Chapter 1268

Name:Dark Blood Age Author:天下飘火
on the other side of the battle line, Yuanmen life, a tall life body, rode on the first ship and followed the ellipsoid spacecraft to pursue the fleeing left-handed fleet.

With the distance getting closer, the shadow of the left-handed main ship being hit can be seen faintly. The dim light dragged by the material flow is still very conspicuous in the dark starry sky.

However, there is a growing sense of uneasiness in his heart. This feeling is the sense of smell of dangerous instinct honed by countless years of tearing and killing.

It looks around quickly. The elliptical spacecraft is still accelerating forward, and the fleet behind it is also flying fast.

It seems that this will be a feast again, a feast to divide the resources of the left-wing fleet. Such a feast may be the last in the dark area, and there can be no larger fleet than the left-wing coalition.

Chu Yunsheng was punctured, the main ship was hit, and at least one Yuanmen was killed And they also paid a very heavy price, but ultimately defeated the left-handed.

Almost all the races in the fleet made such judgments, especially when they saw that the left-handed side collapsed in such chaos and lost any order. As a key channel, it was already paralyzed and disordered. In addition, the battle of strangulation ahead was even more tragic

It is basically certain that Chu Yunsheng may have died in the war. The left-handed main ship lost its command ability after being hit. The left-handed interior was extremely chaotic. The tragedy ahead and the collapse and chaos at this time could not be disguised and falsified. Moreover, there were countless detection waves monitoring the battle field. All the evidence showed that the left-handed ship had indeed been defeated.

But Gao Dayuan gate is restless, very uneasy, and the closer you get, the more uneasy you are!

It can't tell why. Everything shows that the left-handed defeat is settled, but it still feels that there is a huge trap with blood in front of it, something lurking in it.

As time goes by, the distance from the left-handed warship is getting closer and closer. The extremely uneasy gaodayuan gate seems to have reached a critical point of life and death. The whole body of life is stretched tightly and looks forward to the front.

It has to make a difficult decision at this moment: believe in its own intuition, and immediately flee, but if the judgment is wrong and retreat, it will face the killing of the source gate master in the ellipsoid Spaceship! Or continue to pursue?

At this time, its first ship is still accelerating, toward the left-handed main ship towing the material flow.

The neurons of gaodayuanmen life body are beating with urgency. The extremely dangerous breath in front of him seems to engulf his whole consciousness. When he is in critical condition, he suddenly flies up instinctively, sending a signal to the commander of the first ship and the ellipsoid spacecraft ahead:

"back off quickly!"

Then, it does not care so much. It immediately rushes out of the spaceship, expands its source gate method to the limit, envelops itself, and forcibly resists the strong inertia. It flies back from the top of the first ship and sweeps over the warships and ships that rush under it.

However, the quality of the warship was so great that it could not stop at the moment, even after hearing its warning and believing it.

Ships, still accelerating forward, time here like a gap, the dark world is divided into two.

In the sense organs of gaodayuan gate, the colorful and extraordinary, seems to be a long channel leading to the world that all life yearns for, where is peaceful and beautiful, calm and magical

This kind of feeling is long and short, swept by, the next moment, its sensory recovery in the starry sky, the boundless darkness in the universe has never made it feel down-to-earth, and let it have a sense of being alive after flying in the limit of life and death -

it was swept by the end of the colorful world, but it escaped the disaster by relying on the intuition of that moment.

With countless experiences between life and death, it is not as shaken as ordinary life. In a very short time, it regains its composure, but at the next moment, it is still extremely unaccustomed to a kind of abnormal silence -

in the starry sky, in addition to a few straggling ships behind it, it is quiet in front of it The fluctuation of the signal, no call for help, no explosion of weapons, no power of the privy, no source gate There is no sign of life, nothing, only countless spaceships are still sailing quietly, the starry sky is dead!

As if the whole world, suddenly be silent!

Its life body trembled slightly, and it could see the elliptical spaceship flying. There were three Yuanmen masters in the same state as it!

Thousands of fleets and countless lives ended in this colorful moment

It doesn't want to think about the reason why the left-handed side has to use the real fiasco, pay a huge real sacrifice, let them all be fooled, gathered together, almost all destroyed, no one left.

It doesn't want to think about whether Chu Yunsheng is still alive or not, and what is hidden behind the main ship?

It was deeply shaken by the momentary silence of the whole world just now, as if it had seen a trace of inspiration from the birth spiritBut at this time, it saw a figure with a sword flying out of a group of ships sailing quietly, with a few yuan men of life, appeared in the starry sky, looking at it in the high-speed retreat from afar.

He knew that it was Chu Yunsheng, and the sword impressed him too much. He also knew that as long as he did not seek death, Chu Yunsheng would not pursue him again, because there was no need for them. They were almost all destroyed, and there were more powerful enemies in the left-handed direction.

