Chapter 750

Name:Dark Blood Age Author:天下飘火
as if he had expected for a long time, he nodded his head and said, "you can ask."

Chu Yunsheng looked at the glowing fire in its empty eyes. He first asked, "the sixth order of the skeleton sighed:" the female commander of the Fifth Fleet once said that even if it was supplemented for another 300 years, it would be the end of the world. "

Chu Yunsheng frowned and said, "is that silver light? In the final result of node deduction, will the earth still be destroyed by it 300 years later? "

With a trace of confusion, skeleton LiuXu said: "the deduction of the node did not see that it destroyed the earth, and I was also very puzzled, unless, unless -"

Chu Yunsheng said: "unless what?"

"Unless the earth is no longer in its original orbit," said the sixth order of bones

Chu Yunsheng was shocked and said, "is this possible?"

"As long as the law is obeyed, nothing is impossible," he said oddly

Chu Yunsheng took a breath and calmly said, "well, what does the female commander of the Fifth Fleet mean?"

"She didn't mean the end of the earth," she said

Chu Yunsheng's heart sank: "whose doomsday?"

"The end of the universe!" he said

As soon as his words were said, Chu Yunsheng was startled and said in dismay: "the end of the universe? That should be a long time later

"Yes, but it's speeding up and approaching," he said with a serious and heavy voice! Even on earth, human technology has found that the universe is accelerating expansion, and it is more terrible than accelerating expansion! Because the accelerated expansion of the universe is only the sign and influence of its approaching day and night! In other words, it is because it is approaching majestically that the expansion of the universe will accelerate

Chu Yunsheng didn't know why he felt flustered when he heard these words. He was surprised and said, "how do you know that?"

The sixth order of skeleton said: "the female commander of the Fifth Fleet saw something in the node, and felt it approaching day and night, just like the majestic breath of a dark cloud! For this reason, she was worried, but she said that for the time being, she couldn't figure out what to do, so the main ship had to return immediately. However, the earth is very evil, and the node here is also very important. In order to avoid any accident, she needs to make up the space blockade for another 300 years until the first fleet of them comes! "

Chu Yunsheng's voice trembled: "do you know what it is?"

Skeleton LiuXu shook his head and said, "I don't know, but in the next five thousand years, the expansion speed of the universe is faster and faster, and the distant places are getting darker and darker. This indicates that its power is increasing rapidly every day, every minute and every second!"

When Chu Yunsheng heard this, he almost lost his voice and said, "is it the evil devil outside the sky?"

^(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!