"Good!" Wen Shang agreed with a smile and allowed himself to feel the love and care brought by his brother.

"That's settled. Do you want to take a few days off before you go to work?" Wen yunian is very careful to ask Wen Shang, for her recent situation, he is very clear.

When Wen Shang heard the word "rest", he couldn't help laughing, "Wow! No, you don't know how annoying I've been at home these days! I feel moldy. "

Wen Shang said without exaggeration that she did in recent days, and even made her feel that she was the kind of person who couldn't spare time.

"Ha ha ha..." said by Wen Shang, Wen yunian immediately laughed.

It's getting colder and colder. There are not many pedestrians on the street, and the leaves on the trees have fallen thinly.

It's late autumn and winter is not far away. There is a thick layer of water on the window because of the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor. The brother and sister in the car are laughing and quarreling. They both cherish such a rare time together.

Soon, the car stopped at the door of a high-end restaurant. Just looking at the magnificent decoration outside, you can see that the people who can come and go here must have a certain status.

"Wow! Do you want to be so high-end? " Before getting off the bus, Wen Shang sat in the co pilot's seat and said half jokingly.

"Ha ha... I don't want to see who I invite to dinner. Naturally, I have to upgrade my level to match my beautiful sister."

On the surface, it seems that Wen yunian is also a domineering president, and his face is always cold. But in fact, Wen Shang can feel his brother's tenderness just from his eyebrows and eyes.

"Hee hee..." Wen yunian's words amused Wen Shang. He couldn't close his mouth with a smile, and his eyebrows and eyes were very charming.

"Please! Beauty. " In response, Wen yunian stood respectfully on Wen Shang's side, bent down and stretched out his arm.

"Thank you Wen Shang gently nodded his feet, his face was full of smiles, and there was no restraint in his movements. He stretched out his lotus like arm and gracefully pulled up Wen yunian's arm.

"You see, the beauty is on my side, and people around me cast envious eyes on me."

Under the leadership of the staff, the two people walked to the predetermined position together. Wen yunian's face showed a very proud smile. When walking, his chin was slightly raised.

"Brother, don't make fun of me." Some crazy look at Wen yunian, pretending to be angry and mumbling his little mouth.

"Ha ha..."

Wen yunian laughed again. In the past, he was always involved in official business. It's not that he didn't want to laugh, but that he didn't have the chance at all.

And when Wen Shang was with him, as his elder brother, his mood was relaxed and joyful.

"Sir, madam, this way, please."

Under the guidance of the staff, the two people quickly sat down, close to the window. The tall building with such large French windows has almost had a panoramic view of the whole s city.

The warm sunshine through the French window sprinkled on the two people, a little similar face, two people looked at each other are coincidentally revealed a big smile.

"What would you like to eat?"

Wen yunian's eyes have always been on Wen Shang, and he refuses to move away. After so many years of separation, he never thought that he would have such an opportunity to have dinner and talk with his sister.

"Well... I can eat a lot."

Wen Shang is not affectation, directly took the menu on the table, and then seriously looked up.

"Don't worry, I can still satisfy you."

Wen yunian deliberately joked, with a smile of evil spirit on his face.

"Well... Then take this, this, and this."

Wen Shang came here for real and didn't show any politeness to Wen yunian.

"It's the same with mine."

"Are you sure? My usual taste is very tricky. Maybe you don't like it. "

Wen Shang frowned at Wen yunian and said.

"It doesn't matter."

Wen yunian said with a smile, in fact, he just wanted to see what she likes to eat, what kind of taste she likes, and gradually know more about her only family in the world.

Because of the time point, it's already two or three o'clock in the afternoon, and there are not many customers in the restaurant. The melodious music sounds, and the whole environment is elegant and comfortable.

Wen Shang holds his cheek to look at the scenery outside the window. Today, it seems to be foggy. The visibility is not very high. There are endless traffic, towering buildings and some construction sites outside the window.

Everyone in the whole city is living in an orderly way, fighting for their own future and the future of their families.

