Cobalt bomb is a kind of nuclear weapons, but different from the general nuclear weapons, the nuclear weapons in the Imperial military base are stored in cobalt, and there is only one in the world!

Because so far, all countries in the world are only in the theoretical stage of cobalt bomb, only Huaxia put it into practice, and really did it.

When the nuclear weapon explodes inside the device, the common element cobalt 59 produced in the reaction will be converted into radioactivity, which is the same element cobalt 60. It has strong explosive force, and has high penetration and long-term directional gamma rays.

That's why people inside the military will name it No. 60.

Foreign military experts once said that a batch of cobalt bombs could wipe out all mankind.

Its return form is to pollute the ground with dust, just like the goblin's phagocytic ability. Even if the attacker hides in the bunker, it is difficult to wait until the end of the radiation, because it will take at least ten years for this element to disappear automatically!

The way Qin Feng came up with was to use the border and the tree spirit to counteract the harm. In other words, he had to hit the tree spirit and roll back to the alien world with it.

This can not only destroy the barrier, but also eliminate the harm. It's just that the exotic animals in the alien world can't be better

When it was ready, the whole military base sounded the alarm, and all the officers and men on the school field looked up at the big killer in the sky.

I saw its silver white coating, with a golden dragon, piercing the sky, quietly waiting, has been sent to the ground from the underground well, ready to go!

It's a weapon that has been shown to frighten all countries in the world. It's an important weapon for a big country. But now it's time to launch it.


At the entrance of Niutou village, Tang Long received the signal that he was ready. Then he made a gesture like Qin Feng, indicating that he could launch at any time.

But Qin Feng is still fighting with Shujing. The old man and Luoxue have finished the arrangement of the border. What Shujing didn't notice is that there was a hole left, which was specially prepared for the entrance of No. 60.

"Hateful earth people, humble mole ants!"

The tree spirit saw that Qin Feng was as cunning as a loach. He could not catch it. He was so angry that he hated Qin Feng. He vomited a thick black fog from his mouth and began to release dark elements to crush it.

Qin Feng hastened to protect his body with luminous elements. His whole body was wrapped in a ball of light, and then he said defiantly, "you have the ability to catch me!"

With that, he also deliberately hooked his fingers, but in fact he was really flustered.

"Damn it!"

The tree spirit is furious and rushes straight to Qin Feng, but behind Qin Feng is a barrier. Nevertheless, the tree spirit still doesn't think so. Since it can come out of the boundary of time and space once, it can come out a second time even if it goes in.

For it, the space-time barrier is like an ordinary gate, which can enter and exit freely.

The fish is on the hook!

Seeing the impact of the spirit, Qin Feng immediately nodded to Tang long.

After receiving the signal, Tang Long didn't dare to hesitate. He immediately sent the command to the communication center: "countdown ten seconds to launch!"

"Got it!"

"The countdown starts now, ten, nine..."

At this time, everyone was holding their breath, holding sweat in their hands, listening to the countdown of communication. Every second seemed like a long century.

In the twinkling of an eye, the tree spirit came to Qin Feng and opened his mouth as if to devour it. His tentacles were even more sweeping.


At the critical moment, Qin Feng flashed a golden knife, feigned to cut on the tentacles of the tree spirit, and then rushed to one side of the sharp elephant.

There is no danger!

His body is almost to brush hands to avoid, but the tree spirit has been due to inertia, a head into the barrier, and then turned around, as if trapped in the mire in general, posture to climb out.

"You shouldn't be here."

At this moment, Qin Feng is surprisingly calm. He turns around and looks at the tree spirit with only one face on the barrier. He is also reciting the seconds in his heart.

"Jie Jie! Do you think that's going to bind me? "

The tree spirit stretched out its tentacle and pressed it in the void, and its face gradually separated from it.

"In this universe, no law can imprison me!"

"Would you like something exciting?"

Qin Feng sneered: "free."

"Five, four, three, two, one!"

With the end of the countdown, the communicator in Tang Long's hand has already sent out the instruction to launch.

In Dayton time, the 60th is like the absolute power to break the universe. It soars to the sky, trailing a red flame that can refine everything.

The people in the imperial capital were looking up. They didn't know what had happened. They mistook it for a military exercise.

It can be seen in the surrounding areas. Even hadan, on the border of Southern Xinjiang, is guarding the edge of the desert. Because it's late at night, the sharp arrow like a meteor in the sky attracts him.

All the people who haven't fallen asleep in Kyushu can be seen clearly. Soon on the 60th, they left the territory of the imperial capital, crossed the three rivers and six banks, and entered the eyes of Jinling citizens.

Although Jinling is a hundred miles away from Niutou village, driven by the powerful nuclear reaction, it doesn't even need time to blink.

