Chapter 1306

Name:Dark Blood Age Author:天下飘火
the starry sky in the dark region is as cold as ever, as if it had never changed in ancient times. Everything is as old as before, and it is not surprising at all. Even in the great war, it is wiped out.

However, it is a new moment, a new light, new particles, new waves, constantly produce, continue to die, as if every moment in the birth of a new world, the elimination of an old world, running to the unknown future.

This is the universe, seemingly eternal, but always new.

When the drow left, he took the fleet and flew toward the coordinates given by the signal from the left.

He had no choice. The drow had advanced ships and had to return to protect themselves in relatively good condition. The rest of their fleet, let alone the other fleet, could only go and act according to circumstances. It was impossible to run.

However, to the surprise of the left-handed wreck, they flew uneasily toward the coordinate point, but met with a heavy "courtesy" from each other.

"Your name is ma?" Among the gray warships that came to meet them, the leader of the other side sent a sigh signal: "I know that you are a respectable and excellent race of life. We are the fleet from another battlefield, carrying out the same search mission as you. Unfortunately, we encountered a cosmic disaster and failed to cross the dark region in time to reach the target galaxy."

He remembered what he said: "it was you. When we set out, we heard that there were three fleets going to the destination, but only one of them could be identified as the enemy, and the other was unknown."

The leader of the other side replied: "the speed of the fleet you led is admirable. If you didn't arrive first, we might encounter the local fleet. We arrived too late. Although we received many news from the rear and confirmed your identity, we still failed to arrive in time."

After thinking for a while, he asked nervously, "is there any news from the front line I left?"

The leader of the other side was silent for a moment: "originally I didn't want to mention it to you so soon. You should have a psychological preparation."

"You say it," he said

The leader of the other side first exclaimed: "you are the most admirable race we have ever seen, with all kinds of talents overflowing. If it wasn't for you, that front would have been broken hundreds of thousands of years ago. At the critical moment, you stood up to tens of times the powerful enemy, crisscross the battlefield, and almost won the war."

Speaking of this, its voice turned to a low voice and sighed: "it's a pity that the enemy is too strong. One of their superior spirits arrived and emptied the whole battlefield..."

Suddenly, the ship's hull trembled a little, which was heard by MIA in the control cabin. She wanted to comfort her quickly, but she couldn't find any reason and language to comfort her.

"Dajun..." Ali said.

With a glimmer of hope in his voice, "all, all?"

He didn't say it after all. It was cruel.

The leader of the other side immediately said, "the situation was very chaotic at that time. After observing the missing radiation in the battlefield, the nearby friendly forces observed a suspected space track, which should have been left by the escaping fleet. According to the situation of the battlefield at that time, only your technology can do it.

Later, our side captured an enemy fleet. We learned that one of you had a brilliant genius who invented something that could not be used in war. It was a very special mirror technology. The superior spirit did not know how to think that it had met our strong spirit to help, but did not dare to pursue your fleet in a large scale.

But your fleet should now be stuck in the rear of the enemy's advance. There are crises everywhere. It's hard to say now. Life and death are unknown. "

He did not speak for a long time, so quietly sailing in the starry sky.

"Dashun, you still have us." Ali regretted that after saying this, he wanted to slap his mouth. This is not comfort, and they can never replace Dajun's people.

However, he was not as impulsive or excited as he thought. He was very low, but he said firmly: "I'm ok, Ali, the elder who invented mirror technology. I visited him once in order to study the way war unfolds under the condition of virtual image. He has been studying this thing all his life, hoping to apply it to a topic of exploring the universe, but he still used it Saved the fleet in the war

There is no fleet in the starry sky that can't die. We foresaw many years ago that even if the fleet is destroyed, we will not be exterminated. No matter whether other people escape, I, as a living people, should shoulder the responsibility at this moment. I also believe that my predecessors can leave the battlefield of death in time and stick to us with their wisdom The day when the counter offensive will return! "

After listening to him, Ali felt relieved. Then he looked at the captain. They looked at each other and shook their heads. They seemed to understand something: their ideas were still too far away from the race of Dajun.

