Chapter 1203

Name:Dark Blood Age Author:天下飘火
"take your life

Chu Yunsheng, as fast as he can, sends a voice to the linear cardinal on the shore. The hatching insects are still on his palm. Wait a minute, it's not sure.

The wood element Qi, which had just formed the healing rule, is not exclusive. It also includes the linear axis. Although it has hurt the source of life, it has now recovered.

It can be seen that the special biological energy field formed by the wood vitality is powerful!

Healing runes are inferior to it.

The shadow of the hatching insects can no longer be seen by the naked eye, and the pure peak fire energy is "magnificent" burning.

Yes, Huihong. Chu Yunsheng doesn't know why he feels this way.

And the flying fire is constantly changing, constantly refined, breaking through the limits of layers, under the gaze of Chu Yunsheng, long drive into the ultra stable state!

Chu Yunsheng is shocked. This is the first time that he has seen the vitality of a single attribute achieve super stability since the darkness of heaven and earth.

It is very difficult and almost impossible to reach the super steady state due to the single element gas with single attribute and single polarity.

Like a single magnetic pole, the theory predicts existence, but never finds it!

Once this kind of thing appears, Chu Yunsheng, a scientific blind man, also knows how significant it is. It is likely that an important theory of explaining the universe has been seriously challenged, or on the contrary, the foundation has been established!

The noumenon Qi used by Chu Yunsheng is also in a super stable state, so how terrifying is the power when the basic energy unit of dark energy reaches the super stable state?

The origin of his noumenon vitality is very strange. It seems that it is not so simple. With his more and more knowledge, people in white in node question the ontological vitality more and more, which makes him think more and more.

The fire energy invades the fierce disease, the hatching insect's burning is still galloping on the energy level Avenue.

Once it erupts, its pure ultra stable state of fire will destroy all life on this planet!

Chu Yunsheng was able to stop the hatching of the grave insects with the order of the master, but once he stopped, he could feel that the hatching insects would die.

This is the sequel of starlight whistling. If not for the self-protection, curling up into a sphere and not responding, the present situation would not have happened asymptotically.

The insect acts according to the code, and the conditions are met. If there is no external intervention, it will be implemented immediately.

Chu Yunsheng doesn't know exactly when the hatching insects will erupt or even what changes will happen in the next moment, but he can feel the urgency of time. If the linear cardinal does not rush to seize the source of life, there may be no chance.

Waking up, the linear axis did not have time to judge the changes of the insects, but also felt the overwhelming wave of fire energy. Hearing Chu Yunsheng's voice, he immediately erected his long body, scanned the surrounding biological life and competed with the hatching insects for time.

At this time, the hatching insects got enough energy to start from Chu Yunsheng's body, and rose up like a fire trail streamer to the sky above the primeval forest, above the macro structure of the Great Wall.

Without the use of the sixth bifurcation line, only with the naked eye, we can see the dream like vitality, the illusory grand world is excited in succession, and the innumerable lights like dots of particles converge to the burning shadow of hatching insects.

The Great Wall disintegrates at a terrible speed, and Chu Yunsheng only has time to rise rapidly to have a glimpse of this marvelous natural miracle.

If it is not man-made, it is indeed a miracle of nature. Like the mountains, rivers, sun and moon, it belongs to the great miracle of natural formation of dark energy.

At this moment, there is an extremely attractive choice to immediately use the spirit to "record" the miracle of natural energy structure unfolding in the global spread.

He can only look at a corner, but can not see the whole situation. Moreover, in such a short period of time, he can't remember such exquisite and natural structure. Even if he has enough time, he can't understand it. He has to use spiritual essence.

However, there are not many spiritual connotations in his works. For such a large and exquisite natural institution, if you want to record it, it is not as simple as taking a picture. It must go deep into the subtle composition, and then reproduce and reconstruct it. With his spiritual connotation, I am afraid that the moment the record is finished, it is also the time when it is completely used up.

But this opportunity was too rare. He had a feeling that the original Rune race must have been inspired by such a great natural miracle!

If he wants Rune to be great, he must understand it, feel it, learn it.

Unfortunately, for the first time, he encountered such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It was like a hungry man facing the most exquisite food in the world, but he did not dare to open his mouth to eat it.

His brain is still very clear, Lingyun absolutely can't move, move will die.

He could only force his memory of the tip of the iceberg he could see with his eyes and bifurcations, and he couldn't understand it.

A moment later, Chu Yunsheng sighed and flew down from the high air.

This memory is useless at all. Its composition is not only exquisite but also constantly moving and changing. It is just like the primitive people who look at the most advanced fighters for ten thousand years can only see the appearance of the outside without knowing what is going on inside.

