Chapter 1363

Name:Dark Blood Age Author:天下飘火
when someone called "stop", Ali thought of Chu Yunsheng first. Chu Yunsheng was the only one who could control the situation in front of him. However, although he was blind, his ears were not lame. He clearly heard the voice of a woman!

It is said that he has not seen Chu Yunsheng for a long time, and has never heard Chu Yunsheng's voice. He only heard that commander Meiya and Dajun once said that sesbia's appearance has changed again. However, how can he change it, he will not become a woman's voice? ——But if he could see Chu Yunsheng recently, he might not be so sure.

He firmly felt that it was not Chu Yunsheng, but Dajun opened the cabin door!

All the people in the experimental cabin, from the source door to the privy, from the researchers to Ali, all turned their heads in unison and looked at the door.

Outside the door, a "creature" wearing a white war suit slowly drifted in. If Ali hadn't changed his eyes and had seen Chu Yunsheng again recently, if he had only seen Chu Yunsheng here, he might have really thought it was Chu Yunsheng.

Even other people, such as Yuanmen and Bayi, who don't know this "creature", may think that it is Chu Yunsheng, especially for Yuanmen worshippers like Jinjia. They know that Chu Yunsheng can travel through the zero dimensional world. What life is like is not important, and the sound is even less important. The important thing is to open the door.

But the white wings and feathers behind the "creatures" coming in, as well as the beautiful and delicate face, let many people recognize it at a glance.

Ali didn't know her, but he knew that such a person existed. In terms of war information, Da Jun was familiar with the information of every cardinal.

This person is Tianyu Kingdom, Tianyu family, one of the three long feather pivot machine, xiaochangyu.

When xiaochangyu came in, he looked at the main road of the Haiguo hall, which was just opened after his death, such as Boyi and closing his eyes:

"it's not it, it's me."

In two short sentences, they didn't say "what" is not it, "what" is me. However, the Yuanmen and several Cardinals at the scene understood what they meant. They were stunned for a very short time, and immediately reacted quickly to form a tight formation around the platform, as if in the face of an enemy.

But for some reason, Ali did not feel the danger this time.

"I'm still me. Don't worry." Xiaochangyu stopped in front of the formation, spread out his hands, and showed that he had no weapons or malice in the habit of Tianyu people, and said: "I just knew that, it has gone."

At this time, jinjiayuan gate was already suspended in front of Bayi, protecting him and zengmai behind several Yuanmen, not daring to be careless.

For a moment, several source gates quickly communicated with each other with slight fluctuations. It was determined that there was only the energy level of the Privy on xiaochangyu, and there was no higher sign.

The trembling researchers did not have time to do the inspection, but it was the daring researcher who had been monitoring the internal source gate war in the test module. He got the detection report at the first time, which was consistent with the exploration of several Yuanmen dignitaries. Xiao Changyu was still only a privy state.

But even so, Jin jiayuanmen and others did not dare to relax their vigilance. Facing a possible spiritual master, they felt terrible from the instinct of the soul and the zero dimension of the contract.

At this time, she looked at the sea hall, which was still pressed on the deck. She pushed aside the crowd and came to xiaochangyu. Her eyes almost condensed into a long arrow line that seemed to penetrate her soul, and inserted into her eyes Then he cursed sadly:

"beige is so numb that I'm really wrong! The first one doubted you, but you have no problem I almost killed the leader of the hall of the state of Hai. "

Xiao Changyu seemed very calm and said: "it's not your fault. I don't know it myself. It seems that it has the ability similar to me. It can be traced back to me. I can observe the fleet with my eyes. Until it leaves, I have a trace of feeling. It is because I also have such ability. Otherwise, there will be no difference at all."

Jin Jiayuan gate looked at the master of the sea state hall floating on the deck, looked at the small long feather in front of the formation, and sighed: "we still think of a spirit too simple. If it wants to come, it can't be detected by our ability. This is not the category we can understand at this level."

Several other Yuanmen venerable masters are also somewhat lost. If the one who has problems today is proved to be the master of the sea Kingdom Hall, they not only successfully strangled a huge danger in the cradle, made great achievements, and saved the entire fleet and their own lives. From then on, they can also build up strong confidence in the spirit. Although they are not fighting head-on, at least they have won.

The battle between Chu Yunsheng and the Galactic overlord has made many people, many Yuanmen, especially the high-level Yuanmen worshippers, have an illusion that the spirit is no more than that!

If you don't believe it, just look at how embarrassed the Galactic overlord is.

