Chapter 1704

Name:Dark Blood Age Author:天下飘火
Chu Yunsheng first quickly splits a fission body from the body, and then immediately enters the bubble world from his own death. However, he does not observe the strange spirit bubble, and immediately invades through the bubble world to a battle body that huochongwei has managed to create.

Ontology can't support the resources needed by the counterattack, and it can't meet the high-intensity computing power needed in counterattack.

The best choice is to create a battle body to defend itself.

Then, the false spirit essence spreads out at the speed of light, taking this combat body as the center. At the moment of contact with the spirit essence of strange spirit, it opens up the track of time and space.

The first blow of the counterattack was Chu Yun's forbidden skill from the corpse star spirit Master.

The strange spirit has not yet responded, and all the immediate resistance comes from its own characteristics. Only when the spirit essence at the front will feed back the change, the strange spirit will know that Chu Yunsheng has counterattacked.

Although this period of time in the middle is very short, if the distance between the two sides is not far enough, it is even a matter of a moment.

Both spirit and information are running at the speed of light.

However, for high-level life, this moment is sometimes enough to do a lot of things. Before the other side has a new reaction, take advantage of your own initiative at this moment to attack all your advantages, and do not give the other party new opportunities.

So a lot of times, for example, when fighting, we have to spend a lot of time and energy in making various preparations, making every possible effort, and making all kinds of predictions, so as to prevent the occurrence of passive and unresponsive situations.

It's often like not fighting in the same time and space, but fighting each other in the future, and the other side is the same.

When Chu Yunsheng opened the track of time and space, there was no longer any pause. On the one hand, he opened up to the smaller and smaller space-time interval at a faster and faster speed. On the other hand, he inserted an array of runes on the "page" of the opened space-time world.

When the strange spirit finds out Chu Yunsheng's counterattack, he will not only fall into the track of time and space opened by Chu Yunsheng, but also fall into the array of runes separated in time and space.

Chu Yunsheng almost copied the way of runes formed in the dark world of the forbidden area, and almost reached the limit of the ninth stage.

But it's not just that.

Chu Yunsheng then launched the sword form, still copying Ming's Sword form in the dark world with his ability. The only difference is that Chu Yunsheng launched only the last four sword moves at the moment, without the first one.

Each time he opened a deeper space-time track with a smaller time interval, Chu Yunsheng inserted one Rune array and at the same time broke into a loop composed of four swords.

Because of the density of runes and swords, the time and space seem to have ripples and spread all around, as if there were going to be a big explosion.

There are only two forbidden techniques that Chu Yunsheng can use. There is no time to start studying the forbidden techniques of forbidden area bringing meeting, so they can not be used in actual combat immediately.

In these two prohibitions, the first can open the space-time track, and the second can lengthen the time line, so that they can enter the increasingly small time interval units in the space-time track crazily.

At the beginning of the war with yilingzhu, he madly went deep into the deeper and more subtle space of the track of time and space, which made all the spirit masters, including the spirit Master, struggling to break free.

This time, compared with that time, it was a long time ago. Chu Yunsheng's ability, understanding, familiarity and modification of the two prohibitions were better than before.

Moreover, Chu Yunsheng was more ruthless than the last time.

In less than a moment, he had drawn the track of the moment to the point of horror.

When the spirit of the strange spirit finally fed back Chu Yunsheng's changes back to the strange spirit itself at the speed of light, Chu Yunsheng had already reached the point where the battle body would collapse instantly.

At the same moment when the strange spirit learns the feedback, he is hit by a series of blows.

It was pulled by Chu Yunsheng into the "trap" of space-time track which has become extremely terrible!

it is not terrible by one by one, but combined together, it seems like a tightly calculated Rune "cage"!

It's locked in the surrounding space by a sword!

It's locked by a sword!

It is a sword as if on the timeline of its conventional response "back to the original form"!

It is attacked by a sword into zero dimensional consciousness!

Trap, cage, four sword killing

It even startled for a moment, thinking that the powerful life that made those protective arrays on Chu Yunsheng's body appeared, and immediately wanted to escape according to the plan it had prepared.

However, at the next moment, it finds out from these traps, cages and sword moves that no matter which trap, cage or sword form is, there seems to be something missing. Without that, it seems that without the charm, it is no longer terrible.

Its judgment has always been accurate and rarely makes mistakes.

At its level, it is impossible to deviate too much even if something goes wrong.It immediately tried it in a special way, and as it judged, there was a little bit less. Although there might still be some trouble, it was not fatal - it could not have been done by a powerful life.

It quickly and easily judges that the life of counterattack is not the life it worries about. Although it seems even more strange, there is another spiritual life guarding such a low-level life body besides a firefly guard.

It doesn't think that the spiritual life and the lower life are the same life, because it is impossible. Needless to say, the needs of spiritual life are not satisfied by the low life.

Although the attack methods of the spiritual life that counterattack it are very special, one of them has seen similar forms with the flavor of left-handed divine Kingdom, but they lack the key "verve". In its eyes, it is still low-end. However, it can be seen that the protected low-level life forms are extremely important.

Its decision to follow here is still correct.

It doesn't care about the increasingly deep track of space and time.

It may cause some troubles, but its zero dimension and the strength of consciousness are beyond the imagination of low-level spiritual life.

In fact, it can stay still and let the low-end psychic life who is trying to counterattack attack at will. Just like its attack on those defense arrays, it can't be broken in any way.

But it doesn't want chu Yunsheng to continue to toss about. Time and space have already produced ripples. If it continues, it will expose it and its target in the starry sky and attract more and more powerful life to notice.

In its eyes, this is what Chu Yunsheng's counterattack is, to it, nothing more than to expose himself.

It didn't pay attention to Chu Yunsheng's counterattack against it, only did two things.

The first is to quickly smooth space-time and eliminate the impact of Chu Yunsheng's counterattack in the starry sky.

The second one is to make a space-time trap and put Chu Yunsheng into it.

The two things were done smoothly and could be completed immediately. Chu Yunsheng's counterattack had no effect on it, and the damage was less than half a minute.

But when it did a good time and space trap, it suddenly couldn't find Chu Yunsheng.

Chu Yunsheng's fighting body collapsed and died in the crazy deep space-time track.

This sudden change makes strange spirits who have experienced countless life and death suddenly feel a trace of extremely dangerous breath!

It does not know where the danger is coming from, but it knows that the danger is approaching rapidly!

At this time, in the track of time and space, only it and Chu Yunsheng noumenon.

And Chu Yunsheng's ontology is approaching it quickly!

This is ridiculous, but because of the existence of these extremely powerful protective arrays, a low-level life body can not only stay in the extreme level of space-time track that can tear the body of Chu Yunsheng into pieces, but also move quickly without any impact.

But what is the use of Chu Yunsheng's ontology approaching it? It's just a low-level creature wearing super armor. The armor doesn't attack on its own initiative. At most, it just gets out of the way

However, the strange spirit instinctively perceived more and more great danger!

it immediately gave up the space-time trap without hesitation, and quickly launched its prepared evasion method.

But it still seems to be half a beat late.

It has been in the evasion, but still feel a sharp black awn, with countless cold sounds of killing, as if nothing is not wearing, such as shadow, such as, in an instant!

In an instant, the last one of the four sword moves was added, and the five sword moves were united in one breath, as if "living" came over.

The sword style is not the only way to live.

The last black Sword form seems to connect the five sword moves in time and space, successively connecting the rune array and the track of time and space.

So the sword style came alive, the cage came alive, and the trap came alive , the fastest update of the webnovel!