Chapter 1206

Name:Dark Blood Age Author:天下飘火
the star road leading to the third battlefield must be supplemented. If the loss of the second battlefield is too large and there is no supplement, flying to the third battlefield is also fatal.

The original replenishment location of the three fleets was located at the edge of a small cluster of stars. There were about hundreds of stars in the cluster, which had strong or weak gravitational interaction with each other, showing a strange convergence phenomenon at a long distance.

This phenomenon is very common in the universe, and constantly changing, new stars join, old stars away, and then form new clusters.

However, this small cluster selected as the supply point is somewhat special. The number of stars has been increasing, and there is no normal decrease. If not, there should be a lot of dark matter in the cluster space to attract hundreds of stars here.

According to the calculation of coalition forces, in many years, it will develop from small clusters to large clusters, and then to more star clusters, even super clusters.

And now it's in its infancy.

It is said that on the basis of this kind of potential star cluster, some extremely advanced civilization race or some god will spend countless time to create a long river of super star clusters, observe its formation process, and conduct star sky experiments that nobody understands.

The race can not reach the level of legend, but once found the traces of the advanced race experiment, but can not understand, can only look up.

It has been a bit uneasy recently, and has been feeling a bit since it accepted a small number of cold star fleet splitters.

We should be wary of the advanced life. No one is easy to deal with, and there are countless cases of "without any reason" being exterminated in the starry sky.

But accept or not, the risk prediction is the same. After all, the cold star fleet is in the coalition forces. Under this distance, it does not make much sense to be far or near.

Unless we get the cold star fleet out of the coalition, and that's not what it can do.

The strength of the mysterious cold star fleet is becoming more and more powerful. Chu Yunsheng is the first one, followed by the existence of advanced life in the flagship. All of them are shocking.

For this reason, it discussed with the local Yuanmen venerable, let the splitters of the cold star fleet reside in one of their sub ships, separated from the ship in case of accidents, and all surveillance was maximized.

When the master of Yuanmen saw it, he only said lightly: "wait for Chu to come back."

It is also a lie to say that it has no interest in the cold star fleet. It urgently needs to know the background, origin and gun of Chu Yunsheng.

Now this gun, it is said, is in the hands of the cold star fleet splitters it has taken in.

At that time, Chu Yunsheng entered the enemy's line, and the gun was not taken away. Instead, Chu Yunsheng spared no effort in collecting the gun and returning it to the cold star fleet.

Originally, the Privy's fleet did not want to return it. At least for a while, the whole coalition saw that the cardinal insisted on returning it, so he wanted to dedicate it to the three coalition forces.

At that time, they also held a meeting and refused by one vote. Later, the flash signal of Chu Yunsheng's victory came. Both the fleet and them were relieved. If they didn't return, it would be impossible for Chu Yunsheng to come back with victory.

Now the situation is different. They have taken in the separatist, and they have enough opportunities and proper ways to study the gun.

Each fleet that receives the cold star fleet splitters has its own purpose. It can be said that they are clearly positioned. Compared with the advanced life in the flagship, the gun contains enough new information and knowledge to enable them to upgrade several levels of Science in the entire fleet.

That's why a lot of fleets are very interested in that gun.

The cold star fleet splitters are holding heavy treasure without knowing it.

Since the victory of Chu Yunsheng, Kan por has left a special brain area to think about the cold star fleet, and the more he thinks about it, the more uneasy he is.

Today, their military commander, who is also the highest commander of the coalition forces, has an indescribable sense of strangeness when he moves the supply point to a position a little more than the star center.

But in the end, there was no objection. After all, it was only responsible for its own fleet, but the military commander was responsible for the affairs of the whole coalition. If it interfered forcibly, it would be criticized by the other two fleets, causing a lot of trouble, and on the contrary, it would reduce the prestige of its own people as commanders.

Therefore, it can not only oppose, but also help to persuade other fleets and set an example.