And other spirits, they have never really met.

But today's things, but cold to them a slap in the face, they are like a group of clowns like "excited" that they want to kill a spirit, but did not think that the real spirit has come cold, even disdain to look at them.The difference is still just a cardinal. Without them, this sense of loss and shame has already stepped out of the influence of the mistake, considering new problems, looking at Xiao Changyu, he said with deep meaning: "you can actually not say it."

If she doesn't say that, no one will know. Maybe the fleet will relax after the main hall is executed.

The message from the surrender fleet is that it is a Spirit Lord. They may have the contract key of this spirit Lord, that's all.

Therefore, the suspicions of all cardinals and Yuanmen are the same. It is not because the main hall of the state of Hai is closer to Chu Yunsheng, there is less suspicion, while Xiao Changyu, or a new cardinal, is more suspicious because he is far away from Chu Yunsheng. There is no relationship between them.

The only person who can be sure to exclude him is bawai. His contract belongs to the woman of the life grabbing ship and has nothing to do with the battlefield here.

As a result, after the event, as long as little Changyu has no new abnormality, she will not be doubted.

"Boyanboser It's the most ideal life I've ever seen. " Xiao Changyu frowned slightly and said: "it has been trying to uncover the mystery of the reproduction of our Tianyu family, so I don't want it to die like this."

She looked at her and said nothing.

This reason makes sense, but the real reason is not only this, there must be other.

In fact, the main hall of the state of Hai began to study not only the issue of Tianyu, but also the puzzles of other ethnic groups, hoping to find out the mystery of the origin of the five nations, including the Hai nationality.

The relationship between Bayi and the main hall of the state of Hai is relatively close. Naturally, she knows that she still wants to continue to study the origin of the degenerate people and blood clans that Ruan Xiaohong once studied.

The real reason why xiaochangyu said it on his own initiative could be guessed at this time.

For a long time, he was the leader of the hall of the state of Hai. Because of the battle of cold star, he gradually formed a small core group. With the growth of the chariot of Chu Yunsheng, he and the hall master of the state of Hai continued to grow into a larger cardinal group composed of many races.

However, for various reasons, no matter whether it is merdini who has left or xiaochangyu who is still here, they are unable to integrate into this group, and their positions have become more and more embarrassing -

she and meldini, one of the earliest cardinals of the cold star fleet, should have become the core of this increasingly large group, just like the sea state hall master, but the reality is more and more The farther we come, the more strange "phenomenon" they feel when they become new members of the board of directors.

Perhaps for this reason, meldini chose to leave.

But xiaochangyu chose to stay, in such an embarrassing situation, even when Dajun was in a fierce battle, when the combat effectiveness was most limited, she was not at ease to use her in the most critical bloody position.

This kind of uneasiness is not because of the fear that she will rebel, but because she thinks that she will not die at all costs, like the stabbing evil who was sent to a lower level than her.

We can't blame others for this. The cold star war had a huge impact. Even later, she used people based on this. Therefore, it was like a vicious circle, and she was increasingly marginalized by the fleet.

Pao Yi doesn't know if she really puts her in the key position again, she will fight to death again. Maybe, maybe not. No one knows. But now he knows that xiaochangyu must be contradictory. Her contradictory heart has made her unable to integrate into the fleet. Now it is the same.

At the risk of being killed, she took the initiative to say it, not so much to save the life of the hall master of the sea Kingdom at the sacrifice of herself, but rather to make some changes that she was still unclear about, and to save herself from this kind of contradiction and vicious circle.

But she said, "in order to make sure that in case you say it, you may die."

Xiaochangyu still makes her feel ridiculous and even naive. She still holds on to the only thing she can grasp. She conceals her inner contradiction with a cold calm and says, "death is better than death. My contract will be inherited by new Tianyu people. If it dies, no one will care about our origin."

At this time, Jin Jiayuan gate interposed: "she is not threatening now. I'd better wait for the former Lord Chu to come back and make a decision. First, we should close up and closely monitor her. Since we have found out who it is and what the danger is, killing her may not be able to stop the Spirit Lord. We underestimate the spirit and think about it too simply. We don't understand anything. That's not what we can do with it At the level of reason, the former Chu is an immortal genius. Maybe she can be used to deal with the Spirit Lord. "

After flattering them, they will not say anything to prevent them from saying too much and making too many mistakes. It seems that they are all incompetent.

Other people were still deliberating, when he heard his voice ring out: "I contacted the zhuo'er people, and the fifth order asked you to send her to her. Qianchu may have come back."

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