Disappointments return to disappointments. Since it is doomed to be unable to get, then get what can be obtained first."You get your life by eating?"

After flying back, Chu Yunsheng found the linear axis immediately. The hatching insects were not in charge of others for the time being, so they could pay close attention to its changes all the time.

The shape of the linear axis is now countless times larger than that of Chu Yunsheng. It has a long linear body straight up like a fixed sky and a slightly curved top. It looks like a huge hollow pipe, which strongly absorbs countless life on the ground.

Where the suction goes, it is like a tornado swept by, and animal and plant microorganisms are pulled up and inhaled into the body.

"My Lord, the villain is just the state of the cardinal."

It doesn't need a mouth to speak. That mouth is just for the needs of the present. Just like when it first enters the atmosphere, it probably tries to float itself in the sky. It will not fall down, inflate rapidly and increase its buoyancy. Fortunately, when it loses consciousness, it can still stay in the air with the help of natural physical buoyancy.

Who thought that it was really hurt too much, this last effort could not be completed, directly planted.

Who can't eat?

But Chu Yunsheng did not have the ability to swallow the world.

Seeing Chu Yunsheng's disappointment, he suddenly moved in his heart, saying: the abandoned storage fleet is backward, and his insight is very low. I will not come to ask me how to get my life?

The more he thought about it, the more likely he felt. Just now Chu Yunsheng saved his life, and now life and death are still in Chu Yunsheng's hands. In any case, he felt that Chu Yunsheng could not be left with a bad impression. How could he force him to ask again?

Then immediately said: "adults, villains seem to eat, in fact, not to eat, that's too wasteful."

It really regards Chu Yunsheng as a privy door that he doesn't know anything about. Sometimes, once a certain idea is formed, the subconscious will constantly strengthen this concept.

"The race of villains has certain particularity. You can transform them in vivo in this way. You don't have to do anything. When the villains are finished, you can intercept a part of the villain's body."

Later, he thought that Chu Yunsheng should be able to understand this kind of coolie work. You don't have to wait for the old man to "eat" a part of his body.

In other words, on the battlefield, isn't Yuanmen doing this? The cardinal is food.

I really want to say it. At this time, is it too embarrassing?

It thinks Chu Yunsheng should also be satisfied, and he has done a good job as a "villain". Other people who eat Cardinals may have to have their own ways to "digest" in order to improve efficiency and reduce waste. As a "food" for active dedication, it solves the problem of conversion efficiency with its own ethnic characteristics.

Where to find such a sincere person?

Chu Yunsheng naturally has nothing to say. As long as the linear axis is fixed on it, it can't run away. His life is in his hands, and he never dares to amuse himself.

"OK, I'll help you drive away the swarms."

Chu Yunsheng said that he was about to fly away. The more he sucked in the thread, the greater the foundation for the two people to share.

"No, no, my Lord. You can rest and worry about nothing. If the villain calculates well, there will be no problem."

Chu Yunsheng can understand that it is not a good calculation, it is afraid to make trouble for it, this truth is understood by the earth, laymen lead experts

Think of him as a privy source gate. In the current situation, Asier is not as useful as Asier. Asier can at least attract and gather marine biota.

There is no need for him here. There is nothing about him for the time being. Chu Yunsheng seems to have become the master of the five countries. Under such an urgent and golden time, he has nothing to do!

Fortunately, at this time, the stone seal creature did not know when to eat the seal monster at the bottom of the lake just now, and weakly sent a hungry reaction again, which seemed to remind him of another thing.

Chu Yunsheng doesn't know how his hunger has rebounded. Now it's not the time to think about it. A rune is sealed on the body of the online body key to prevent it from flying into the moon star and secretly starting the spaceship to run away.

Then, he quickly walked through the primeval forest and spread the amulets of sealing animals with unclear numerical values along the way. After following the attack runes, they were displayed under the sky, like a killing Skynet to capture life, which covered the sun coldly all over the world.

A large number of seal creatures have been sealed into Chu Yunsheng's body, and the number of them is growing at an amazing speed. The place they pass is like a vacuum land for living beings.

, and at this point, the shadow of the burning grime has imperceptibly been flying out of the atmosphere into the dark sky, as the fire is shining on the whole planet, pulling up the dark energy fringe line, and pulling it away from the planet, as if it is extracting its star essence.

At the same time, with it as the center, the energy lines crisscross across the starry sky, rapidly constitute and arrange each other, neat, and grand to build a huge micro world!

Hatching begins!!


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