Chapter 572

Name:Deep love never ends Author:li zi
This time, even if Wen Ni was not involved in the middle, my relationship with Qin Langjun reached a stalemate.

Ah Xin only intensified this contradiction.

Later, I knew what Qin Langjun wanted to say that day and why he looked depressed with anger that day.

It was no accident that wenmuddy was quiet, and it was no accident that Wenjia went bankrupt and even disappeared.

I knew for a long time that according to my current ability and ability, even with the help of the power of settling down, I still couldn't reach such a degree.

Originally, I was lucky to think that this was a favorable time, place and people, but I didn't expect that this was written by Qin Langjun.

What he was going to be told me was that he felt angry and never forgot about the loss of his child.

After we found all the people involved, we dealt with them together.

But I didn't wait for this time.

It's too long.

It's so long that I'm afraid I'll forget these hatred, so I never wait.

I can't afford to wait.

Lin Zhu has been with me. He simply asked for a long holiday and stayed with me at home.

Like the original days, it's also very warm.

If only the days had been so dull.

When Lin Zhu brought me the news, I was still on the sofa as usual.

After hearing it, I just touched it a little, then nodded, but I didn't want to talk.

In fact, after calming down, I can probably guess what Qin Langjun did before.

But when he was not calm before, and he didn't tell me in advance, it would lead to such a mistake.

"What are you going to do?"

Lin Zhu is more anxious than my client.

Just hold a pillow and sit next to me.

"Not how to do, isn't it very good? Anyway, ah Xin has nothing to do now, and I don't want to get involved so much. Compared with before, isn't it very good now."

When it comes to such issues, the atmosphere becomes very tense.

I'm not in a hurry, but Lin Zhu hates iron and doesn't make steel.

"Then you don't care. What about the previous momentum? Don't you want to take care of the accident?"

Although Lin Zhu didn't say it directly, just saying so, I know what she said.

It's just my mother's business.

Even if the Wen family is tossed away, it is impossible to recover in this life. It is still difficult to fill my hatred.

My hatred for Wenni is not simple.

Mixed with too many things.

These things, even if it takes Wenni's life, are not satisfied.

After hearing this, I sat up a little straight.

But still didn't look at Lin Zhu, but looked down at the ground and looked at my toes.

Pretend to change the subject easily.

"What's the matter? Suddenly speaking of this problem, didn't you have to support me before? Can't you afford it now? Otherwise, I can eat less and I can eat less."

I smiled at Lin Zhu.

But Lin Zhu looked at me with a more complicated expression.

Finally, he just sighed heavily.

Nothing else.

I thought such days would last.

But unexpectedly, accidents are always fast and unexpected.

Otherwise it wouldn't be called an accident.

The internal disputes of the Qin family continued, and finally ended.

Qins committed suicide.

Only a blank suicide note was left, and there was nothing else.

The police have also been there, but no matter how many times they have identified it, the identification results are the same.

It's suicide. There's nothing wrong, and there's no evidence of homicide.

Qin Si, I was finally forced to death.

When I heard the news, the whole person didn't come back.

I didn't expect him to be so decisive.

Even when his most valued reputation was destroyed, he still didn't choose this way.

I thought this time he would continue to live like that in the muddy water of the Qin family.

But I didn't expect it to be like this.

The funeral preparation was not so complicated, according to Qin Si's consistent style.

Not inviting too many people, and there won't be too many people, except for the media who like to join in the fun.

At the beginning, Qin Si's proud students chose silence under the rumors and the so-called truth. As usual, few people came to such a funeral.

It seems that if he doesn't come, he will break off his relationship with Qin Si.

It seems that only in this way can we show that we are clean and have never been in collusion.

Everyone has such a mind. Most people are selfish.

I went to such a funeral and wore black clothes.

Lin Zhu tried to stop me, but he didn't.

Just look at me with that kind of complicated and distressed eyes.

And her husband stood by her side, more mature than before, quietly standing by her side with her.

"Why are you going?"

Lin Zhu couldn't help talking in the end.

"If it hadn't been for him, you wouldn't have become like this. Why should you go? He doesn't necessarily want you to go. What are you doing looking for this uncomfortable place?"

Lin Zhu's voice was a little loud, with a little annoyance.

I know she's doing this for my good.

But this funeral, I have to go.

This is the last time to meet, or I can't even see the last farewell party.

So far, I still can't accept it.

Qin Si came back just to leave more cleanly.

Decisiveness and no hesitation seem to have been prepared long ago, rather than a temporary decision.

The only thing that surprised me was the suicide note without any handwriting.

But he just pressed under his arm, or did he try to write something, and finally found that he had nothing to write, so he gave up.

Speaking of it, there is nothing to remember in this world.

Not many people went to the funeral. It was solemn and quiet.

They were all dressed in black, and the expression on their faces was nothing.

I didn't meet Qin Langjun, but I met aunt Qin.

Aunt Qin is wearing a black skirt.

Standing there numb like a doll without any consciousness.

The eyes are wooden, completely different from what I've seen before.

I've seen her dignified and arrogant, sarcastic and mean, and even hysterical. It's the first time I've seen her look like she's been taken away.

"Get out!"

When she saw me, aunt Qin fluctuated a little.

The voice is very hoarse, said sharply.

I put down the bouquet in my hand and looked at her head down, but I didn't speak.

But go straight to the tombstone.

I came late. Sure enough, I didn't see the body farewell party, but it wasn't very late. At least I saw the last side of the tombstone.