Chapter 1809

Name:Dark Blood Age Author:天下飘火
After all, he is not a qualified God envoy, and he is no longer a qualified Star Race life.

It did not attach importance to the intelligence of the nine ships, nor did it abide by the rules of its mother family in the rainbow bridge, where no one knew the truth. It only hesitated for a moment and then entered the world in the rainbow bridge.

It knows that there is a problem in doing so, and it also knows where the problem lies, but all its problems are just the reflection or miniature of the prisoner like dilemma of its mother family.

Sooner or later, the problem will break out. The crisis of the kingdom of God overlaps with the crisis of our family. Even as the spiritual master, he does not know where the future of his family lies?

In many ways, it is no different from other ethnic groups. It is just to maintain the existing state and maintain the appearance of its own strong and bright. In fact, it is waiting for the day of collapse or rebirth.

As for turning the tide or rescuing the crisis, he asked himself that he couldn't do it. There are too many people who are better than him, and they didn't do it either. Now everyone can only cheat themselves in the mire and maintain it.

The point of arrival here is not "clean" or "pure". Its role of arrival has been fully utilized, and the world inside has become very complex because of this. If you want to enter such a point, you will lose eight out of ten or nine out of ten.

In addition, there is also a part of the memory that has nothing to do with the kingdom of God, which even the spirit can't bear.

The memory of this kind of arrival point is many and complex. If you don't pay attention, you may fall into it and can't find a way out.

He suspected that even the kingdom of God might not be able to clear the memory of those confused and unknown sources.

In order to prevent the common tragedies of being lost as soon as you enter the entrance of the descent point, under the arrangement of the kingdom of God, the descent point has adopted a relatively safe way, using the life available for the descent as the medium, in order to prevent the occurrence of mistakes.

In general, he leads to other coming places through the media life in the coming place and the source consciousness world in the coming place. Occasionally, when these media life are unstable, he temporarily uses the deeper world for the use of the God envoys, where the kingdom of God has arranged available memory. The difference is that it is safer not to use the media life.

If we go down from the source consciousness world of media life, we should first enter the consciousness world of the life, rather than the memory arranged by the kingdom of God.

From the consciousness of this life, the world continues to be the memory world arranged by the kingdom of God.

But this is not the innermost world, there is a deeper world, where there are all kinds of chaotic memories, which are collectively referred to as the underlying noise world.

He can skillfully and safely reach the level of memory world arranged by the kingdom of God by relying on the information mastered by God and his strong consciousness of being spirit.

Further down, it is full of danger. Both the kingdom of God and the tribe of Kho explicitly forbid it to enter.

However, as a God who has a strong interest in rainbow bridge since his cultivation period, only the deeper and deeper world is where all his interests lie. In his eyes, it is also the secret of rainbow bridge.

Otherwise, the rainbow bridge is just a tool for the emissary.

It has violated the ban more than once and entered the deeper world. The wonder of rainbow bridge lies here. As long as it doesn't say it, no one in the world will know.

Even if it happens to be met by other life in it, no one can give evidence - the prediction from rainbow bridge can't prove itself, and it's hard to tell whether it's true or false in the inner world.

Compared with Chu Yunsheng who broke into the world of consciousness at the beginning, the process of he entering the deeper world is much more complicated and difficult, but on the contrary, it is much easier.

The complexity and difficulty lies in the fact that, compared with Chu Yunsheng at that time, the way that God made he enter the rainbow bridge was a full invader, which invaded the source of consciousness of media life in the rainbow bridge.

This way has both advantages and disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage is that you can't stay in the rainbow bridge for too long. Once the time is too long, it is likely to be wiped out by the rainbow bridge.

He didn't know whether he was killed or not, but as a god envoy, he knew many real lessons clearly, and many God envoys never came out again.

This disadvantage has no effect on other envoys in most cases. As long as you leave the rainbow bridge as soon as possible and the envoys have strong spiritual consciousness, it will not be easily wiped out, and it is generally safe.

But it's very troublesome for he. He needs to stay in the rainbow bridge for as long as possible. Only long enough can he have a deep understanding of the rainbow bridge.

Of course, there is another way. Instead of entering the media consciousness of rainbow bridge as an intruder, you can directly enter your source of consciousness world in rainbow bridge as a media life, and your stay time can be greatly increased.

In fact, rainbow bridge does not have the concept of time. It only has the logic of the sequence of events. Sometimes, especially when we are lost, even the logical sequence may no longer exist. That will be the most dangerous and terrible moment.He naturally knows this well. After years of research, he found that the smaller he is, the longer he can stay as long as he interferes with the changes of various conscious memory worlds in rainbow bridge. This criterion is also applicable to entering his own source world and other people's source world.

Once there is an irreversible major intervention, it is better to run for your life as soon as possible.

As a divine envoy, it is the most convenient way to invade. However, in the source world of media life, the visible blue bubbles of media life can not be seen. We need to find the entrance according to the method provided by the kingdom of God.

With the support of the kingdom of God and the strong consciousness of the spirit, we can move step by step from the source world of media life into its inner world, and then down into the memory arranged by the kingdom of God. As long as we don't make mistakes, it will be much smoother and easier than Chu Yunsheng at that time.

From the memory arranged by the kingdom of God to the deeper world, the kingdom of God will no longer provide methods, and even the entrance will try to hide. Even if it is found by painstaking efforts, it will face a lot of restrictive measures.

He has long been familiar with the restrictive measures arranged by the kingdom of God.

Maybe the kingdom of God still has a chance for the emissary to escape in the restrictive measures. Maybe the kingdom of God can't do it. In short, he can always find a way to sneak in.

