Chapter 1154

Name:Dark Blood Age Author:天下飘火
the fleet was quietly suspended above a huge gray planet, and the ground and air craft shuttled back and forth, carrying a large number of crystals to the storehouse.

On the ground, one after another corpse mounds were burning. From a distance, thick and thick smoke came to the end of the night, so that the clouds were thick and dark as if there was no sun.

A black fighter with incendiary agent pierced through the thick smoke, stopped for a moment on the edge of the hellish world, turned a corner, flew far away and disappeared.

When it reappeared, it had reached a ground base, where the gravity was far greater than that of the barren star, and all the staff on the ground wore spacesuits to counteract the heavy maladjustment.

"Come on! Find a survivor with weak vital signs! Deep underground! Let the men of the silver army come here! Latitude and longitude coordinates 47, 23! "

An officer received a message from his subordinates, immediately jumped down from a fighter plane about to take off, and quickly called to the control center.


At this time, Chu Yunsheng is discussing with the underground villain headquarters how to deal with the alien captured not long ago and the man in the cage.

At present, the only thing that can be confirmed for the alien who voluntarily surrendered is that it comes from a higher level of life. Other information, such as where it comes from, who it is, why there are only escape boats left, what is its name, and so on, is unknown.

Since its surrender, it has not revealed any more information. Instead, it has taken away a lot of fleet information in the early interrogation.

The trial has been stopped for a long time. Now the main goal is to analyze its life composition, and it has achieved good results. According to the report of the underground villains, it is very helpful for the mechanism of the life limit of ordinary people and the evolution direction of life.

More and more people tend to believe that when the four Cardinals appeared, they decided to "surrender" in order to seek survival. There are many evidences, one of which is that it said that it needed to change its body.

As for why it is not willing to disclose other information, there are many possibilities. The most likely is that it can not determine the enemy or ourselves.

There was only one escape boat left, and it was obviously either in natural danger or in a war.

During the trial, it always wanted to obtain information from the fleet, which can be used as evidence of this psychology.

According to the analysis of Chris's staff, it may have been the defeated left-wing side and has been pursued by the exterminators. However, there is no evidence at present, so it may also be a fugitive from other wars.

However, because of its high-end life and advanced escape boats, it will not be a war at the ordinary level if it can be defeated or encounter an accident with such a powerful strength. As far as we know, the largest war is only the rout of the left-wing forces.

This analysis is the reason why it can survive. Chu Yunsheng needs to understand the current situation of left rotation here, otherwise it would have been killed.

"Its ability to interfere with brain activities, I have encountered many times before, although it does not look strong, but it is very troublesome. You should pay more attention to the people who contact it." Chu Yunsheng reminds again that the same thing was said when he came back, but he didn't care about the alien at that time.

An underground villain scientist got up and said, "according to our observation, the influence scope of its monomer is not large. The affected people are all people in the interrogation room. There is a detail that it once wanted someone to go in for interrogation, probably because it wanted to obtain information.

However, it did not directly affect the monitoring personnel far away from it, but took the way of shouting to the monitor. In addition, there has never been a case in which it directly affects the personnel in the monitoring room, so we can judge the scope of its influence. "

Chu Yunsheng nodded his head and said: "this is only one aspect. It may have other capabilities. The monitoring strength must continue to maintain the same level as that of the UU people. Of course, it is impossible to cause great damage to the fleet now. The main reason is that it can't take us away alive."

This is what Chu Yunsheng is most concerned about.

How much damage can lurking in? There are indeed many things about Troy's Trojan horse and the other things, but when the gap between the two sides is not big enough, is the main force of the alien life and technology advanced to meet this need?

The key is not to let it take away intelligence alive. It may return to its fleet or fall into the hands of others. Either of them may be future enemies, especially the latter, which may not be needed by the former.

Chu Yunsheng has a spirit in his hand. As a single life, he can't make any big waves. Compared with this alien, Chu Yunsheng has always attached great importance to it.

Whenever and under any circumstances, as long as he is in the fleet and has no other urgent business, he will sit down in his residence near the main suspension vertebrae most of the time, and always be on guard against the third URU.