The leader of the other side stopped the topic and then said, "the God envoy has come here. He wants to meet the earth people who have been contacted by Qian ChuHe didn't refuse, but he found that he knew "earthman", and his intelligence seemed to be much more complete than him. When he came, he had almost two black eyes, only a vague coordinate and a God who was not very clear.

However, when he saw the emissary waiting for the dark ship, he immediately understood why it knew, because although the living body was not a human being, he had no language with human beings, and even spoke the earth language naturally without translation.

This is an earthman!

After a brief understanding of the situation at the mouth of the ship, the first thing the envoy saw was hull, the dying old hull, rather than bawai and others.

In the dark cabin, old hull was unable to move, relying on the limited medical system to support his dying life. Because of the shortage of resources, he had ordered the hull family to stop replenishing the medical system, and the rest was only enough time for him to live.

At the moment, the envoy stood in front of him and said, "Ah Fu Lun Lina is a cold star? Can you tell her how she got to know Mr. Chu? "

Old hull believed in gods all his life, but he didn't seem to be afraid of the God in front of him. He said faintly, "who are you? What qualifications do you have to ask about chiwu? "

"I'm a descendant of the office building. I tell you you don't understand. The Lord is on the front line. If you make it clear, I may be able to plead for you and let the Lord show his magic power and save your life."

Old hull was so amused that he gave a dry smile and said, "I have never seen such an envoy as you. Are you sure it was sent by the kingdom of God?"

This sentence seemed to touch some of the God's painful feet and said slightly angrily, "what are you? Dare to talk to me like this!"

Old hull sneered and closed his eyes, ignoring him.

The God emissary probably never met such "treatment". He was so angry that he had to come forward to pull old hull's shriveled body out of the medical system.

"Dare you

As soon as he moved, he heard a cold voice coming from behind. A brave black haired man stepped forward and gave him a cold look. He only said one word: "get out of here!"

God seems to have little ability. He acts on his own identity. He has no way to deal with this cold and cold-blooded cardinal who doesn't pay attention to him at all. In his embarrassment, he dropped a cruel word and left: "you should be responsible for your current behavior. This is a violation! You wait to be dealt with! "

Yingwu's black haired man didn't look at him again. He quickly stepped forward to hold the old hull who was about to fall down: "granddad, how can you make people stop the medical treatment? I don't know if I don't get out of the rescue room! "

Old hull shook his head: "Shen Mai, you shouldn't come. If I offend him, I will offend you. You still have a long way to go."

"Is such a person worthy of being a God? It's an insult to God

Old hull still shook his head: "you don't understand. He is just a chess piece. The people behind him will not be so stupid as to send such ignorant people, and the kingdom of God will not.

Although I don't know the relationship between them and chiwu, I can see clearly that using him may be just a kind of test. I don't know what to test specifically. It is obvious that using this chess piece can easily arouse the disgust of chiwu, but it is used.

The other party's wisdom is much higher than mine, and it may not even be as simple as trial. There are many possibilities. If chiwu can't make it right, he will go in the direction he wants. This may be very complicated. However, you are always an outsider to chiwu, and you should not get involved in it

Shen Mai said: "grandfather, what you say is always reasonable, but if I look at you being beaten by him and indifferent, then what am I?"

Old hull sighed, then stopped talking, but at the same time fell into deep thinking, what did the other party want to know? What is it that they can't ask directly, but they can try it out with this piece?

The fact that Zhengshi did not dare to come directly shows that this matter is so important and urgent that it may even endanger something, so that they do not care that it will arouse the resentment of blazing weapons, and they must know it at the first time.

What is it!?

He suddenly realized that he could not die for the time being. At least when chiwu came back, he would tell his doubts and guesses in his heart to remind him.

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