the spaceship would be able to increase their potential. When they were sold at the shop, their reputation would improve. On top of that, Cao Yan could earn more money to sustain his career progression.

When Cao Yan leveled up, he would be able to capture even better demon beasts for the spaceship to refine its gene bank. At the same time, he could provide better demon beasts as sale supplies for his business. That way, he formed a complete industry chain all alone, without even wasting a single resource.

Cao Yan continued thinking to himself as he pulled out the demon beasts he had captured from the forest. Upon testing all the demon beasts, he checked the mission points he currently had.

After using up 100 points to exchange for the spiritual light potion, he had earned the points back with this mission, so he was back to 120 points.

Cao Yan thought carefully and decided to use 50 points to exchange for the black technology item that the spaceship had recommended twice: the trainer assistant.

This trip to the forest made him realize the importance of having a trainer assistant.

The screen interface appeared, and a futuristic-looking, silverish white metal ball emerged from the screen.

[Black Technology] Trainer Assistant

[Introduction] This item is a tool aimed to help demon pet trainers. It is made using the skills of civilization from an advanced dimension. It can absorb solar power to replenish its energy. It increases the interaction and connection between you and your demon pet and can be used even at long distances.

This is an elementary product. There are only two of them, one for the owner and one for the pet. Product upgrade will require mission points in exchange.

[Use] Place your finger at the dent on the metal ball to input your fingerprint.

Cao Yan took the item and was about to leave the spaceship when the words on the screen changed. A new mission was released.

[Reward Mission] Strengthen Your Basics

[Requirements] Sell the five demon beasts you captured in the forest within three days. You are not allowed to lower the price of the beasts on purpose (the price would be set in the mission)

[Reward] A Nest of Ants

This was the first time there was a reward mission, but this was such a weird reward. What was a nest of ants?

Cao Yan asked the system and got the reply, “You will know when the time comes.”

“Why a reward mission suddenly?”

“There isn’t a specific reason. You can take it as a form of encouragement for your good performance after your transmigration. Do put your best foot forward. All the best.”

Cao Yan laughed as he disappeared from the spaceship and returned to the Green Jungle.