"Touch the hands of other women, don't touch me!" The night South dream whisks the shoulder, he leaves the feeling, does not open the face angrily.

Lin Zhanxiao was stunned, as if he knew what she was angry with.

Looking at the door where Miss he had disappeared, he was not annoyed at all, but aroused a calm smile.

Even though he knew it, he pretended that he didn't know anything: "what woman did I touch? Why don't I understand you? " "You --" Yenan Meng jumped up in anger, pointed at him, and his lips were all white. "Do you want to act? I saw it upstairs just now. You are very affectionate. It's still so long before you go downstairs. I'm not a three-year-old child. Didn't I do something

? It's over now? "

The servant listened to the accusation of yenanmeng and was scared into a cold sweat.

No one has ever dared to talk to the host like this, especially women. Which one is not coquettish?

This night girl is very good. She is gentle. She is fierce everywhere. She hurt her master yesterday.

It's a miracle that she can still be domineering!

"Originally you saw," Lin Zhanxiao not only didn't get angry, but covered his lips with a smile, "are you jealous?"

"Jealous?" The night South dream inconceivably raises a voice, "how possible, you dream to go!"

"Oh? Hey, why do you smell a big sour smell? "Lin Zhanxiao sat opposite her and pretended to smell it. He looked at the servant beside him." do you smell it? Who knocked over the vinegar in the kitchen? "

The servant immediately bent down to answer: "master, no one in the kitchen upset the vinegar."

Lin Zhanxiao's smile is not flat, at least for yenanmeng, no matter how good he looks, his eyebrows and eyes are not flat now!

She clenched her fists, gritted her teeth and looked at the man in front of her, stressing: "I'm not jealous, I'm not crazy!"

To night South dream deny, he is not angry at all, raised a hand to pinch to pinch her nose tip: "lie words, careful long nose!"

"I didn't lie!" She stressed.

"You know for yourself whether you lie or not." Lin Zhanxiao no longer took the call, let her jump, always ignore, just eat the breakfast in front of her.

Night South dream's stomach has been hungry for a long time, inexplicably angry in the morning, and now it's even more hungry.

She grabbed a piece of pineapple bag, tore it and chewed it fiercely.

It seems that what he grinds is not bread, but a piece of meat torn from Lin Zhanxiao.

In the face of such a powerful oppression, he did not lift his head, calm as if nothing had happened.

Ha ha, I'm so calm. I've just been upstairs with other women, but there's nothing different. It's the standard of an Oscar winner!

The night South dream suddenly also don't know oneself in gas what, suddenly sit down, gas Chong to fill oneself, take food to send gas.

After breakfast, she wiped her mouth and said, "I'm going back."

He looked up, wiped his mouth, and turned to go upstairs.

She was ignored???

The night South dream is angry to chase up, until the bedroom door, just follow his big long leg: "Hello, do you hear me say good!"

If the servant didn't listen to him, Yenan Meng wouldn't pay attention to him.

Lin Zhanxiao came to the bedside and hooked her finger.

She came forward with a sullen face and was suddenly overwhelmed by him on the bed.

Thin lips close to the ear, as if with a sense of banter, slowly said: "I didn't have any relationship with that woman, don't you believe it? Why don't you try? Try and you'll know! "

"Try your head!" Night South dream nervously close to live collar, "you don't look for an excuse to bully me."

"Am I bullying you?" Lin Zhanxiao thin lips light sip, "I am in love with you."

“…… Would you like to be normal? " Night South dream gnaws teeth way.

Lin Zhanxiao hooked his lips and wanted to say something else. She pushed him away, got up and went out.

In the heart turn stir a burst of irritability, even night South dream oneself all don't know oneself in living what gas.

If he is interested in other women, he will let her go!

What's the matter with her?

Cold face went downstairs, servant and want to stop her, night dream just about to get angry, ladder upload his voice: "let him go back, send someone to send her."

"Yes Answered the servant.

The driver sent yenanmeng home. She didn't go anywhere. As soon as she entered the room, she was so angry that she threw her bag on the bed.

Asshole, a man is really a big pig's hoof. If you catch a flattering woman, you can do it.

Her head was full of Lin Zhanxiao's shadow, and her rebellious smile, just like a swelling sponge, which made her head ache.

Yenanmeng went upstairs to take a bath, turned on the computer and began to watch movies, trying to divert his attention.

But I don't know. I look at her and go away again. Thinking of the woman and his darkness in the morning, Yenan Meng's heart is always on fire.

The front foot sends her to leave, Lin Zhanxiao the back foot regretted.She should have stayed for another day.

As soon as he couldn't see her, he felt empty and uncomfortable.

Holding this stock depressed to dusk, Lin Zhanxiao tried to give her a phone call, she all hung up.

He sat by the window, humming in a good mood, and continued to play.

Even he doesn't know why he is in a good mood, just like yenanmeng doesn't know why he is irritable.

At last, she couldn't bear it. She picked up the phone and yelled, "what do you want!"

"I think..."

"Don't think about it. I don't have time to talk to you. Find other women!" Night South dream roar over, hang up the phone, never return to him.

She was in no mood for taking out.

Finally waiting for the takeout, yenanmeng took a piece of pizza, while searching for the price and model of guitar on the music equipment network, while gnawing at the things on her lips.

It wasn't until it was dark that she ate up the cold pizza.

Just tidy up the mess on the table, ready to take out to throw away, night South dream found a figure in the door shaking.

She was surprised that she could not be a bad person!

Carefully put down the things in her hand, she lifted the curtain from the side and saw that she was full of fire again.

Lin Zhanxiao stood at the door, with his hands in his pocket. He neither knocked nor made a sound, as if waiting for her to open the door and kill her unprepared!

Good guy, this man is too insidious! Fortunately, she is smart!

Night South dream sneer, knock on the door from inside: "Hey, don't think I didn't find you, leave quickly, or I'll call the police!"

Lin Zhanxiao laughed at the door: "is that right? Then try. "

"You..." The night South dream takes out the handset, just presses down three numbers, the hand has stopped again.

It's not a joke. If he is taken away as a bad man, something may happen.

There was a little uneasiness in her heart, which made her breathless. Even if she was angry, she finally gave up.

The night South dream bottom spirit loses, once again knocked on the door: "Hey, you go quickly, oh, I called the police! The police officer will be here soon Her words made Lin Zhanxiao laugh.