Chapter 1689

Name:Dark Blood Age Author:天下飘火
This supercluster of extinct galactic galaxies is vast, spanning an unknown number of light-years, and in which many stars and matter float.

If not to a certain degree of advanced level, the vast majority of life, the process from birth to death of their race, will not be able to cross it, leave it, or explore its whole world.

Most of life just squirms inside it.

A long time ago, they received a signal, and they went through a lot of hardships to escape from the nearby star system to the coordinate Galaxy marked by the signal.

On several occasions, they almost got lost in the increasingly bizarre sky, as if the entire supercluster had become more and more dangerous.

They've never heard of galactic overlord before, but they've learned about the left-handed shenuo depopulation from an enemy race they've fought and defeated.

The Galactic overlord in the signal claimed to submit to the left-handed Shenguo waste reserve. They did not believe it from the beginning, and even suspected it was a trap. However, if there is no way out, even if it is a glimmer of hope, they should try it.

When they reach the coordinate Galaxy marked by the signal, they are transported to another galaxy which is more distant. The long voyage makes them lose a lot of money, but they get a certain degree of security.

Galactic overlord, as expected, is a spiritual life!

But instead of destroying them, they provide protection.

Under its command, the star race and its star ships are almost all over the galaxies they finally reach, exploring the past far away, as numerous as stars!

But if it were not for the pilot ambassador, there would be almost no movement outside the galaxy, as if there was a mysterious force covering the whole galaxy.

They will not be able to navigate with a dozen other planets in the inner sector of the system unless they are ordered to travel with a dozen other planets.

They have been tested and verified by the inspection Ambassador once, but the rating is very ordinary, less than five levels, belonging to the lower middle class, and are not qualified to meet the Galactic overlord.

However, not long ago, they got a news that they didn't know whether it was true or not. It was rumored that a yuan emissary named Xue Yuan Shi was to be issued a domain certificate because he had been approved by the Galactic overlord not long ago. He or she might be transferred to become one of the many star races under the direct jurisdiction of the new snow region envoy.

They don't know much about the power system under the Galactic overlord. They can only learn one or two from other star races. Yuan Shi may be the top level in the power center system. Once you get the domain certificate issued by the Galactic overlord, they can assume the top position of the other system, the regional envoy, and master the huge real power.

Just like those low-level pilots and inspection ambassadors, they are all low-level real powers. The "envoys" at the corresponding level in the central system level will temporarily assume the post after being appointed.

The promotion of rank is usually only in the central system, and depends on the performance of the person who acts as a real power agent.

The two systems coexist and operate in the power system of the Galactic overlord.

Rumors did not make them wait too long, and soon, their representatives met for the first time the new high-level snow envoys.

Although their representatives could only line far away from the new snow region envoy, they finally saw the life of the peak of power here.

Unfortunately, the new snow field did not reveal more information, and looked extremely tired, and soon left in a hurry.


Snow makes no new joy, but worried.

From the level of promotion and reuse, it almost created an unprecedented speed, so that many old court envoys are secretly extremely jealous.

But if things change, it is still the first to be punished, and even if things don't change, it will continue to face endless harassment.

When the firebug disappeared, it knew something was going to happen.

It would be a terrible thing to respect your anger.

However, zunshang's response made him puzzled and surprised. Instead of fighting back, he mobilized a large number of resources, including a top 10 treasure ship, to block the cavities left by the missing fireflies, and sent more than half of the court envoys to guard outside without any delay.

Venerable himself entered the cavity and did not come out until recently.

It was also recruited at that time, and was extremely shocked. For a long time, it had not seen the extremely cautious appearance of the venerable. Before the venerable went in, the extremely cautious appearance almost made it recall some things of that year.

But when he came out, zunshang seemed to have a long sigh of relief.

Although he was a yuan emissary, his qualifications were not high. He could only hear zunshang and several old envoys sighing and saying: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I knew for a long time that this would happen It's good that I've made all the preparations If you let that thing come out If it's positioned to Be careful 95827 Xueyuan envoy did a good job... " completelyXueyuan emissary, the present snow field envoy, actually doesn't know where he is doing well. He has only completed all the tasks assigned to him meticulously according to his orders. If he has to come up with one during his going in, he is in a trance before the venerable master comes out. He hears that hateful firebug and says something very tired and uneasy You are the master of Xueyuan envoy. Go out The master of Scripture does not know that... "

It doesn't know whether it should feel honored or sad. The honor is that it has become one of the names of the venerable. Sadly, this hateful firebug who has been studying and transforming it all day seems to have a special interest in it.

This is one thing it worries about. The other is that many court envoys are worried about. Zunshang seems to want to release the Ge Yuan Shi!

As a result, before being officially confirmed that he wanted to be released, this former top power man, who was feared by many court envoys, was preempted by many old court envoys with the opportunity to praise it as "doing a good job".

It knows that zunshang's actions are very unique, and he or she will not release them. Once they decide to release them, they will still be reused.

Of course, this is also what many envoys expect. Otherwise, after punishing Ge Yuan Shi, they won't ask "how did the Ge Yuan Shi reflect?"

However, until today, it is keenly aware that the reason why Ge Yuan Shi was punished may not be because of the original task. The original task did not fail completely in the end, but probably because of other problems, such as the words that zunshang said when he came out of the cavity.

Whether conscious or unconscious, Ge Yuan Shi must have suffered a heavy loss!

This is the biggest problem it worries about, because it can't help thinking like this, and Zun can easily know what it is thinking

But the good news is that it's about to set off for another distant galaxy.

The other subordinates sent by the LORD have already made strict arrangements there. As a regional envoy, it will carry out top secret missions on that galaxy.

Near that galaxy, there was a star ship where the Shenguo waste storage was located. Although we don't know where it is now, it is in extreme danger nearby.

Recently, it was reported that a spiritual life was drowned in a nearby galaxy and never appeared again.

Another news that has not yet been confirmed is that two extremely advanced star ships have broken into the no access area marked on the star map. It is estimated that it will be very dangerous.

It doesn't know if there are any disused starships among the two most advanced ones?

It only knows that the two star ships have extremely advanced dynamic and static state separation technology. , the fastest update of the webnovel!