At this time, the cold star fleet, another group of splitters remaining in the cold star fleet, sent a signal and circled a range, saying that they wanted to build new star ships, hoping for the cooperation of the coalition forces, and the supreme military commander quickly agreed.

It has learned that a large amount of dark matter is gathered in that area and it is unrealistic to use it to build spaceships. The level of technology required is legendary. It is likely to produce some kind of powerful weapon.

In any case, the supply scope of each fleet was eventually allocated. Although Kan was worried, he could not find where the uneasiness was?

The military commander's reason is also very good. The cold star fleet shows more and more strength, which should be fully utilized. Moreover, it will never be the enemy. Otherwise, how can the second battlefield and the first war come about?Not to mention that the advanced life lurking in the cold star fleet has rescued the entire coalition.

After kanpor left, only the military commander and other ordinary people remained in the sphere space.

I don't know that their military commander is another person.


When the sphere's space is working, the whole inner sphere seems to disappear, forming the real-time situation of the universe and sky outside the main ship into the data, reflecting the real scene outside.

The staff in the sphere, as if sitting in the void of the universe, can directly observe any movement or movement in the battlefield, and various data and parameters appear on the stars and other warships. After selection, they can also refine the situation in all directions.

If an uninformed person suddenly comes in and even thinks that he is really in the universe, he will be shocked and puzzled by the analysis data and dense lines in the starry sky.

The silent "military commander" silently looks at the direction of the cold star fleet. A space fighter is flying out, and the processing system has enlarged it and sent it to the workbench of an analyst.

Inside was a group of soldiers in silver uniforms, sitting solemnly in the cabin.

The "military commander" glanced at one of the silver uniformed officers, and the analysts had begun to number all the cold star fleet personnel. This work was carefully requested, and the commander had no right to interfere.

His eyes then turned away, and another picture appeared in his mind. The man in the picture was still the silver army officer.

At that time, the officer chose to stay, rather than leave, and finally looked into his eyes, just like after that day's war, he still seemed to say: I believe you, I hope that in the future, we will fight together in the battlefield!

Obviously, this young officer is now promoted, and after a large number of senior officers of the silver army have left, there are many positions in urgent need of replenishment.

Would you like to help him rise a little bit?

The silent commander looked more and more indifferent.

Wu Nu people want to accumulate some special dark matter materials to make Wu Nu weapons to deal with the returning Chu Yunsheng?

It seems that wunu people can't build pure dark matter spaceships. It's the ultimate spaceship they yearn for when they touch a trace of macro domain!

At the same time, vorsch is sorting out the myths and legends collected, and is greatly surprised!

How can there be so many myths and legends on this planet called Earth?

There are still a lot of anomalies in excluding a lot of natural worship.

However, many of these myths and legends have been deformed a lot, and it takes time to analyze them to find a clue.

This work does not need it to do, there are special people to summarize and analyze.

It came to the edge of the ship's side, looking at a stubborn cold star splitters, repairing the worst warships in the whole fleet, working humbly and firmly with the most backward technology and the worst living conditions of the whole fleet.

On the other side, the old fleet of the cold star is being rebuilt vigorously. From time to time, Vichy will also monitor the public signs of ridicule from the noble masters of the old fleet to the refugees like separatists.

Cold star fleet, which side is your true face?

Chu, will you come back?

Fu Xi's eyes looked at the distant second battlefield, where there had been Chu Yunsheng's "victory"!

If we don't come again, we may not be able to catch up with the decisive battle of life and death in the third battlefield.

At this coordinate position, the coalition forces have been able to observe a large number of moving light spots in the sky, as bright as stars.

There are so many magnificent rivers!

Their left-wing coalition is just a drop in the ocean.

What a tragic and spectacular showdown in the starry sky, an epic miracle!

How many civilizations will be buried in the desolate ruins, and how many races will be extinct in the vast battlefield.

Countless people will die here bravely, countless fleet wreckage will float in the sky!

The blazing fire will illuminate the whole Galaxy!!!



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