Chapter 1867

Name:Dark Blood Age Author:天下飘火
The comma warship is not far from its destination. Just now, it crossed the open space from a cantilever of the star system to the cantilever of its destination, which is less than 3000 light-years in earth units.

It was followed by a huge fleet.

However, the overall speed of this fleet was not as fast as the comma warship, and it had just left the opposite cantilever.

They stayed on this cantilever for a short period of time and added a lot of material. A comma warship led by the sundialing tribe sent a team to the fleet to coordinate this chaotic and large number of star races.

Although the highest level of science and technology of the star race in the fleet is not as high as that of the three races, most of them have reached the level before the sundialing tribe entered the new ship, otherwise they will not survive until now.

This team, which is dominated by the sundialing clan, is fighting against the clock to arm them with science and technology, so as to ensure that the lowest level among them will not drag the speed of the whole fleet any longer, and the price they have to pay is naturally all kinds of information that the commas warships need most.

The whole fleet is full of star races. The life of the cardinal source gate has been taken directly by the comma warship. Since the last time Chu Yunsheng was pulled back to the macro world by using the two cardinals of the puppet overlord, the drow seems to have got the cardinal source gate collecting disease. They catch it when they see it, and try their pivot power source gate method when they catch it.

The life of cardinal gate in the comma warship is increasing rapidly, which is about the biggest substantial gain in the new plan besides maintaining the reputation of Shenchu.

It won't be long before the commas reach their destination, but unfortunately, they, together with Chu Yunsheng, failed to gather a spirit life on the voyage.

One reason is the scarcity of spiritual life, the other is the problem of identity.

Although the spiritual life is rare, the comma warship still encounters two in the concentrated course of many surviving life moving towards the destination.

One stealthily wanted to steal the comma warship, which was very fast, but he slipped before he really started fighting. The other didn't believe in the identity of the comma warship, and even talked lazily. He said to the "liar" of the comma warship that he left directly, and he didn't come to grab the comma warship, so he would give Chu Yun "face".

Chu Yunsheng couldn't help it. At the request of 3961, he went out of the ship to "show" it in the way of the old God's sword. As a result, the first one just slipped away and the second one didn't come to grab the commas.

There is no way for 3961. I don't know what the problem is. There is no evidence from the spirits of the two great kingdoms. It's really difficult to prove the identity of the crown prince.

It is a typical drow after all. Although it thinks that the problem lies in the proof, it still orders to investigate the reason according to the regulations of the new ship.

As a result, we got a barely explainable reason from a large number of rescued and captured star races and cardinal life.

If the comma warship is a star race, it is a piece of fat in the eyes of spiritual life. If it is added with Chu Yunsheng, it will become the fat of Chu Yunsheng.

Even in the eyes of other star races and cardinal sources, they are only "extremely advanced and powerful" and "spiritual!" Or something.

If the comma warship, like everyone else, pretends to be under the command of Shenchu, there will be no problem at all. Maybe some people will believe it.

But it wants to call itself the ship of God reserve, and its style and feasibility will immediately fall in everyone's cognition, which is no different from that of a liar.

As the crown prince and the ship of the crown prince, all the power it shows becomes "shabby" to the extreme in an instant.

The problem of warships is not enough. Shenchu may not find a better and more powerful warship as a base ship. Another problem is serious. Now, all the stars are summoned, and there is no spirit around him!!!

A bare one?

Who can believe it?

What's not a liar with a brain problem?

Let's just say that there is no spirit around Shenchu. Whether he can reach his destination alive is a problem.

According to the following investigation, most of the races and lives rescued or captured still don't believe that Chu Yunsheng is the God's reserve, but in the face of force, they have to admit it.

Among the numerous investigation reports, 3961, after reading the report of Paiyi, immediately went to check all the newly captured cardinal gate life ideas in the warship.

Sure enough, as reported by the Ministry of security, they are still unreliable and will continue to be isolated. 3961 found that in addition to their fear, patience and obedience under force, some of them even had a glimmer of hope that Shenchu would appear as soon as possible, kill the comma warship and Chu Yunsheng, who dare to pretend to be Shenchu, and rescue them.

3961 can't laugh or cry, but there's nothing to do. In fact, the Ministry of security has reported for a long time. However, it doesn't belong to a higher level that what these cardinal life thoughts are. Let alone the Lei who is busy waking up meteorite life, even 3961 himself won't pay attention to them.

3961 can not interfere in the affairs of the security department, and it does not need to interfere. The security department will continue to monitor the lives of these cardinal gates according to the regulations of the new ship.