Gao dayuanmen is not a fool. From the moment the ellipsoid spaceship appeared, it realized that things were not as simple as robbing materials. It was involved in a campaign that did not belong to it.

From a distance, it saw a floating first ship ejection escape capsule, their commander is still alive, apparently in an instant to listen to its warning, decisively abandoned the fleet, using the escape capsule integrated with the control module to eject out.

Around a few lucky escape from the colorful shrouded and swept seriously injured spaceships, frightened and at a loss to take measures, in the gaodayuan gate and the commander of the close, extremely bleak retreat into the dark, waiting for them will be the lack of material darkness, boundless darkness.


Chu Yunsheng was suspended in the starry sky, holding the sword of purple gas. At his feet, one by one "unmanned" warships flew by. He looked from a distance at the scattered ships gradually disappearing in the dark, silent and silent.

The life of jinjiayuan gate around him has been completely darkened, and the glittering battle clothes have become dilapidated. Other life forms of Yuanmen are also scarred, and one of them can not even be suspended in the air.

A moment later, Chu Yunsheng finally said, "you go to the dark ship."

Jin Jiayuan gate was shocked by the instant silence just now. At the moment, he couldn't help but say, "my Lord, isn't it?"

Chu Yunsheng said faintly: "yes, it's not over yet. It should be coming. Someone has dragged it for a long time. If it doesn't come, I'm afraid we can escape."

Jin Jiayuan gate was silent for a moment and said, "yes, is it the Spirit Lord?"

Chu Yunsheng didn't speak. After a while, he nodded. Then he sat down in the starry sky. The purple sword floated beside him. He closed his eyes and melted into the darkness. He did not move.

Jinjiayuan gate did not say anything any more, and left with other source gates. As soon as it was flying, jinjiayuan gate suddenly stopped and turned to Chu Yunsheng and said, "my spiritual Lord has been to the earth. The contract of the kadans in the cold star fleet is left by my spiritual Lord. It seems that I want to find something. I don't know what it is, but the sea people should have got it You can ask the Privy of them

Chu Yunsheng nodded, and Jin Jiayuan gate looked at him and left.

After they left, there was a ripple around him.

Chu Yunsheng immediately said, "how are you? Can we still fight? "

At the other end of the ripple, the bug said, "I'm fine, master. I feel it's coming."

Chu Yunsheng was silent for a while, but still did not open his eyes: "you monitor the surrounding movement, I go to another place to have a look."

The spirit attack will appear at any time, and the time is pressing. Chu Yunsheng quickly passes through the bifurcation line and comes to the world of bubbles. He focuses on every move around him.

In his rear, he regained control of the fleet and was sending out a group of troops to gather up the "unmanned" spaceships and gather materials as quickly as possible.

With the power of the tomb hatching insects in the sky, they instantly annihilate the life of the entire enemy fleet. Chu Yunsheng himself once encountered a similar attack when bombing tombs outside Jinling City. If it had not been for the ancient books, he would have died.

The structure of the tomb in the starry sky is much higher than that on the ground. Even though it is the gate of the eight yuan Tianyuan, it is not blocked.

This war not only almost completely destroyed the enemy, but also completely shocked the left-wing coalition forces. Although it knew and personally participated in the planning of all the plans through contact with the little bug, it did not expect that the counterattack at the last moment was so fierce and fierce.

The life of the enemy's two gathering source gate did not even have the chance to resist. It was directly killed. Thousands of enemy fleets, countless lives from life to death, from victory to total annihilation, took only a short moment, and there was no chance to react. They went to death in all kinds of colors.

In addition, he found that the creature Chu Yunsheng brought was almost born for war, which made him very interested.

For the first time, he found that there were "races" deeper, farther and more refined than their pursuit of war.

Although he also knew that the next World War I might be left-handed and all of them would disappear in a moment, he could not help but imagine whether he could sweep the starry sky in the future if he cooperated with the creature brought by Chu Yunsheng? How about establishing the glorious achievements that will be praised forever by later generations?

Unfortunately, when he tried to discuss space war science with bugs - there are bugs in this fleet who can discuss with him at this level - he got many depressing responses:

"Oh, who are you?""Oh, it's you. Did you want to talk to me about other things with the permission of the Lord?"

"Well, what's the matter with you?"

"It's in this insect book. I knew it from birth."

"Of course not. You're not a bug."

"Oh, you don't even know the insect code, and dare to be a commander? I need to report to the Lord! Don't miss our big deal

"It should be calculated like this. I knew it when I was a child. You are so pathetic."

"Well, you're smart, too? I wish I were as smart as you

"Who is that stupid? I can't tell you. "


On the other hand, he was still paying attention to all the deep space probes.

At this time, Chu Yunsheng suddenly opened his eyes and a strange spaceship appeared on the detector in the Starship.

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