Chapter 321

Name:Deep love never ends Author:li zi
Just now this toss, the original line of sight on me was scattered a lot.

At least the celebrities kept their face polite.

Although it's obviously to find fault, it's much better than the provocations and trouble finding I've encountered before.

Compared with me, Xia Qinghe's not very good.

The stalemate on this side has become a situation of three sets of confrontation from just now on our side.

The mood on Xia Qinghe's face just returned to normal in an instant.

I smiled at Xia Qinghe's position and showed my white teeth.

The situation here is controlled quickly. I'm not surprised by Xia Qinghe's talent in this aspect.

It is estimated that all her intelligence and wisdom have been consumed by intrigues in this regard.

But Rao interrupted the situation just now. Rao diverted part of his attention, but he still couldn't reverse what just happened.

Probably because they were ready to race, but now they just drag me into the water.

By the way, I want to punish me.

"Without some sweets, the game will be meaningless."

Since I can't avoid it, I might as well strive for more benefits for myself.

The original intention of those people is to let me retreat from difficulties or teach me a lesson. Now listen to me, there is no response at all.

Just said, "isn't it sweetness, money or something, whatever you say."

There was a small tray with some valuable jewelry and some bank cards on it.

It's what they gambled when they played.

The amount is not small.

When the ladies asked the waiter to bring me the tray, they all glanced at me with contempt.

I'm sure I'm too greedy for money to say such a thing.

Looking into my sight, he looked down on me and said, "if it's not enough, you can't win anyway, but in the front, everyone puts the same things."

"In other words, if we put more value, you have to put the same value. If you can't afford the money, I can lend it to you in advance."

With that, one of them deliberately took off the limited edition Bracelet he was wearing in front of me.

Put it in the tray.

I don't recognize all the goods, but I can tell whether they are good or bad. The value of this bracelet is not low.

If I really need to put something on it, I don't have so much money on me.

"I can do it for you, Miss Tang. Just give it back to me at the end."

Xia Qinghe came up to me, took out his wallet, zipped it open and said.

Full of "understanding.".

People here seem to be convinced that I will lose.

There were a few whistlers nearby. It was too big to watch the excitement and shouted to start quickly.

There are more people paying attention here. Those celebrities are not as measured as they were just now. They are all on their faces.

In addition to looking into my eyes, I still have that kind of contempt and sarcasm. My every move is full of propriety, and my tone of speech is not as tit for tat as before.

In front of people and behind them, they operate skillfully.

"No, this is enough."

I gently pushed the back of my hand against Xia Qinghe's hand, reached out and took off the necklace and put it on the tray.

This is a necklace designed like a key.

It's exquisite and unique. It's my favorite pendant, and I always carry it with me.

Without waiting for their sarcastic words, I put my things on an empty tray, winked at them, deliberately lengthened the ending and said, "is the key to President Qin's residence valuable?"


The faces of the women followed.

I continued: "I'm kidding, but the value of this key is not low. Master Y's closed work was sent by President Qin. Is this a valuable item?"

With that, I smiled slightly at the corners of my mouth and waited for them to speak.

Everyone here is not a fool, is not genuine, they have participated in the auction must be clear.

I may have been angry with my casual words just now, but when they really calm down, they must be able to see the value.

And it is true.

Although their faces were a little darker than before, no one questioned them.

Master y is no less famous than my elder martial brother Jiu Shu, and no less capable and old than my master.

The product must be a limited edition boutique that has been competed for.

The value of this one alone can catch up with their sum.

It's not calculated by value, but Y's things. They always have a price without a market.

"OK, isn't it just an increase in price? Anyway, it's just temporary. I think you can take these things away!"

One of the women with milk tea hair said, gritting her teeth, took out several bank cards from her bag and fell onto the tray like venting her anger.

The rest of the people didn't look very good. They searched for something valuable in their bags.

Scattered, there are a lot of things on the tray.


The woman with milk tea hair looked at me, and every word seemed to be squeezed out of the root of her teeth.

Xia Qinghe, standing opposite me, didn't seem to expect this result.

When she heard the origin and value of the necklace, the corners of her mouth with the most perfect smile began to harden a few times, and even the basic radian could not be maintained.

"One more condition," I said.


"Since everyone has no intersection, you can save this childish targeting in the future. If you inadvertently provoke president Qin, it will be a thankless thing. If you get involved in the family again, it will be bad, won't it?"

When I said this, I deliberately looked at Xia Qinghe.

She tried to shift the war to me and kept making enemies for me, so I should always go back.

Anyway, this is a game that can't escape. In that case, it's better to earn more benefits for myself, for example, by eliminating future troubles.

Who knows what idle and painful things these women who have nothing to do all day will do.

"And if it is used as a gun target, will it be even worse if all the money is lost?"

I finished these words, stopped talking and waited for them to decide.

Many words can only be meaningful but can't be expressed.

Like now.

My original intention was to destroy Xia Qinghe's plan and eliminate some hidden problems for myself in the future.

But I didn't expect that there were many right and wrong between women. Those women quickly associated with themselves, and then looked at Xia Qinghe with doubt and displeasure in their eyes.

Probably with defense and competition.

"Get it, isn't that it? After a big deal, go after it openly, and you really think I'll be afraid?"

After one of the women spoke, the rest was easy to do.

Everyone has no opinion, except Xia Qinghe's face is not good.