"What are you thinking? How can such a handsome man be absent-minded when he is put in front of you? "

Like Wen Shang, Wen yunian holds his cheek, but with such a cute look in his formal dress, the picture is really a bit out of line.


Wen yunian's words make Wen Shang can't help but make a sound. If it was put in the past, she would be surprised that even her eyes would fall out. She didn't think that Mr. Wen, who was too cold, was such a funny person in her private life.

A lunch, no, should be regarded as afternoon tea. It's coming to an end in such a pleasant atmosphere.

This kind of getting along really makes Wen Shang feel very intimate. It's the kind of duckweed who has been wandering in the sea for a long time and finally finds the feeling of being tied up.

"Thank you!"

Wen Shang put down the knife and fork in his hand and said in a very sincere tone. Looking at Wen yunian, his eyes were full of sincerity.

Such a sudden "confessional" conversation made Wen yunian, who was used to the storm, feel a little embarrassed.

"Keke..." after clearing his throat and adjusting his mood, Wen yunian said, "it's also my honor. Thank you, Xiao Shang."

He is very lucky to be able to find his close relatives. At this moment, Wen yunian has mixed feelings. Looking at Wen Shang's eyes, they are glowing.

"Hey, hey... You see, I'm to blame. It's a bit inappropriate that I suddenly started to stir up feelings."

In fact, Wen Shang's heart is also full of mixed feelings at the moment, with a trace of emotion and grievance in his joy. His eyes are already slightly red, flashing a little tears, but Wen Shang stifled it back, even half joking, and said with a big smile on his mouth.

"You look like a child." It's obviously the words of blame, but when it comes out of Wen yunian's mouth, it gives people a feeling of great love.

After that, Wen yunian took out a square towel from his suit pocket and carefully wiped the oil stains from the corners of her mouth for Wen Shang.

Maybe this kind of scene is the intimate behavior between lovers in the eyes of outsiders, but for Wen yunian, it's just like when she was young, taking care of her favorite sister in the palm of her hand.

"Miss Wen? What a coincidence

Wen Shang here is still immersed in the inner emotional distress, and suddenly a familiar and not so pleasant voice comes from the position behind him.

Almost reflexive, Wen still turned his head numbly. When he saw the two people standing in front of him, the smile on his face immediately froze.

"Oh, isn't this Mr. Wen? How could you two know each other? "

The make-up on her face is really exquisite. Her dress is still the usual style of boasting and showing off her wealth. The tone of her voice is still Bai Lin's unique appearance.

Clearly in the normal but a query, but to the white Lin that woman's mouth, then abruptly said a kind of ironic taste.

However, what really makes Wen Shang's expression dull is the man standing beside Bai Lin who doesn't know how to react.

The strong and resolute facial lines show the cool breath of men, but the deep eyes are showing fierce and cold eyes at the moment.

It's really a narrow road. Just now, he was very happy, but when he saw Lu Chen and Bai Lin, Wen Shang was not happy. The smile in his eyes just disappeared in a moment, and the expression on his face also collapsed.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Wen." The man's low voice sounded above Wen Shang's head, and he couldn't hear any change of mood.

"Hello, Mr. Lu."

Even though the two people were intriguing behind their backs, they were both businessmen after all. No one would be embarrassed when they met like this.

Two men politely shake hands, Wen Shang sitting on the seat, head down, eyes have been on their hands.

"I can't see Miss Wen's speed is OK!" Lu Chen looked at the submissive woman sitting on one side, and continued to sneer: "suddenly leaving, it turned out that he had caught another son-in-law?"

When the man spoke, his tone was extremely ironic. He said that when the woman Bai Lin was talking at random, Wen Shang could ignore it. Quan thought it was a mad dog barking.

At that time, when Wen Shang looked up and saw Lu Chen, the man, looking at him with such cold eyes, and saying these words with a mocking smile at the corner of her mouth, her heart seemed to be stirred by something, and she was in great pain.

It turned out that she was just so unbearable in his eyes.

Bai Lin seems to have never thought that Lu Chen, who has always been silent and does not love words, would take the initiative to ridicule Wen Shang. Her face immediately overflowed with a very bright smile.