Chapter 1137

Name:Dark Blood Age Author:天下飘火
ecause of the gravity and the uneven distribution of matter, stars tend to converge, and there are star clusters, superclusters and so on.

The red man's position is located at the edge of a large cluster, and this unworthy planetary system is on the edge of the cluster edge, with dim and weak light, which has already belonged to a very desolate region. On the big cluster, there is a bright river of stars, just like a river inlaid with black and dark void.

Such a tiny existence has a tiny life.


The hazy earth is as vast and desolate as the prehistoric earth. The burnt dark gray brown land proves that the time for the melting slurry to fade away is not too long, and the flowing gullies stretch out in endless directions.

The turbid air wandered around with an unpleasant smell. In the silent primeval forest, the overlapping folds until the dark end of sunrise, occasionally heard an ancient whine.

The sun has not yet risen, the earth seems a bit cold, the natural ashes out of a wisp of smoke, everywhere is a gray, quiet in the hidden great danger.

A group of about ten primitive people, dressed in the hide they had got from nowhere, was probably their best equipment, and with spears made of branches and sharp bones in their hands, they carefully approached an underground two legged beast drinking water by the stream.

Careful, quietly close, hold your breath, a dozen people gradually surrounded.

Vigilant underground bipedal, while drinking water, from time to time to observe the movement of the four sides.

Before the start of a perfect hunting, a nervous teenager trampled on the gravel and made a clear sound, which was destroyed in advance.

The underground bipedal immediately cocked up its ears and ran swiftly to the hole on the side of the stream.

The leading man, with several astonishing scars on his face, burst out from behind the stone and stabbed in the direction of the two legged beast.

But the strong two legged beast, half height of a man, slapped his spear open and continued to run towards the cave entrance.

The people behind the stone jumped out one after another, throwing the bone spear in their hands with all their strength. In a short time, two bone spears stabbed the two legged beasts.

The fresh blood splashed out and dropped on the cold scorched earth, and the battle was going on crazily.

Not far away, in the cave, a young two legged beast watched in horror as its mother was knocked down on the ground, struggling and roaring.

But in the end, it still couldn't get up. A bone spear pierced through its throat and took its life.

At the moment of its fall, worried and reluctant to look at the dark hole.

And the little two legged beast had already retreated into the darkness in a panic.

The primitive man paid the price of two lives and finally won the final victory. The leading man's face was covered with a bloody scar. He took a look at the embarrassed young man who made a big mistake. Then he skillfully took away some crystal like things, which seemed to be the only ornament on the waist of the almost naked two legged beast.

Another man, squatting on one side, carefully cut open the legs of the two legged beast, tasted a mouthful of blood, then shook his head and muttered a sentence, looking very disappointed.

Then, they cleaned up the bloodstain with the stream to prevent being attacked by other wild animals, and then left quickly.

As time went by, a long time after they had left, the young two legged beast came out in panic and came to its mother. The small "hand" of its forelimb kept shaking the weak head of the big two legged beast and licking its wound.

Lick it, take a look at the big bipedal's face, as if expecting the big bipedal to live.

After a long time, the big bipedal was still cold and unresponsive.

It stayed for a while, and childishly like the previous frolic, tried to touch the big two legged beast, and then ran away, as if waiting for the big two legged beast to catch up and bring it down as before.

But it had stopped, and the big bipedal was still cold and motionless.

It does not give up to try again, again and again, as if there will be a miracle as expected.

But it was doomed to be futile. After a long time, it sat beside the head of the big two legged beast, looking at the dark sky, the cold stars all over the sky, whimpering


The primitive group of about ten people returned to their tribe before the night fell. On the edge of a stream, under the reflection of the campfire, the people of the tribe were busy, gathering the day's gains together, waiting for the leader's arrangement.

"Almost. If we can't make it before winter comes, we'll be caught underground."

An old European used withered hands to wipe the blood stained crystal carefully, and then wrapped it carefully.

The leader man with several scars on his face nodded and said, "I'm not lucky today. One soul was taken away by the undead, and two others were injured."Lao Ou sighed: "it seems that we need to have a ceremony, worship the gods, and pray that the gods can protect us to spend the winter safely."

The leader man's eyes jumped and didn't speak. It seemed that he didn't believe the ceremony that Lao Ou said.

As if to see the idea in his heart, old Ou sighed: "that's not a legend, the gods will come back."

The leader man probably didn't want to tangle with her on this issue, so he turned to the topic and said, "everyone is tired. I'll go and distribute the food for today."

Old Ou also saw his impatience, waved and said: "go, let the strong people eat more."

The leader man nodded and turned to go.

At this time, Lao Ou suddenly said, "you didn't eat two legged animals, did you?"