It's not strange that he has been down here several times.

The abnormality it feels is not in the world of media life, nor in the memory arranged by the kingdom of God. It must be in the memory world called the bottom noise.

It went down very carefully and entered a low-level memory that it had been in.

Every time it goes deep into it, it is very cautious, never making any big noise. Even the spiritual life is also careful to explore the world around it.

It has many years of experience, and generally only dares to explore the memory that is gray and corrupt. If it encounters the rare non gray memory, even if it is spiritual life, it will not hesitate to escape for the first time. This is the bloody experience that it has experienced and paid a heavy price.

Gray memory is relatively safe, but only a little bit.

The memory world that he entered shows a spaceship. He has never seen a spaceship with this structure, violating many known physical rules In the past few times, it just went around the place where it entered, without any in-depth attempt.

It is not just a visit. It has a set of exploration experience and methods, which is determined by its exploration purpose.

In the past few times, it built a restoration model for the decaying ship around it in its own way, and kept it firmly in its memory. Every time it came down, it would continue this work.

Although it does not know when it will be able to complete the whole gray memory recovery model, it may never be able to complete it, just like many other underlying memories it has explored.

Some, because of the transfer of the kingdom of God, it has no chance to explore, some, as if completely disappeared, can no longer be found, all the work, except for those lucky and painstakingly built partial recovery models left in its memory, has lost any hope of follow-up.

However, this does not deter it from continuing its interest, and it continues to study the underlying memory it will encounter next.

Only in this way, it seems to make its own life shine and have the meaning of continued existence, instead of waiting in the same predicament as other people, living like a machine or a corpse.

It has always believed that if one day it can recover a lot of the memory world of the underlying noise, it will be able to find out the secret of rainbow bridge.

By the way, for example, if the warship in memory is recovered, it may be helpful to understand the macro.

Although it does not want to admit that there is still a struggle in its heart, which used to be the mark of life in the starry sky, and although the whole family has already fallen into the mire of no solution, there is still an unwilling desire in its heart, even if it is spiritual life.

After he came down carefully, he didn't continue to try to build the restoration model step by step with his exploration scope as before. Today's goal is not to do so.

Gray memory is very strange. It will automatically recover after a period of time. Even if it is damaged, it will recover to its original state, but it is more decayed than the last time.

In fact, there is no exact concept of time here, and he does not know how to calculate the recovery cycle, but it is obviously impossible to detect whether there is an exception through the destruction of the world in memory.

He has his own method, which is the experience he has found out for many years.

However, there are not many opportunities for practical verification, and it is not sure whether it is correct or not.

Everything is still in the degree of decay. According to its own attempt, if the damage is large, the degree of decay will increase slightly after the memory is restored.

He can judge whether the memory here has been damaged by comparing the small part of the recovery model he built before with the current situation and eliminating the influence factors after it comes in.If there is, there is life coming in.

The result of the check made he very confused, and there was no obvious decay acceleration, but as soon as he came in, he felt more clearly that there was life coming in.

Here, he can't stay too long. He will leave immediately when he can't find the result.

When it left, the gray silence memory had a recovery change. He was very careful and cautious, but he still didn't realize that after the memory recovery, he left with a little more invasion consciousness than when he came in.

All the way back to the normal world of media life source, he thought about it and thought that maybe there is no abnormality there, and the abnormality may happen in the deepest and deepest world in the legend.

It was once in trouble in exploring a low-level memory world, and encountered non gray memory. From there, it learned that there is a real and purest memory world deeper than the bottom noise layer in legend.

And the memory of that world is said to be very small, but it is the most basic existence, perhaps left by the builder of the rainbow bridge.

He didn't get similar information from the kingdom of God. All of these information came from his own risk and death exploration. According to what he knows, it seems that people who know have been looking for the cleanest and purest memory world at the bottom, but no one has ever found it, as if the entrance completely disappeared, or itself completely disappeared.

He is a spirit of seeking truth from facts. It doesn't do impractical things. With its initial spirit ability, it's unrealistic to look for the fabulous memory.

Maybe that's what the top spirits can and can do.

He didn't think much about the things here. He still had a lot to do. Then he left step by step and went to the next arrival point.

Soon after it left, a pair of eyes swept through the media source consciousness here, and then left. But I don't know what I suddenly found, so I immediately stopped and pushed back the source world of the media life regardless of the cost!

At the beginning of the reverse push, those eyes immediately suffered a powerful erasure!

Its shadow in the media source world is fading, but it is still very strong against obliteration.

However, although it is very powerful, but forced to push down, resulting in the erasing force is also very powerful.

Before pushing backward to the presence of the God's emissary, those eyes could no longer resist obliteration. They stopped pushing backward and disappeared.

On the other side, outside the arrival point, the Hetong people, who are constantly monitoring the arrival point, found a major abnormality in media life, and immediately reported it to Ju at the highest level: "20913 suddenly lost his mind and lost his consciousness..."

Ju's reply was also very fast: "don't wait for the result, clear and kill immediately, in case of accident."

At this time, the God's emissary, he, has already appeared outside another place where he will come.

To finish the task here, it really has to go back to the bridge.

Although it is very annoying to go back to Qiaokou, every time it goes back, even if it is a divine envoy of the kingdom of God, it has to be inspected and approved for countless times, and then isolated for a long time. During this period, it is repeatedly confirmed and tested to ensure that there is no problem.

It knows that it's very important there, that there may be the most important thing, arrangement or life in the kingdom of God.

But it's really troublesome, so if you don't go back, it tries not to go back.

But for nine ships, it has to go back once.

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