Chapter 1680

Name:Dark Blood Age Author:天下飘火
Chu Yunsheng was "woken up" by the appearance of "light". In this dark world, "light" seems to be the most precious thing. At the first time the battle body touches the "light", it sends a signal to Chu Yunsheng who is self closing through the seal rune.

Then, Chu Yunsheng "wakes up" after a short period of closure, but so stupid is still closed by him.

The moment of "awakening" means that the consciousness is exposed on a large scale, and the sense of erasure is strong, and it rises rapidly at geometric level. In a moment, the bubble quickly appears to the eleventh crack!

Moreover, other cracks are getting bigger and bigger, as if they will disappear in an instant.

After a brief delay, the countdown of life suddenly starts to accelerate, and the time may be less than a second.

Chu Yunsheng did not change the movement track of the combat body. Even his thinking was strictly restricted. Any reaction and stimulation of consciousness to the outside world would increase the intensity of the sense of erasure.

Everything has to be simple and easy, from action to thinking.

He faced the extreme situation in an extreme way, so he didn't even take a look at the surrounding situation after he "woke up".

This is what he planned for a long time, because at his present level, "looking" is also a waste of money. If it is not done well, it will be cheated. If you want to crack the deception, you have to run the limit of your thinking, so that he can only die faster.

Therefore, he did not "look" or "observe", as if there was no difference between him and before he "woke up", and he allowed his own combat body to fly in the established direction.

The difference is that he is ready at any time. He doesn't react or think. He just waits for the response of the underworld. He believes that he must have found him and will respond.

This is trust and tacit understanding, but also a kind of self-awareness.

Even if there is no sense of obliteration here, he will still do so.

Because, he follows the simplest and most basic logic. With his current ability, he is far less than those spiritual life outside. If he does not have the ability to enter the bubble world at any time, a strong spirit can kill him to fly ash at any time, but the spiritual life outside is much worse than the ghost and the enemy here.

If he just ran to rescue Ming in a conventional way of thinking, then Ming didn't need him to rescue him at all, because if Ming couldn't figure it out, reinforcements like him with weak combat strength would die, and there was no exception.

The only thing that he can increase the combat power of the underworld is the combination. After the combination, the combat power will increase. Then it is only a little bit, which is also a little bit of the advantage. Moreover, he also has black gas, runes and other things that can play a greater role in the hands of the underworld.

Therefore, his role is only a combination. Before and after the combination, he appears extremely weak in this dark world. Any fight and other ideas have no effect, and he is looking for death.

His task is to send himself in with sufficient preparation, and then "wake up" when he is close to the underworld. He is ready to react and judge once.

It's not that he went to find him, but let him come to him.

As long as Ming finds him, he will give his body to control, cooperate with him to complete the combination, and finish all the work before and after.

At this point, it is simple, but it is not easy to achieve. It can even be said that it is very difficult to achieve. In addition to absolute unshakable trust, we have to face the death terror pressure of less than one second of life countdown. Without a very strong will, we can not do it. Trust and tenacity complement each other and interact with each other. As long as any party wavers, it will collapse immediately 。

When Chu Yunsheng just "woke up" and the eleventh crack of the bubble appeared, he immediately felt that behind him, there was a "eye" hidden in the dark looking at him.

He still didn't "see" or "observe" what was going on with that "eye". Because of the minimalist strategy - do not look, don't think, don't think, so whether it's dark, or alien or three forbidden, Chu Yunsheng didn't know at this moment.

According to his understanding, the three prohibitions often appear in the form of "eyes", and the underworld is also a fire bug. According to the description of the prohibition of things, heterologous things often appear in their similar forms. All three are possible.

But it is not necessarily "eyes", it may be a kind of thing to observe the world, it may also be other things, Chu Yunsheng did not understand, at the moment do not want to understand.

He has no time, not only does he not have to delay his countdown time, otherwise, if there is enough time, the world where he is now is really of great value for understanding.

It's too weird here. The distance of space seems meaningless, but when the position is determined, it has meaning. He enters with the object of war, but he can't see other objects. If his consciousness is not exposed, he may not be wiped out. Once exposed, he will be immediately obliterated by the sense of obliteration.

It seems that all things here exist only when they are determined to exist, which is self contradictory.

When Chu Yunsheng just came in, he had a brief understanding because of the need for survival. After that, he stopped studying these things completely. Different from the situation outside, his first priority was to delay his life, and then to fit in with the underworld, and then to be in the rear row.The next moment he felt the "eye," the "eye" disappeared.

Then, Chu Yunsheng felt that there was something more in the body of the battle, and it seemed that it was a part of his life

He knew it was hell, it must be hell!

Because, along with the life source of the battle body, this feeling quickly merged with him.

Because there is no rejection in the body of war.

Because black gas has no counterattack and no rejection.


