Chapter 1454

Name:Dark Blood Age Author:天下飘火
the old man slowly told him about their origin. It seemed that he had no more life. His words were intermittent and could only give a general idea after a long time.

They came from the remote wild stars. At first, after the cold star fleet left, although they did not take them away, they left one small ship after another.

After thousands of years, they gradually prospered in the undisturbed wild stars generation after generation. Although they were still very backward, they could barely enter the small flying boat that was left for them to learn.

In the small spaceship, they learned the language in the small spaceship, learned a lot of knowledge they had not reached, and quickly grew up.

When they learned the truth of their ancestors' history and the dangers in the future, with the rapid progress of science and technology, they gathered the human and material resources of the world to try to build a bigger spaceship that could take more people away and leave the dangerous wild star.

They didn't know at that time that it was approaching the end of the Milky way, and the third battlefield on the edge of the galaxy was torn into a sea of blood. Their star regions were still quiet. The universe was so big that a sea of corpses and blood in a place was as silent as a forest. It seemed that they would never interfere with each other.

The first test voyage of the spaceship suffered a heavy failure. Their technology was still too backward, but before the second test voyage, the disaster came.

A scarred battleship broke into their peaceful world.

However, they were almost defenseless and were instantly defeated. In the eyes of the other party, those proud weapons were similar to enterprises and toys. The war ended quickly. After a large number of compatriots were slaughtered, a small number of people were brought into this warship, which seemed to have experienced a bloody war.

They thought that they would become slaves and experimenters of others again, just like their ancestors. Maybe another wild star would appear on another planet.

However, the warship was so badly damaged that it was always trying to escape. It seemed that it was being pursued and killed by someone. When it flew away from the galaxy, it was hit by dozens of different but extremely dangerous attacks. In the small dark area outside the galaxy, the enemy with heavy casualties had to do navigation "slaves" and repair warships with new knowledge.

But only in this way, even if the enemy is weak enough to breathe, they can not resist and can only become "slaves" forever.

However, the sky did not seem to abandon them completely. In the dark area, the warship encountered a spaceship that was almost miserable with the enemy. In order to cross the material resources, both sides immediately worked out all their strength.

The old man did not know why the enemy who had captured them did not kill them all at the most difficult time. Instead, they always died to protect their lives. However, it was only limited to this. It seemed that they only wanted them to live.

The spaceships that came to snatch the resources also saw that this was a weakness, and almost won the victory, and even destroyed all the embryo storage areas in the battleship, but it failed in the end.

However, in this war, those "bandits" used them to destroy the warships and attack their enemies, so that they could arm them quickly and obtain many ways to deal with the "slave owners".

Among them, the dying machine behind them, the intelligent machine, has been fighting with them for a long time. It is a weapon and a comrade in arms that they rely on for survival, and now they are still barely supporting it.

Although the robbers have been killed, but help them to obtain part of the authority in the ship, which is one of the reasons why they can live to this day.

In this war of desperate resistance, they did not know how many of their own kind they had killed. Today, they are in despair. Even with the malicious "help" of those bandits, they will eventually fall down because of the big gap with the enemy. If the embryos were not completely destroyed, if the enemy did not want to kill them all, they might have been killed long ago Yes.

The appearance of Mu ran and other people gave them a new hope. The small spaceship that left the deserted star seemed to indicate that the gods who left thousands of years ago were some kind of their kind.

As for the enemies, they will not resist the temptation of killing themselves, so long as they can not resist the temptation of the enemy, they will not believe that they will kill themselves again.

When the flea approached them step by step, they could not attack and hesitated not to commit suicide, but desperately wanted the flea to wake up and get rid of the enemy's fictitious world - for which they had to kill countless companions.

With only one step to go, mu'an is about to come to the front, and the machines behind them will be shut down. They will become "slaves" again and lose the last chance to commit suicide. Mu'an finally "wakes up" and they win.

However, only two of them survived. There were also real puzzles in the true and false of micro life. There were indeed five cold star people rescued by them, and the two who had just died. It was probably because of a moment's hesitation that they made the wrong choice.

