"If your father can't find me here, I really look down on him. But are you so confident that he will find it? "

"Now that we've found you, it's not difficult to find you here."

For Rui Rui's words, Mo Shaoze is noncommittal, but the smile at the corner of his mouth makes Rui Rui feel very wrong.

I always feel that he is just intentionally guiding his father to find out here.

So the next second, Ruirui asked directly, "what do you want to do?"

But when Ruirui asks, Mo Shaoze doesn't care at all, but his expression is more and more rich, which makes Ruirui feel that he must have something in the plan.

"You talk. What do you want to do? You must be planning something? "

"Well, I'm talking to you. What do you want to do? You knew from the beginning that I had a tracker on me, but you couldn't find it, but you chose to bring me here later. You must have a reason. What do you want to do? "

"You're not just trying to take my godmother away, are you?"

Ruirui frowns and looks more serious. He must calm down, because only when he calms down can he know what Mo Shaoze wants to do. What can we do?

He has no idea what Mo Shaoze will do next. He just has an intuition that what Mo Shaoze will do next must have something to do with his parents, and it will never be a good thing.

"Mo Shaoze, what are you planning?"

"Ruirui, you've been talking all the time since just now. Don't you feel thirsty?"

"Tell me, what do you want to do? Do you want to hurt my daddy and Mommy here? I warn you, I will never let you hurt my daddy and Mommy. "

"Just you? You want to stop me. How do you think you can stop me now? "

Mo Shaoze's eyes are staring at ruiruirui's bound hands and feet. As arrogant as they are.

"I can't stop you now, but I won't let you do anything to hurt my parents. You have already hurt grandma. Don't you feel sorry? Don't you feel a little guilty? "

"I didn't expect that you would be so bad at the beginning. Even if so many things happened, I thought that when I saw you, as long as I told you more, I would let you understand that what you thought before was wrong, and you would change. But now it seems that you are really a scum."

"I never thought that I would use these two words to describe a person, and I never thought that I still use these two words to describe one of the people that Granny cares about most."

"You must think that Granny doesn't care about you, and you think granny despises you, but you don't know that granny is the one who cares about you most, because granny has a very precious box, which contains photos of you and your mother. From your childhood to your growing up, granny has collected photos of you at every age."

"Granny wants to see you every year, but your father repeatedly finds out all kinds of demands and reasons to prevent granny from seeing you. Every time he sees you, he always asks granny for money and talks about terms. So, once or twice, Granny can tolerate it, but after a long time, Granny will no longer see you through your father. "

"But that doesn't mean granny doesn't have you in her heart. Granny will go out every year. People who don't know think granny is just going to play, but people who know know know that granny is going to see you."

"And the picture in that box was taken secretly by grandma Tai."

"In fact, I don't know about these things, but Grandma had an accident. On that day, I just went home to help my dad pack some grandma's clothes, so I accidentally saw the box, which contained grandma's concern for you and many photos of you."

"If I didn't see the picture in the box and the writing of grandma Tai, I didn't know that grandma Tai would care so much about a person who hurt her heart so much."

"Shut up, don't mention that old woman to me again. If you want to see your parents well, I won't do anything to you. But if you continue to talk, I won't let you suffer. You will only think that I'm joking with you."

Ruirui simply ignored Mo Shaoze's words, he just continued: "you still don't want to listen to these, you have been blinded by your so-called hatred, even your heart."

"Why don't you believe all of us? Why do you have to believe what you call seeing with your own eyes? "

"To tell you the truth, I've told you again and again that I really don't want to pay attention to your adult affairs, but you've gone too far."

When Ruirui spoke, he was so angry that he was about to roar out. He really didn't see such a hateful person.From the time he was just in the car, he wanted to say more. No matter he was lying to him or telling the truth, he hoped that he could suppress the so-called hatred in his heart. But now, seeing that he just stared at daddy's expression on the screen, he knew that this man was completely hopeless. He should not have any expectations for him at all!

"Ruirui, the next stage is a good play. Do you think I should let you watch your daddy and Mommy disappear from your eyes, or should I let your daddy and Mommy watch you and disappear from their eyes?"

"But I think it's better to let you go! Because only in this way can I see the collapse of your father. Only when I see the collapse of your father can I be more happy. "

"Oh, do you think your plan is perfect? Do you think my dad can't guess what you're doing now? I tell you, even if you want to die with my father, my father also disdains to die with you. Don't you want me to disappear from my father's eyes? OK, even if I disappear, so what? You still lost to my daddy

Ruirui is really angry. He has never seen such a hateful person.

He thinks that the most hateful people in the world are only outsiders, and they will never be their own.

Therefore, he also wants to say to his mother that there are still many good people in the world, but now there is such a villain in front of him, who is also the son of his aunt.

I really want to be rude.

"You are so hateful. Granny should not give you so many opportunities. Granny should have told you everything in those years, instead of making you hate her so much."

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