Because of the loneliness, fear, worry and incomparable missing under the cold and cold awn And, at this time, the excitement of trying to cover up.

Because, he felt that was his life!

Chu Yunsheng only had time to say: you come!

However, it was given control of the body of war.

Chu Yunsheng doesn't know why there is only the fusion of the origin of consciousness, but there is no real combination. However, he doesn't need to know, so he will leave it all to Ming.

The sense of obliteration became extremely terrifying because of his reaction, as if the next moment, he would be completely wiped out, and the countdown seemed to have reached the end.

The origin of Ming, who quickly controlled the battle style, closed Chu Yunsheng carefully at the speed of light, leaving only a subtle reaction channel. At the same time, the stupid closure was quickly opened by Ming.

At the moment when Chu Yunsheng was closed, through the origin of the underworld, he heard a "voice" in a trance and said: "I'm sorry I didn't expect that you and its origin can be integrated But then what? All you can rely on now is its life body and ability, and its life body and ability are really Can't find your noumenon, it's still dead I promise after I merge with you, we'll let it out This is your only choice and his only way to live... "

After that, Chu Yunsheng couldn't feel anything. Only when Ming needed the black gas, he gave it to him, when he needed the source of life, he wanted the tactics to give the tactics, and the memory to the memory.

And so stupid, for the first time, I found that I couldn't control myself. It was also the first time that I found that replication could be so perfect, so fun, so hidden, so quietly


In the dark world, the flying battle body suddenly stops and stands steadily in the void. The battle body is rapidly optimized. The light of the armour under the weak light seems to be refreshed from the beginning to the end. Finally, I look up to the eyes of countless noumenon like the endless ocean. It is a piece of blood red!

In the void, below it, there is an array of runes that twinkle and darkness on one side at a high speed. On the other hand, it flashes and dies, and layers upon layers.

Each side has been accurately calculated to the extreme, with a great sense of science and technology.

On top of it, there are five sword forms that are analyzed, which are distributed in time, space, dimension, material and even consciousness. It seems that all of them are in these few sword forms, forming a huge closed world with nowhere to escape.

Facing countless noumenon, he was shocked and angry: "you want to attack indiscriminately, and wipe out your noumenon as well?"

Ming ignored it, immediately attack and kill, merciless.

Innumerable noumenon no longer speak, and fight back immediately.

In just a moment, the light seems to light up half of the dark world.

Then calm down, countless noumenon is only a small half.

The body of the underworld is also full of holes.

But the war did not stop because of this, and the remaining noumenon seemed to be connected by invisible "lines" together with the source of life.

The battle body of the underworld flies to the ontology group, and the rune array below shines one after another.

Innumerable sources of life are gathered, and the remaining innumerable ontologies are fused together.

But at this time, the voice of the noumenon said coldly: "it's really this creature. At the beginning, you left a kind of favorable impression on those fireflies sent out. I was also surprised that you knew this creature existed in the galaxy, and had been prepared for today. Otherwise, how could such arrogant fireflies look up to you It's a pity that it's not mature yet. It's coming in too early

The remaining noumenon has been uncontrollably converged and integrated, but in an instant, the battle body brought by Chu Yunsheng under the control of the underworld has been split into countless pieces in the dark world.

as like as two peas, each of them seems to be the body of a battle body, and the reactions, actions and sources of consciousness are exactly the same.

It seems that the situation of the underworld was reversed. Now it becomes the battle body brought by Chu Yunsheng and becomes an endless ocean.

The noumenon being gathered said: "you are not the only one who is prepared. I have prepared for today for a long time. Admit defeat. I'm afraid that little creature can't be used now. It can be solved once, but now it can't control so much even if it dies? How about finding your noumenon... "

Ming just looked at it coldly, because the body of war has become numerous, it seems that countless eyes are looking at it at the same time.

Then he moved a little, so that the opposite body had converged into the only one, and flew to one of the countless battle bodies brought by Chu Yunsheng.Then, according to Chu Yunsheng's memory, it used a strange tactic.

At the last moment before the completion of the battle method, it opened the seal of Chu Yunsheng and handed over the combat body to Chu Yunsheng.

At the moment when Chu Yunsheng took over his body, it seemed that there was a spiritual voice ringing through the dark world --

"the spirit emperor, the God is destroyed, I am the true one, I am separated from the four empty spaces, and the sword is in the center!"

The sentence "I am original", echoed in countless combat bodies. Any combat body can be the center, any combat body can be true, on the contrary, it still remains.

As a result, the body of war with ontology fusion is selected as true, and other combat bodies die out one after another.

When the alliance officially began, the war seemed to have just begun.

But at this time, the enemy, who was still in the combination, said coldly: "I guess it will OK, then I'll help you to rush to the top of the mountain to see whether it's the spirit or the town first, and how it died in an instant , the fastest update of the webnovel!