The leader man was stunned for a moment, but immediately shook his head.

Lao Ou waved his hand to indicate that he was all right. After the leader man left, she murmured: if you don't eat, if you don't eat

In the tribe, there are not many people who wear animal skins. Most of them are strong people. Men and women who are strong are qualified to wear animal skins.

Most of the other people are either naked, or they don't know where the dried grass leaves are wrapped, and the people who are old and unimportant don't even have food.

When the chief man finished distributing the food, he sat alone on a stone that only he could sit on, eating food and looking at the bright sky above his head.

He remembered that when he was a child, Lao Ou was by the stone and told them stories that had been passed down from generation to generation, but without any new ideas -

"did you see that star? Yes, it's the one. When it goes there, yes, there, to the center of those stars, on that day, God will ride on the beautiful mountain and come to the world like a star... "

"Wrong? Impossible, impossible, never missed. It's the agreement between God and man... "

"About a thousand years..."

"Well, in a few decades, the appointed day will come. Maybe your generation can really see it..."

"I will come. I will try my best to complete the annual sacrifice."

"Otherwise, if we are caught underground, we will all become two legged animals..."

"It's true. How can I scare you..."


In winter, as promised, a transit guard of the God servants who collected the sacrifice also arrived.

The chief man took the whole tribe with him. Almost half of the naked people knelt on the cold ground and looked at the strong limbs and heavy hoofs of the fierce beasts under the crotch of the Knights.

"Did anyone steal words?" The voice of the higher one was coldly passed down. Different from the original, the sound seemed to come from another creature.

The leader man shook his head and said, "No

High on the voice hummed a body, to the side of another fierce beast Knight way: "you go in search, if some, all kill."

The whole tribe trembled in its cold words. The leader man lowered his head and squeezed his hands into the cold ground.

A moment later, a voice from above continued, "you don't have enough sacrifices. It's half gone."

The leader of the tribe said: "not last year..."

Seeing that he dared to answer back, a whip was immediately whipped out of the air and severely hit the leader man's face, splashing with blood: "what I say is as much as I don't know how to live or die!"

The leader man tried to raise his head and fight for something, and immediately another whip was whipped down, which directly knocked him to death.

"Take it all away!"

The voice above said coldly: "it's useless to kill on the spot. That young female slave over there is good. Go back to wash it and keep it for me."

With the setting sun, the primitive tribes are in a mess. Lao ou, who is lying in a pool of blood, looks at the people who are gradually disappearing in the distance and are taken away by shackles. Struggling for the last trace of life, he prays to the gradually rising star sky and prays:

God agreed with people, please come earlier, please save


When the leader man woke up, he was already chained to death with shackles, and the pain on his face was like tearing open flesh. But he could not care about it. His tribe and his people were arrested.

Will the "prophecy" of old Europe come true?

They're going to be caught underground, year after year, day after day, never to see the sun?

Maybe one day, their offspring will become wild animals. They will become monsters who don't know that they are human beings, but they always remember the crystal with fear

More than ten days later, they were taken to a large circle that often appeared in nightmares. Along the way, they also found that people from other tribes were brought here, including even their former competitors.

But compared with the black people in the circle, they were not even a stream, and they were driven in and there was no shadow.

There are many entrances to the caves, where countless people enter under the whip, while on the other side there is a steady stream of crystals and corpses.The corpses clearly showed signs of being robbed. Before the newcomers knew what was going on, they saw a ferocious beast rush into the crowd from one side, left the corpses in its trough aside, and began to devour the new living people excitedly.

The leader man quickly pulled his people back. The giant beast was extremely tall and could trample people into meat sauce. Even if there was a bone spear in front of it, it had no resistance.

On the altar on one side of the circle field, an ugly creature was playing with the women around him, watching here, and chatting with a beautiful servant with a laugh.

On the bloody ground, a thin thread stealthily sucks up the source of life. Occasionally, it will raise its head and take a nervous look at the direction of the starry sky, and then look at the ugly creature and the beautiful servant with a sneer: when people come, you don't know how to die.

Late at night, the leader man counted the number of his people, and then sat on the ground, silently looking at the stars.

At this time, he didn't know why he expected everything that Lao Ou said was true. God would come as promised

The voice from above who slaughtered their tribe is now in a room on one side of the enclosure, ready to enjoy the washed and shivering female slaves At this time, there was a commotion outside, and the noise was getting bigger and bigger!

It was discontented to go out of the room, and before it had time to reprimand, it saw in the vast starry sky, like a miracle, a huge and incomparable "sacred mountain", shining with light, majestic and breathtaking, emerging above the sky.

"Is God coming ahead of time?"

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