"Moo! Why do you hit me? I want to go out too... "

"Ha! Don't hit me either. It has nothing to do with me... "

At present, Qin Feng is chasing Xiaobai and the ox demon king to fight, running all over the mountains.

"It's both your fault, or I wouldn't be trapped here! Especially you big black cow, how can you get so much nonsense? If you go out early, what else will happen? "

"It's the old man who has to keep talking. Why don't you trouble him?"

Hearing this, the crowd outside all focused their eyes on the old man's head. The latter immediately turned up his beard and scolded, "it all depends on what I do. How can I expect to be like this?"

After a while, a person, a cow and a bird were all tired and panting, and they sat on the ground.

Now that the scope of their activities is limited, they have become prisoners in the border.

Qin Feng sighs. He habitually wants to have a cigarette. He is sad to find that he didn't bring it with him. Then he looks at situ Jiannan and others for help. But when he sees that they are all showing their hands, he expresses his helplessness.

Now let's not say it's human, it can be called a real fly can't fly in!

"I fought with those two old white bearded men!"

In his anger, Xiaobai soars to the sky and flies to the two white robed people in the sky. When he hears his words, Qin Feng's heart is shocked. He just wants to ask, but Xiaobai still flies high in the air.



Today's border crossing is like a golden bell jar, 360 degrees without dead angle, all-round solid as gold, like a small dark room where troops are locked up.

Without waiting for Xiaobai to get close to him, the border on the top rebounded it back. With a scream, Xiaobai fell to the ground heavily on the spot, and spewed black smoke. The electrified outer coke was tender inside.

"Come on, how do you know there are two old men on it?"

Qin Feng rushed to Xiaobai regardless of everything, pulled it out of the pit, and then crossed his hands to resuscitate his heart.

"Poof! Poof... Don't press it. If you press it again, it's really dead. "

Xiaobai continuously spits out several smoke rings, and then stands up in the eyes of the Bull Demon King, staggering like a penguin, and muddled like drunk, but the signs of life are really stable.

He could not help but be convinced. He thought that noble blood is Niubi. Such a strong fighting ability is not the power of chaos in his body. He didn't dare to think about it!

"Don't talk nonsense. How can you tell that there are two old men on it?"

Qin Feng is impatient.

"Look for yourself, not only the two old men, but also the white beards and feather dusters."

Hearing this, he immediately looked up and was stunned.

Just now, outside the border, people couldn't see the appearance of the two alien strongmen with binoculars. But now, as Xiao Bai said, the two alien strongmen are wearing white robes, white beards and the two feather dusters in their hands


A feather duster is a duster.

As the saying goes, it's not human to brush the dust with hands!

Surprisingly, although the two old men in white have a lot of beards, they are very young, energetic, and full of red light. Moreover, they look very kind-hearted. They don't look like big traitors at all. On the contrary, they are all full of immortal spirit!

Most importantly, as like as two peas, the two men are just like twins, just like a carved model.

Is it true that there are twins in a different world?

Qin Feng swallowed his saliva, and then stood up to meet the wind, came to the top of the border.

Here, it is almost close to the two old men in white. Even the palace behind them can be seen clearly. The pure white jade pillars are inlaid with the dome of Phnom Penh. Through the palace gate, you can't see the things inside. It's like nothingness and dark as an abyss.

Qin Feng tried to touch the border light barrier at the top with his hand. In a short time, an electric current came out, which made him feel very sour!

"Cough! Who the hell are you

He yelled to them, "why do you want to come to our world? I think we might as well sit down and talk about it. You don't look like bad people. What can we discuss?"

When Qin Feng finished, he saw that the two old men in white didn't turn their heads. They were still staring at the palace gate. They didn't know they were looking at the door, and their faces were full of vigilance.

"Will good and bad people write their identities on their faces?"

Suddenly, one of the old men in White said calmly: "stupid mortal."

"Well, why don't you open the border and I'll go up and talk to you?"

In fact, what Qin Feng wants to say is that you have the kind to open the border and let you know why the flowers are so red. By the way, I'll tell you what good people and bad people are!

"You think I'm stupid?"

But obviously, the old man in white didn't take this method, which made Qin Feng speechless, and then he hit and kicked the air as if he were crazy in the air.

There's no way. This border is like a hedgehog with soft hedgehog armour in journey to the West. Whoever touches will suffer, he has nothing to do.