After hearing this, there were still many questions, but these people could not answer them——Why can microlife find traces of fast warships? Is it a coincidence, or is there something else?

According to the old man's description, she naturally thought whether it was a red man?

If the micro life is really red, then it is too terrible. At the beginning, in the wild star, together with Chu Yunsheng, everyone was cheated by them!

She vaguely knew that microlife had proposed a coordinate to let the original cold star fleet pass by and study the method of making the red man's source body together. If they really passed, and the micro life was indeed a red man, it would be a huge trap!

If the red man saw the fleet destroyed and fled in all directions, it was a fraud. On the contrary, it was likely to set a trap at that coordinate.

At that time, they were still very weak. If they fell into the trap carefully arranged by the enemy, they would hardly survive if they knew themselves.

But the cruelty and heartlessness in the starry sky is just like this. Even if one's own kin is chopped off one by one in front of him, as long as the other party has not found out his real identity, they can be as if nothing has happened. They will not be angry, sad, excited, and have no success. They will only calmly continue all kinds of strategies until they reach their goals Yes.

How many of them die is not their first consideration.

But is micro life really a red man? After all, no one has actually seen the red man, and Mu Ran is not sure.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that microlife is really very interested in human beings. According to their original statement, they have been lurking on the barren stars for thousands of years, just to steal human beings.

After seeing two surviving comrades who were still in fear, Mu ran, as Ali's assistant and the highest commander here, immediately said, "the enemy must be alive, and the battle is not over. Third, you are proficient in the system, and try to control the warship with the help of the invading procedures left by the star race who deliberately helped the barbarians. Only when we control the warships, can we have the cooperation with them The other side's qualification to fight. "

"Don't worry, deputy. I've learned a piece of code from wunu people. As long as you enter the enemy's internal system, it will work. To tell you the truth, deputy team, big Junge's system is good, but I prefer the coldness and cruelty of the code." How many times did the cold star man, who was called the third old man, escaped from death, was tough minded and ignored a large number of corpses around him. He had already begun to learn the system system of this spaceship skillfully.

"You didn't learn it by stealth. Yies learned it for you on purpose." Mu ran didn't tell him the truth, because he was afraid to attack his pride and confidence in his success in stealing school. At that time, Yisi told her, and she has been hiding it till now.

"It doesn't matter, deputy. I've learned it anyway." The third seems to be a cold-blooded person, or see too many of his comrades in arms have died, and he has no strong reaction to the two comrades who have just died, or he has been used to burying his feelings in the depths of his heart, his eyes are cold and he doesn't like to talk.

However, another surviving comrade in arms had a sad face, but he also tried to restrain himself. After quickly saluting the two dead comrades with Mu ran, he automatically took charge of guarding the surrounding situation.

Mu ran began to consider the current situation calmly. According to the old man, microlife is indeed connected with one of their main warships, and will come soon. If we can't seize control of the warship before that, it will be very dangerous.

She doesn't ask the third to really control the warship. It's too difficult. Even if they have trained and studied for so long, they can't be a real rival of the star race, even with the help of those "bandits". Her real purpose is to let the old three use a piece of code of URU man to snatch a signal transmission opportunity of a spaceship to the fast warship and the master The fleet sends out signals.

As long as the signal is sent out, no one can chase them back, so that they can have a ray of vitality.

It should not be too far from a fast warship on a large scale, and the light speed of the signal is always much faster than that of any spaceship.

"What else can I do for you?" Asked the frail old man.

Mu ran thought for a moment and said, "I do have a plan, but you will sacrifice..."


Recently, Chu Yunsheng has been back and forth between the new ship and the fast warship to ensure the smooth convergence of the two ships.

When he reappeared in the fast warship again, he left the storage area with the standby life body made by the warship in accordance with the simple method of the drow people. Then, through the highest authority, he found a signal from mura and others received ten days ago when the fast warship was inside the ship.

The content of the signal is compressed so much that there is no coordinate. It only mentions that there will be a voluntary descendant, which will keep the conscious mind in a fierce mood

Chu Yunsheng left a message for mia, and then immediately returned to the bubble world.

By this time, a huge oval warship had been a long time away from the spaceship where mura was located.

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