It can be expected that if we arrive at the destination, who will believe them without the testimony of the two gods?

This may also be the consequence of the fierce competition on the route.

There are too many lives under the banner of the crown prince. Coupled with the cruel killing after deception, all lives are extremely cautious.

3961 found the problem, but could not solve it.

I only hope that the cold spirit Master can arrive as soon as possible. However, the cold spirit Master alone may not be able to solve this problem.

The trouble is a little big. 3961 can even think that the spirits of the new God are very likely to use "proof" as a very big condition to negotiate with their own side.

They can recognize Chu Yunsheng, but they can not recognize him until the conditions are agreed.

Even if Chu Yunsheng could be more powerful, even if he could show the old God's sword style, they would not be recognized collectively, and Chu Yunsheng was just a "spirit".

3961 reported his worries to Chu Yunsheng.

Chu Yunsheng and Lei are still trying to wake up meteorite life, but they have encountered some troubles. In order to avoid direct death of meteorite life, they have spent a lot of energy and time.

He quickly replied to 3961: "I'll find a way. You'll act as planned."

Three thousand light years of the earth is not long. Under the effect of time and space, the time inside the ship is shorter. When the warship arrives at the edge of its destination, Chu Yunsheng and Lei are still unable to successfully wake up the meteorite safely.

But it is certain that the huge ship has made secret moves on it, otherwise it would have been successful according to the race information.

Chu Yunsheng needs to go into the dark place with the help of divinity to see what's going on.

However, he is no longer willing to enter the bubble world or take risks anywhere else. The meteorite life is still alive, and the need to wake it up is far less important than the safety of the warship.

3961 now no longer calls itself the ship of the crown prince, let alone the ship of the crown prince. In that case, it's useless except to be despised.

It quietly and honestly stops the comma warship, which is already in the deceleration state, like other warships, and then understands the situation around.

The spirits of the New Kingdom blocked the situation of entering the destination galaxy. On the way, 3961 knew that the spirits of the new kingdom had a spiritual scattering on the starry sky, looking for Chu Yunsheng, and hoped that Chu Yunsheng would arrive as soon as possible.

The comma warship is completely different from the original fast warship. The spirits of the new God can't be recognized only from the appearance, and the firebug is also attached to the warship. Basically, there is nothing that can be recognized by the spirit of the new God from the appearance.

The spirits of the new kingdom of God did not check all the warships and lives who came here with the spirit. They wanted to negotiate with Chu Yunsheng, not turn over their faces.

If it wasn't for the previous investigation, the comma warship might have flown by like this, probably because it would have been scored first by the spirits of the new God Kingdom, and it would have taken the initiative to get a condition to send it to the door.

Chu Yunsheng and Lei have left the experimental space grid of meteorite life, and they are observing the new spirit array with several drow people in the virtual information sky.

3691 is not here. It is seizing the time to learn from other star races around it.

Soon, there will be life to let it go to a certain coordinate with some warships to concentrate and keep quiet waiting.

It's got the first reliable message: everyone's waiting for the l-reserves.

It also tentatively asks the first question: if left-handed Shenchu appears, how do you know whether it is true or false?

If the commas were not very advanced, the responders would be like seeing Idiots: whoever can negotiate with the spirits of the new God is.

3961 found himself asking a silly question. It is obvious that all the races and lives gathered here may follow Chu Yunsheng to fight against the spirits of the new kingdom of God to rush into the galaxy, but they will never care about the losses and concessions in the negotiation between the left-handed Shenchu and the new kingdom of God. These things have little to do with them.

It quickly contacted Lei who had come out. Although Lei was very tired, these things had exceeded its professional field. It was better to let Lei be responsible for them.

In any case, we should try to find a way to enter the target galaxy as soon as possible. If we wait like this, we will never be able to wait for "left-handed reserves", because they are themselves.

The spirits of the new kingdom of God blocked the target Galaxy first. Chu Yunsheng went to negotiate, which was tantamount to sending chips. If he didn't go, he couldn't wait.

There seems to be no other way but who can recognize him and the warship.

However, who can recognize him and the comma warship, and still have persuasion?

Another problem.

Mingming has arrived, but he can't prove himself. He has to wait among the ships.

Of course, if they decide to make substantial concessions to the new kingdom of God, it will not be a problem. The spirits of the New Kingdom need not say anything to prove it, as long as they show that they are negotiating with Chu Yunsheng.

Chu Yunsheng looks at the spirit array. At this time, he hasn't shown the spirit implication, and the spirit life camp on the other side of the starry sky hasn't turned his eyes to this - the camp of the starry sky race. , the fastest update of the webnovel!