"I see, Mr. Gu." Li Zhao bowed his head and solemnly responded.

Compared with Li Zhao's surprise and dissatisfaction, Lu Yichun seems to be much happier.

She was overjoyed. Although she tried to persuade Gu yeting, her reason was not worth mentioning at all. But unexpectedly, Gu yeting, who had been immersed in shopping malls for so many years, actually took this suit.

It's really great.

God didn't give her up completely!

"Thank you, Mr. Gu. I won't let you down!" Lu Yichun couldn't hide her surprise and bowed to Gu Yeling.

Gu yeting takes a look at Lu Yichun. His eyes are meaningful.

Then he looked away and left the hospital without saying a word.

Lu Yichun didn't straighten up, but kept bending and bowing until Gu yeting and his party had completely walked out of the hospital lobby.

"Great, Xia Yuqing. You won in those years, but you forget that 30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi are now the time for me to win." Lu Yichun complacently muttered.

At the same time, Xia Yue also has a thing he doesn't know.

That is, Lu Yichun has been secretly investigating that night, she found Lu Yichun important person.

Without alerting Xia Yue, Lu Yichun follows Xia Yue for several days, and finally discovers the clue that Xia Yuqing is locked up by Xia Yue.

God is helping her.

Xia Yuqing is missing, Gu Yeling can't find her, and Xia Yueyue can't let Xia Yuqing leave, so Gu Yeling's position is empty.

Over the past year, the relationship between Xia Yuqing and Gu yeting has gradually become clear to her. It turns out that Xia Yuqing has already hooked up with Gu yeting. Even Gu yeting's baby son, in fact, was born by Xia Yuqing. Fortunately, she pretends to be innocent in front of her. It's disgusting.

Of course, Xia Yue told Lu Yichun all the news.

It's really because of this that Lu Yichun hates Xia Yuqing more and more. Even though there is no intersection between the two people's lives, Lu Yichun always thinks about how to kill Xia Yuqing.

This time, Xia Yueyue really helped Lu Yichun a big favor.

Xia Yuqing's disappearance not only made the position of deputy director of Design Department of Gu's group vacant, but also made the position beside Gu yeting vacant.

But these two positions, Lu Yichun all potential in must obtain.

First of all, the position of deputy director of design department should have been her position of Lu Yichun. It was Xia Yuqing's interference that led to Lu Yichun's missing this position.

And Gu yeting's position.

Lu Yichun fell into Gu's group when he saw Gu yeting.

In the past, Lu Yichun only dared to secretly fantasize in his heart, but after Xia Yuqing appeared, Lu Yichun's mentality changed.

Because of the common hatred with Xia Yueyue, Lu Yichun has a certain understanding of Xia Yuqing's true identity. Such a humble woman is worse than her Lu Yichun. Why can she stand beside Gu yeting and have him openly?

If Xia Yuqing is OK, so is Lu Yichun!

So from this moment on, Lu Yichun's goal is not just to be a deputy director of design department.

She wanted many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many.

As for the position of deputy director of the design department of Gu's group, it's just her first step up. Lu Yichun wants to improve her identity step by step, and then stand by Gu yeting's side.

Ah, Xia Yuqing, let's not say whether she can escape from the palm of Xia Yue. Even if she does, I'm afraid it's too late.

A man's heart is the most unreliable. Lu Yichun always believes that Gu yeting has a temporary favor for Xia Yuqing, but Xia Yuqing has the means to bind Gu yeting with her children.

Now that she is missing, Gu will not wait for her.

So this is her chance for Lu Yichun.

Waiting for a seat, Lu Yichun has some ways to tie Gu Yeling.

Xia Yuqing is not the only one to have children.


Leaving the hospital, Gu got into the back seat of the car, closed his eyes and put his hands around his chest. He didn't know what he was thinking.Sitting in the co driver's seat, Li Zhao always couldn't help looking at Gu yeting's expression in the rearview mirror. He looked like he wanted to talk but stopped.

He really doesn't understand why Gu yeting will agree to Lu Yichun's request.

That's not an ordinary position. It's the position of deputy director of the design department. This position can almost take charge of the whole design department.

Gu yeting's decision makes Li Zhao feel that if Lu Yichun wants to become the director of design department in the future, Gu yeting will not hesitate to let Erjie give way.

This is not Gu yeting's consistent style at all.

Why on earth?

Li Zhao couldn't figure it out.

He wanted to ask Gu Yeling, but he didn't dare.

Just now Gu yeting's attitude was very obvious. Obviously, he had his own plan and didn't need other people's intervention.

The more Li Zhao thought about it, the more he felt depressed. Finally, he bit his teeth and wrung the meat on his arm. Finally, he forced himself not to think about it any more.

Gu's group is Gu's company. Gu knows how to do the best for the company.

Maybe Gu yeting has another plan.


Xia Yueyue private villa.

It's hard to live these two days.

After being beaten by Xia Yue that day, no one gave Xia Yuqing any medicine.

So even after two days, Xia Yuqing's face is still frightening.

Her cheek was swollen and her skin was still bare. She didn't dare to make any big expression because it would lead to the wound and hurt badly.

Maybe Xia Yueyue thinks that Xia Yuqing is not relieved after a beating. When he leaves, Xia Yueyue also tells those people who are in charge of Xia Yuqing outside that they are not allowed to give her medicine and don't be too polite to her. In a word, just don't let her die.

With such clear instructions, those people outside will have no fear.

As a result, the three meals a day of Xia Yuqing also became unstable.

Fortunately, Xia Yuqing is locked up in the nanny's room. There's nothing to do, and her physical energy consumption is not big.

But she is still a little worried. If it goes on like this, it will definitely affect her to find a chance to escape.

However, for this problem, Xia Yuqing is really at a loss.

"Alas." Lying on the bed, Xia Yuqing couldn't help sighing.

In the final analysis, she is just an ordinary person. Unlike in the movies, the heroines in the novels all have golden fingers. In the face of this dilemma, she can quickly find a way to escape, or there will be a knight to save him.

Xia Yuqing can only rely on himself, but what should he do