Ye Junlin quietly went back to his bedroom without going downstairs.

But his heart, always thinking of girl, sleepless all night.

Now the girl hates him, but when she finds Zhan Yuxuan, maybe she can untie her heart knot.

At that time

Girl will understand him!

During the period of night King's arrival, he was constantly wavering and firm, and his heart was suffering all the time.

He doesn't seem to have much fluctuation, but he hides all his emotions in his heart and doesn't show them on the surface.

After they got married, they almost never separated.

This time, in the same villa, they were separated, like an insurmountable distance.

Bai nianyi, who has always been used to sleeping in, got up early. Before he got up, he went to wash and change clothes.

Night Jun Lin lying on the bed, listening to her every movement, heart has long been tied in the girl.

When she left the room, he got up slowly and went to wash.

Put on clothes to go downstairs, only Qingjie a person's figure.

She stood at the table with a half eaten plate on it.

"Where's the girl?" Yejunlin took a look and frowned, trying to find her trace.

"Ma'am, she had breakfast very early and went to work already!" The fine elder sister Leng Leng ground answers.

Think of her foot injury, night Jun Lin's face more ugly: "sister Qing, her foot injury is not good, you let her go like this?"

"I advised, but the young lady insisted on going. I..." Qingjie hesitates and lowers her head. She's just a maid. Where can she take a stand to persuade Bai nianyi.

What this family brings to the girl is no longer warm, which makes her want to escape.

It's better to stay at home than go to the company, at least have a few hours of ventilation time.

When Bai nianyi limped into the office, no other colleagues came to work.

It's so cold here that she feels at ease.

It's the worst thing to think of the arrival of the night king.

Bai nianyi constantly adjusts his breath and tells himself not to think.

Now she is working. She has asked for a day's leave and has fallen behind a lot of progress.

As time went by, colleagues came one after another.

We all know that she asked for leave yesterday, and she was kind-hearted and concerned.

At that moment, she felt the warmth from everyone.

Bai nianyi's heart was cooled thoroughly before, but now it's suddenly warmed by everyone's temperature. For a while, he wants to cry.

She was afraid that other people would see the clue. She just said with a smile that she was OK and began to work.

Seemingly no different woman, endure the pain in the heart, as if nothing happened to do.

As soon as suxinxin heard that she was coming, she rushed to gossip for the first time: "Yiyi, how's it going? Are you better? "

"Better," Bai nianyi replied, suddenly realizing that she might have asked for another meaning, "maybe."

She laughs very helpless, lets the human see in the fundus of the eye, ache in the heart.

Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao called.

Bai nianyi looks to one side and calls a non-stop mobile phone. It's from yejunlin!

Before to see his call, her heart can be filled with honey in an instant, sweet and greasy.

But now, she was afraid to see him call.

The phone rang for a long time, then it was cut off, and then it rang again.

Su Xinxin looks at Bai nianyi's eyes and knows that this matter has not eased, but maybe it has become more serious.

Later, the phone call came in again. Bai nianyi had no choice but to pick it up.

It's not his gentle voice, but his cold, piercing tone: "Bai nianyi, have you gone to work?"

"Well." She just gave a muffled reply, sounding feeble.

Thinking of the injury on her feet, ye Junlin was angry and distressed: "your feet are not good, didn't I ask you to rest?"

"Do you care about me?" Bai nianyi asked in a low voice.

How she wanted to hear a positive answer, even if she knew he would not admit it.

"If you hurt your foot again, I don't want to care about you," yejunlin said angrily on the phone, contrary to his mood. "Do yourself a good job!"

"I don't want you!" Bai nianyi can't help it any longer. After a roar on the phone, he hangs up directly.

She seems to have never been so fierce to yejunlin, but what he said just now really made her feel bad.

Susie squatted aside, timidly tugged at the corner of her dress and motioned aside with her eyes.

I saw the whole office, everyone was shocked to stare here, but also for her just roar and surprised.

No doubt, listen to the content of Bai nianyi's speech just now, it must be a phone call with her husband!

Who is her husband? Night is coming!

Bai nianyi and ye Junlin call. Is it so fierce?They all thought that Bainian, relying on this big backer, would please gently

I didn't expect that. How could they get along with each other? Or There's something wrong with the marriage.

For a time, because of a phone call, everyone is guessing whether the relationship between Bai nianyi and ye Junlin has met a bottleneck.

"Yiyi, are you ok?" Susie asked in a low voice, "is there another conflict?"

Although Bai nianyi didn't complain about recent events, seeing her haggard, Su Xinxin felt the seriousness of the matter.

"I'm fine. Go back to your work." Bai nianyi is afraid of influencing her to do things, and deliberately smiles and comforts her.

"Yiyi, I'm worried about your appearance." Where does Su Xinxin have the mood to work? Biting her lips, she seems more sad than her.

Bai nianyi never wants her negative emotions to affect others. She always tries her best to be strong, and this time it's the same.

She pulled up Susie, held hands and sent him back to the office.

After a person calms down, Bai nianyi's heart seems to be empty, and no one can fill it except night king.

All morning, she worked hard, hoping to forget the troubles with her busyness.

When we had lunch, susinxin showed up on time and took bainianyi downstairs to find a quiet restaurant.

"Well, this restaurant seems very expensive, isn't it?" Bai nianyi looked around and felt the shriveled wallet, but he had no choice.

Susie took out her wallet and patted it on the table: "what are you afraid of? I'll treat you to it!"

In fact, I want to find a place to talk with suxinnian.

It's a pity that Bai nianyi doesn't seem to want to talk about yejunlin. She hasn't opened her mouth.

What else can I tell you?

Bai nianyi takes the initiative to solve the problem, but yejunlin doesn't give her a chance, and it's getting colder and colder. What's the point?

"Yiyi, what's going on?" Suxin can't help but wonder, "big gray wolf hasn't made up with you yet?"

"Xinxin, actually..." "Actually what? How are the wolf and the other women Suxin asked again.