They have the main suspended vertebrae, they have bad records, and they are not inferior to this alien. They are the real danger source.

Chu Yunsheng has never relaxed his guard against them for a moment.Even when he was on the ground, he was waiting for him to join up with the people on the ground.

These runes will be triggered in a flash if the person doesn't listen to the advice of the outside monitoring staff and insists on coming out or doing something.

In contrast, the alien is relatively "quiet". Although Chu Yunsheng also left a rune when he went to the monitoring room to inspect it, he never seemed to come out.

At this time, the underground villain scientist continued: "it seems to be a little depressed recently. Maybe it really needs a new body, but we don't know what body it is now."

Chu Yunsheng thought for a moment and said, "continue to observe, and do not stop studying its life. If there is a new situation, let Tutu tell me, how is the discussion about the cage man?"

As long as it can't die for a while, when the thunder comes out, it has its own way.

Cage people are a troublesome thing. They are different from the wild star people. They have been used to the cage world for generations. They are used to the law that food will appear automatically when they are used to a fixed time.

They can't adapt to the Starship at all, and have no use for the star ship. Moreover, the living area of the star ship has been tense, and the wild star people have not taken a few.

However, there are always two opinions in the fleet. One is to put them back on a corpse star where the environment can survive, teach them some basic survival skills, and then let them live and die.

The other is that they think it may be an experiment to observe what they want to observe through the experiment. Therefore, these people think that they can continue to observe and see what the red man is looking for.

What's puzzling is that most of the people who support the first idea are underworld villains and other races, while most of them are earth people themselves!

It sounds cruel and cold-blooded, especially when the earth people put forward to do so, the underground villains and other races can't understand. But Chu Yunsheng is an earthman, and he can feel the suffocating psychology of these people at once --

they want to find out why they will be studied and enslaved as animals by other people!

Can't speak to the outside world, but angry pressure and suffocation in the heart of a question: why!?

Chu Yunsheng did not comment. He also wanted to know why, but he also felt that the continuation of the practice of the red people would not find anything.

The dispute broke out again in the conference cabin. Chu Yunsheng was having a headache when the command module outside received an emergency report from the ground -

a survivor was found under the corpse star!

The news suddenly made the conference cabin quiet down in shock. The fleet came all the way, one corpse star after another, and never found a living one!

Don't say alive. There is no normal body.

What does that mean?

Either the survivors mutated, or something happened underground!

In a word, something must have happened, otherwise the extinction of the red people would not have been overlooked.

The man in the cage had to be shelved once again, and his attention turned to the search and rescue team organized by the silver Legion who had already embarked.

Underground, deep underground, originally is the field of underground villains, but the underground of corpse star is their forbidden area, only the earth can go deep.

There, the dark energy is complex and chaotic. Even Chu Yunsheng can't go deep into it with the steps of learning from self portraits.

However, the underground man digging technology is not out of date. Without the function of dark energy, it can still be equipped to search and rescue teams.

Chu Yunsheng simply waited for the rescue results, but unexpectedly, the search and rescue team went down for three days, and on the fourth day, they carried a dying "man" up.

We all know that if we can find any trace of the red man, it depends on this time.

Missed, perhaps the truth will sink forever, no one knows.

The survivor was a young boy, extremely pale, with purple lips, eyes closed and breathing.

In the temporary medical room, all kinds of instruments flicker, and doctors sit nervously with various rescue measures

I don't know why. Maybe the flame mentioned Huan. Chu Yunsheng sometimes thinks about the five tribes these days. Seeing the boy rescued from the depths of corpse star, Chu Yunsheng thinks of another thing -

old man No.1 once hid a boy inside a planet.

It's been a long time, but it's creepy to think about it.

Chu Yunsheng doesn't know if the planet is still there, and the boy is still there. Even, sometimes, he can't be sure whether old man No. 1 is dead or not

In the temporary medical room near the entrance to the underground cave, doctors finally dissipated the chaotic energy entangled in the young boy, and were shocked to find a strange "crystal" engulfed in his abdomen.

This crystal is not big, about the size of a finger, but it contains energy to the extreme!^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!