Chapter 164

She bent her lips and left the unnecessary thoughts behind. Now that she agreed, she would finish the job well.

Most Chinese businesses cannot do without wine tables and clubs. Lu Group's infringement prosecution this time is not just about compensation. More importantly, it wants to set a target so that other people can see Lu Group's emphasis on patent rights. So there directly refused the lawyer's request for settlement and wanted to see it in court. But for the defendant, of course,

is settlement first.

Mike and Yanyu sent several invitation letters to Lu Group, but they didn't respond.

On this day, Mike gave Yuyu an invitation: "Lu's group will send a person in charge to attend this banquet. Let's go and have a look. Maybe we can make a breakthrough."

This banquet is a charity dinner hosted by a fashion devil king in the circle. It is also a large banquet in the circle.

Metaphor is to work, just wearing a black dress with shoulder cut, simple, but perfectly set off her figure.

However, she did not expect to meet Lu Yan here.

At the scene, Yu Yu, Mike and a female trainee lawyer didn't know the people at the scene, so they had to wait beside them.

The stars on the stage perform one after another. The lighting is dazzling and the stage effect is strong. The waiter passing by takes a glass of red wine and raises his eyes. His amber eyes stare at the performance on the stage.

Mike walks around to the front seat and looks at the metaphor.

He took a sip of the wine, raised his eyebrows and looked at Mike with a smile.

Mike shrugged his shoulders and said, "the news is wrong. No one is sitting in the seat of Lu's group."

"No one from the Lu Group is coming?"

"Yes." Mike frowned. "It seems that we can only do useless work today. Let's relax and enjoy the moment."

Yu Yu laughed: "I thought Lu's group would send a person in charge to come here." She had never thought that Lu Chengguo would attend. Even if Lu Chengguo attended, she did not intend to nag him with such trifles.

Mike belongs to the current hedonist. Since he can't finish his work, it can't be in vain. He's happily immersed in the joy of the dinner party - he's going to hook up with a beautiful woman.

Intern lawyers soon made new friends.

Tu Weiyu sat quietly, holding her chin, drinking for a while and staring at the stars on the stage.

The program is coming to an end.

Her eyes suddenly stopped slightly. That person is Xu Yingdong. She didn't expect that after three years, Xu Yingdong actually entered the entertainment industry. However, it seems that she relies on her family background. Even if she relies on the background, she still has such a bad virtue.

Yanyu takes back her sight and touches her earrings. She lowers her head and takes out her mobile phone from her pocket. She opens wechat and finds that Qin rang has sent her a picture.

She is on a temporary business trip these days. Xiaoxing is left to the nanny. Qin rang takes the initiative to say that he will go to Leeds to see Xiaoxing when he is free.

The reason why Yu accepted his kindness was that she didn't trust little star.

Let's talk about the photos sent by Kaiqin rang.

Little star has fallen asleep. She wears a lovely nightcap on her head, with beautiful sun lace, fluffy and soft. Under the cap are thick curly eyelashes. Her nose is small, the tip of the nose is slightly tilted, which is delicate, and her pink lips are slightly open.

The heart of speech is so soft that it's like a rippling lake that it's hard to calm down.

Her white fingers fretted, issued a line of words: Little Star nap, she wants you to coax her to sleep at noon today?

Qin rang sent a voice.

Yanyu has a habit of carrying earphones with her. She plugs them in, and Qin rang's voice with a strong smile says, "guess if she's asleep?"

His voice is a standard subwoofer. His voice is low and elegant. When he speaks, it's like the sound of a cello. When he wears headphones, the more intense the impact is, as if with the vibration of his vocal cords, the eardrum and scalp become numb.

Qin rang then sent a small video.

The little star in the video closed his eyes, Qin rang's voice came from one side: "my little angel, are you asleep?"

Little star still closed his eyes, eyelashes gently moved, her pink lips raised a little radian, like a snicker, she said softly: "your little angel has fallen asleep."

Qin rang: "really?"


"And who is speaking now?"

"The little star who loves you." Xiao Xing Xing suddenly opens her eyes and hugs Qin rang who is recording the video. Qin rang ends the recording and holds her in her arms.

Yu smiles and bends his eyes. He wants to finish the work more quickly so that he can return to Leeds and the little star.

What Yu has not noticed is that a man has been sitting in the position of Lu's group, which had been empty for a long time.The man's eyes are cold, his face is expressionless, his lips are thin, his nose is high, his outline is deep, his lines are smooth, his slender legs are overlapping, and he doesn't even see the performance on the stand. His whole body exudes the authority and indifference of the superior.

In his dark eyes were the deep waves.

Qin rang suddenly dials a call to Yanyu. Yanyu stands up. She is afraid to block the sight of people watching the program. She has lowered her body as much as possible.

But when I passed the first row.

The man in Lu's group still looks at him like an eagle. His eyebrows seem to be motionless, but the lines of his chin are no longer smooth. He looks stiff and indifferent, and his muscles in his cheeks are bulging.

The fingers on the table had already turned pale.

Yu Yu walks into the bathroom and leans on the washing table. She looks at herself in the mirror, smiles and picks up the video call.

Qin rang, holding the little star, appeared on the screen.

Little star bent his eyes with a smile and cried out sweetly: "Mom!"

The simile smiles: "baby."

"Mom, I miss you so much. I miss you so much."

Little star grabs Bai Nen's hand and lovingly makes a big circle.

In the eyes of the simile, the water waves: "mother has the whole universe to miss you like this."

"Mom, am I a shining star?" Little star often comes up with such naive children's words. She keeps all her innocence and romance. She likes starry sky, flowers, universe and grass.


"Why don't I think I'm a star?" As soon as Yanyu wanted to answer, Qin rang said, "because the stars are among the stars, she doesn't know how dazzling and beautiful she is."