As early as thousands of miles away, there was a palpitation in Qin Feng's mind, accompanied by his soul consciousness. Just like this, his spiritual sensitivity became so sharp.


Qin Feng murmured to himself. Although he said it to Shu Jing, he also said it to Yu. Looking at the stagnant Shu Jing who had stopped moving, there was a sigh on his face, but only for Yu.

"You... What have you done!"

Obviously, the tree spirit also felt the threat.

Not only that, at the moment there is a sense of danger, more and more close, so that it has never been uneasy in the long history.

"You'll soon know."

With that, Qin Feng immediately turned his head to look like the old man and Luoxue and cried, "get out of the border quickly!"

At the end of the speech, he felt a sense of pressure like the sea, and the power of the ten mountains made him speechless. When he looked around, he saw that No. 60 was growing infinitely and could not be caught in his sight.


At the same time, Qin Feng spared no effort to derive the elements of wind to the extreme. At the critical moment, without saying a word, it was like a border rush.

The tree spirit was also flustered and struggled, no longer rushing out of the barrier, but retreating to its world. However, it was obviously too late now, so he had to open his mouth.

After all, the most powerful part of its body is its mouth. It wants to swallow the carrier full of powerful energy into its stomach. If it succeeds, after absorbing the energy in the carrier, its power will become stronger.


Almost at the moment when Qin Feng rushed out of the border, No. 60 accurately passed through the entrance of the border, and aimed at the mouth of the tree spirit at two points and one line, and immediately attacked it.

"Lie down!"

For the sake of safety, Qin Feng shouts, and all the people present are prostrate, including the old man and Luoxue.


Three seconds passed and nothing was heard.

After waiting for a while, Qin Feng couldn't help looking up at the tree spirit embedded in the barrier, and then stood up unbelievably.

No. 60 was really swallowed by that guy and became a squib?

People also can't believe it, especially Tang Long and others. You know, the radioactive elements contained in this cobalt bomb are enough to destroy a large city in an instant.

If you can't even use a tree spirit to kill such a big weapon, what weapon is there?

If even the most advanced technology on earth can't resist orcs, what else can we do?

Is it true that human beings are going to perish and the earth is going to fall?

Qin Feng stood up with a gloomy face and looked at the spirit of the tree. For a moment, his brain was blank.

And the tree spirit gave out a contemptuous laugh, said: "I can shake the tree, mantis pawn the cart, the darkness is with me, God Nai, why do I have to?"


Suddenly, its voice just fell, just heard a powerful roar from its mouth.

People don't know, so they mistakenly think that after 60 is swallowed by the tree spirit, they are burping like a person after a meal, and they are even more hit in their hearts.

But the eyes of the tree spirit suddenly became restless, and his face began to be extremely twisted, as if in great pain.

"It's Yu!"

Qin Feng was surprised and said: "fire element, the fire element of Yao triggered No. 60, everyone..."


Before he had finished speaking, he heard the thunder, and then saw a red flame coming out of the tree spirit's mouth, forming a huge mushroom cloud.

"No! No! "

In the end, the spirit of the tree gave out a very unwilling roar. After ten thousand years of practice, he did not expect that he would be destroyed in the ants. The trunk burst, and the so-called immortal body was broken. The dark elements in the boundary of the body overflowed. Together with the barrier of the boundary of time and space, he disappeared in an instant!

After evaporation, the power of No. 60 began to spread, the huge mushroom cloud filled the whole border, and the strong energy fluctuations rushed to the border.

"Back! Back

With a wave of his hand, Qin Feng quickly reminds the old man and Luoxue to retreat to the safe area.

In the next second, the boundary is broken, and the thunder and light elements contained in it are fused with cobalt 60. In addition, the dark elements scattered before the explosion of Shujing body, four kinds of energy that can destroy the sky and the earth, directly lift the three people out.

But after landing, Qin Feng didn't have any idea. He quickly looked into the sky and the mushroom cloud dissipated. Although there was a heat wave, there was no energy fluctuation.

What did he shoot at?

After the cobalt element in No. 60 destroyed the tree spirit, it also destroyed the space-time barrier and brought radiation and other hazards to the alien world?

Ten seconds later, there is still no energy fluctuation, no temple, no barrier, no spirit and no border!

Niutoushan has become a ruins, but on the ruins, the night sky is still as quiet as water, with stars and moon

They all swallowed their saliva and stared at Qin Feng's towering back.

At this moment, Qin Feng's inner emotion was unprecedentedly excited and hard to restrain. After a long time, he calmed down and faced the people.

"We... Made it, we made it!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone responded. After a short silence, there were warm cheers. Some people cheered, some cried with joy, and some were still in trance.

But no matter what, everyone standing here is a hero in this war!