Immediately, he turned and looked down at the crowd and said, "don't be afraid. These are the two old men. They are a cover up. I can see clearly inside. Who will go up and kill them?"


Hearing this, Ma Dahu and others below all shrunk their necks and could not help retreating, mistaking that Qin Feng was cheating them.

Two old men?

Even if they are two old men, it must be very difficult to deal with them!

The older you get, the more powerful you are. Isn't the old man a living example?

"Master, believe me, what I said is true!"

Qin Feng is so angry that at the critical moment, he can only place his hope on the old man. He doesn't believe that even the performer is dead. Isn't the boundary broken?


After hearing this, Taoist priest Luoyu thought. At this time, an old man in white robe in front of the Palace door sneered and said, "don't be paranoid. Don't say that you ants are like fighting against me. Even if you win, what's the matter?"

"This border is a seal that will not change for ten thousand years. Even if I die, it will still exist and lock the caster. That is to say, once I die, you will never escape again!"


Qin Feng's hair explodes when he hears about it. NIMA is a pervert. It's a 10000 year old border. It's a system of fingerprint, iris and facial unlocking. What a hair!

"Besides, who do you think came up to my heavenly palace if you want?"

The white robed old man said: "to tell you the truth, the lower part is just a small border. The invisible big border covered by my palace should be more solid a hundred times!"

"Grass! If you have the ability, come down! " Qin Feng is not used to Tao.

Is this guy flaunting his power and bullying the earth people?

"Come up if you can."

The man in the white robe was not arrogant and rash, and said defiantly, "it's just a mole ant. He also wants to break through his own shackles and dream!"

At this time, Qin Feng's teeth were about to be broken, and he wanted to eat them alive.

"Master, I'm sorry. I'm bold and bold and offended you, but I don't think you have any malice for such a long time. Otherwise, how about we say it calmly?"

The Taoist of falling rain can't bear to see Qin Feng trapped in the border for ten thousand years. You know, if that's true, can't the white haired people send the black haired people?

"Say a fart, I certainly have no malice to you!"

After hearing this, the old man in White said: "on the contrary, I am protecting you, a group of stupid human beings. I really don't know what's good in my life!"


Everyone was stunned, Qin Feng even more disdained a smile, this NIMA said than sing all good.

But he was curious, how could this alien speak Chinese?

This problem has been ignored from the beginning. Now I think it's really strange!

"What else?"

The old man in white sighed, "come on, what can I say to you guys? Play the lute to the ox!"

"Who are you calling?"

This time, even the old man couldn't help it. He had to rush up to his theory. However, as the other side said, although he could fly to the height of the heavenly palace, he couldn't get in at all.

The invisible border is like water light. It can't be seen or touched. Only when you know the pain, can you find it right in front of you. After several collisions, the old man also suffered a lot. But in order to save Qin Feng, he still spared no effort.

Qin Feng was deeply moved by this scene.

"This old boy, is he very persistent?"

At the moment, even an old man in white robe was moved and said, "well, yes, it's a little bit of my old style, and I've cultivated the element of light. It seems that the distance to perfection is just around the corner."

"That is, this is my master!"

Qin Feng felt very proud after listening, but soon, he seemed to realize something from each other's mouth.

"You... You know the element of light?"

He was very puzzled, and just now he heard clearly that this guy spoke perfectly!

You know, according to the old man, above the spirit is perfection. You can fly up and become a virtuous immortal!

Are these two white robed people

It's not the strong one in the alien world, but the earth monk who has reached the perfect state, the immortal of Tao?!

At this time, hearing the white robed man's words, the old man obviously realized this.

"Who the hell are you?"

All of a sudden, he became very serious. He was the right color Qin Feng had never seen before. He seemed to be facing a great enemy. Because of the constant impact before, his Qi was in disorder. After roaring, he could not help spitting out a mouthful of blood.


Qin Feng's eyes are splitting and his eyes are red. For a long time, the old man and he have been deeply attached to each other. He is not only a master, but also a benefactor. I don't know how many times he has saved his life.

It can be said that without the old man, he did not know how many times he had died.

Therefore, in Qin Feng's heart, the old man seems to be well with his parents!

However, now that such an important person in his life is seriously injured and in imminent danger, he is helpless.

This makes Qin Feng feel helpless again, just like the previous experience in the face of fantasy, unwilling and indignant!