The man who turned from the corner of the street was in his forties. He was wearing plain clothes and was of medium build. The man appeared to be down-to-earth and looked a little older than he actually was because of his slight slouch.

It was difficult to imagine that Wang Li could get her good looks from such an ordinary-looking father.

“My father was tested to have extraordinary talents when he was young. However, he fell gravely ill, and since our family wasn’t well-off, everything was put-off… Sometimes, when my mother is in a bad mood, she would throw her temper at him… When my younger sister was still little, she would love to ride on his shoulders…”

Wang Li looked at the figure outside the window and mumbled to herself as tears rolled down her cheeks.

She tried hard to hold herself back from rushing out to see her father.

Cao Yan had mentioned before that her kidnappers were still at large, so they might bring trouble upon themselves if they were to act rashly. This was why she could not meet her parents for now.

Wang Li watched her father disappear into the distance through the window. At the same time, Cao Yan stood up and left the shop.

He walked to an inconspicuous corner outside and opened his hands. The letter and the pearl pendant, which were in his hands, were engulfed by a shadow, slowly vanishing out of sight.

After Eggy arrived in the southern area, Cao Yan sent it to locate Wang Li’s house by using her blood. Once it found her house, Eggy waited quietly in the distance.

Although Eggy had the rare shadow talent, it was still at a lower stage, and there was a possibility it would be discovered. Therefore, Cao Yan instructed it not to go too close to Wang Li’s house, in case it was found out by a high-level master on the watch.

When Wang Li’s father left the house, Eggy tailed him from afar and sent Cao Yan a signal.

That was how Cao Yan could bring Wang Li to a street to wait for Old Wang to pass by.

After Cao Yan passed the things to Eggy, all that was left was to wait for it to hand over the stuff to Old Wang in secret.

Wang Zhongshu’s face was full of worries, and his brows were tightly knit together.

His oldest daughter’s looks were too extraordinary, and that was not a good thing for someone born to an ordinary family. He had started worrying about it when she was still young, but he did not think that something terrible would really happen.

As a father, it was apparent how worried he would be when his daughter went missing. However, as someone’s husband, as his wife’s pillar of support, he could not panic.

When his wife found out that their daughter went missing last night, she could not stop crying and had not eaten the entire day. Wang Zhongshu wanted to get his wife’s favorite food so that she would have the heart to eat something.

After walking down the long street, Wang Zhongshu arrived at a shop, bought the food, and headed back home.

When he returned home and opened the food bag, he realized there was a letter inside.

Old Wang was clueless as to where the letter came from.

He did not notice anything unusual on the way home.

Old Wang was puzzled. He opened the letter with trembling hands, as he could already sense that it might be linked to his missing daughter.

A pearl pendant fell out from the envelope, and Old Wang’s whole body shook. It was really his oldest daughter.

He quickly browsed through the content of the letter. Soon, his grave expression turned happy, and toward the end, he became agitated, tears of joy rolling down his cheeks. He rushed into the room and told Wang Li’s mother, who was lying in bed limply, “Look, look, I told you our daughter will be fine! Quick! Look! Our daughter wrote us a letter! She’s truly fine!”

Wang Li’s features were similar to her mother’s, except that age was getting to her mother. Furthermore, because of their family conditions, she appeared a little old. When she heard her husband’s words, she bolted right up and snatched the letter from Old Wang’s hands. She rubbed her eyes and read the letter again and again.

Old Wang quickly passed the pearl pendant to his wife.

The letter explained Wang Li’s kidnapping last night and how she was saved by someone and was already out of danger. Wang Li even briefly included the reason for not going home and told her parents to not be anxious. She instructed them to burn the letter after reading it and wait for her to return.

Wang Li’s mother read the letter thrice. After ascertaining that her daughter was fine, she let out a long sigh of relief. She exchanged glances with Wang Li’s father, and the two suddenly started laughing and crying.

Night fell.

Wang Li and Cao Yan returned to the city center of Magic Metropolis. As they walked along the street, the night breeze messed her hair up a little. At the moment, her eyes were a bit red. She said, “Thank you, Cao Yan…”

Cao Yan replied, “You’ve thanked me many times since last night. You don’t have to anymore.”

When they returned to the shop, the little sparrow and Han Muyu saw Wang Li’s reddened eyes. It seemed like she had cried. Obviously, as girls, their curiosity and nosiness started rising.

It was time to knock off soon after. The two women gathered around upon leaving the shop with great chemistry.

“The vixen came back crying after going out with Boss, but the way she looked at him seemed as though she was grateful and a little shy. What do you think is going on?” the little sparrow asked first.

“That’s a very close observation.” Han Muyu tried to analyze the situation. “Firstly, I don’t think that the vixen and Boss are real siblings. They don’t even look alike. Besides, the way the vixen looks at Boss is like she’s trying to seduce him.”

“Aiyo, I think so too.” The little sparrow nodded. The two women seemed to agree on that point. “They went out together, and when they came back, her eyes and face were red… On the other side, Boss was smiling and seemed to be very happy. Hehe, say, what do you think could make a woman cry and become shy while a man smiles and be so delighted?”

The images that Sparrow Holmes had in her head made her feel that she had found out the truth. Han Muyu also thought of the same thing. Once their eyes met, they let out a knowing laugh.

In the shop.

Wang Li was tallying the accounts while Cao Yan was upstairs, sorting out the materials he brought back. Beside him were some of the shop’s left-over defective demon balls that he did not have the time to fix in the morning.

Since there were too many things to do, Cao Yan decided not to return to the boat tonight.

The second floor was originally an internal working area, so there were toiletries around, making it a convenient place to stay over.

“Our sales today are more than 469 thousand. Do you want to take a look?”

After sending the letter to her family, the thing weighing heavily on Wang Li’s heart was finally put down, so she had started to relax. She sat in front of Cao Yan and propped her head up with one hand. Her other hand was busy massaging her earlobe after taking off the Makeup Earrings she wore the entire day. She looked relaxed and alluring.

“It’s alright. Keep tabs on the shop’s accounts. You can stay here for the next few days if you want. This area is close to the Pet Trainer Association, Mage Association, Mechanics Association, and other associations. It’s the safest place in Mage Metropolis,” said Cao Yan.

“Oh,” Wang Li replied. She did not probe further and sashayed over to wash up. After that, she went into a little room, beside the room Cao Yan was working in, to sleep.

“Ah!” Just as she stepped inside, Wang Li suddenly screeched and came running out in a fluster. Behind her, Eggy slowly faded into being. It looked like this little fellow had learned how to prank Wang Li…

The mischievous Eggy seemed to enjoy scaring people.

Wang Li patted her heaving chest and calmed herself down before returning to the room to sleep.

At long last, Cao Yan finished the things he had at hand and entered the spaceship once again.

After completing his mission, he had a total of 120 points. He had to use them to exchange for some tools to increase his arsenal before entering the forest.