"Who are you with?"“ Xiaoyu, Xia Ziyang and me, the three of us. "“ Why are you three together? "“ Oh, I went to the hospital with Xiaoyu, and then I met Xia Ziyang. "“ Well, I'll have lunch in the company at noon. Oh, by the way, is your cold any better? "“ Well, I've seen the doctor. It's OK. Don't worry

"Well, remember to take the medicine on time. Then I'll hang up first. Bye“ Well, goodbye! "“ Oh, look at these two people who show their love“ Hehe, why, do you envy me? "“ Well, I don't like what I envy. "“ Bang, if you don't like it, don't look at it or listen to it! "“ But you're right next to me. I don't want to hear everything. "

"That's my fault!"“ Why don't you blame it? " Two people quarrel, and neither of them admits defeat.

"Here it is."“ Isn't this a seafood restaurant? Why are you here? "“ Go in and you'll know. "“ Let's go. I'm hungry now. "

Three people went into the seafood restaurant together.

"Hello, three. What would you like to eat today?" As soon as they came in, the waiter warmly welcomed them“ Ha ha, hello. Can we sit down and talk? "“ Ha ha, of course. Please sit down

I came to a table for four and sat down. I saw that there were a lot of things in it.

"Three, please have a look at our special food. It's delicious. Don't just look at our small store, but the craftsmanship is absolutely not bad." The waiter said to them that their store was good and they were very smart.

"But there are only three of us, and we can't finish so much! And these are packed and no one eats them. Let's have a look. I'll tell you when I watch them. You see, there's another one coming outside the door. Let's meet the guests quickly

"OK, take your time."“ Well, OK The waiter walked away and Lin Yuqiao laughed“ Ha ha, how funny! That waiter is so cute“ Ha ha, let's see what you want to eat. "

"Well, wow! They eat a lot at home. From breakfast to dinner, there are snacks. What does this shop do? "“ Silly, you make food! " Xia Ziyang hit Lin Yuqiao impolitely.

"Well, you're stupid. You can tell what you cook. "“ Then you have to ask again. "“ Why? I like it. How? I want you to take care of it! " Lin Yuqiao raised his head and said haughtily.

"Well, you two should stop bickering and order quickly. Now people are more and more right. Later, they don't know when they will arrive."“ Yes, I haven't noticed it yet. "

"Well, I'll order it. I'll have seafood porridge. And you“ I want a bowl of seafood noodles“ I'll have seafood fried spaghetti! "“ You don't have to be so tall to eat so much. "“ It's up to you. I like it. "

"Come on, you two are like children. The waiter has come to order“ OK, come on The waiters came running, a gorgeous turn came to them.

"What are you going to eat?"“ It's all done here,; You can just look at it. " The waiter took the menu, saw the line on the menu, and wrote it down in minutes.

"All right, it's done! Three, just a moment, please“ Well, thank you Then the waiter quickly slides to the kitchen and "slaps" the menu on the window.

The three of them looked around this small and medium-sized shop. The seats inside were full, and some of them extended to the dam outside. It seems that the business of the seafood restaurant here is good, and the enthusiasm of the waiters is high, but it's a little nervous.

But it's also very harmonious, and it's in line with the characteristics of this seafood restaurant. It's hot, noisy, lively and popular.

It took them half an hour to get what they ordered. The steaming hot porridge, noodles and flour are all ready. The smell of seafood wafts through the hot smoke, arousing people's infinite appetite, and the taste buds are even more enticed.

"Wow, what a delicious smell! It's delicious. "“ May I have some of yours? "“ Well, eat it Ji Yu'an scooped some soup from Lin Yuqiao and ate some flour and noodles.

"Well, it smells good! The craftsmanship is really strong! " Ji Yuan's favor and satisfaction to this restaurant can be said to be 100 points. She likes it very much. For those who seldom come to this place to eat, she says it's a surprise.

"I'll try your seafood porridge, too."“ Well, eat quickly. I can't finish so much. Take your bowl and I'll fill it for you. "“ Well, I don't want it. I'll just eat here. " Xia Ziyang waved his hand to say no.

"If you don't want it, I want Yu an to serve me a bowl!"“ Good! You eat slowly. It's very hot. "“ Well, thank youThere are shrimp, crabs and clams in it. A strong fragrance came to my nose. Lin Yuqiao gobbled up the noodles. When the porridge was cold, he took a bite. One mouthful of noodles and one mouthful of porridge. It's very pleasant.

This seafood restaurant is full of people. Some drink and fight, some bring their family to eat, and some are tourists passing by. All in all, they come from all over the world.

In cold weather, come here to eat a bowl of noodles or flour and warm yourself. Three people were eating, talking and laughing. Inside the sound of a variety of, in the winter formed a happy movement!

"It's noon. Let's go shopping and cook!"“ Well, it's not good to go out like this when I change my clothes. "“ What are you afraid of? It's more grounded. "“ Ha ha, in order to maintain your image, I'd better change my clothes

White Qian Qian back to the room to find clothes, casual put on, to the outside and then put on.

"Come on, let's go!"“ Is the key ready? "“ Well, it's in the bag. "“ Let's go! Do you want to buy some more medicine? You don't seem to sneeze much“ Ah, yes, I'd better take less medicine and cover it with a hot towel for a while. "“ Well, it's good for your health to take less medicine. "

They closed the door and went out to buy vegetables.

When I came to the supermarket, I pushed a cart to the vegetable area and bought some spinach, carrots, mushrooms... When I saw that all I bought were vegetables, Mo Lishen was not a vegetarian. He had to eat meat every meal.

"Buy some meat. I want to eat meat."“ We'll go over there and choose the meat in a moment. Can we have dumplings today? "“ Yes, I'll eat whatever you do. "“ Well, that's good

After the vegetables are selected, we come to the meat area. Mo Lishen sees a lot of softness and his eyes are shining. Bai Qianqian can't help laughing when she sees him like this.

"Well, I said don't be so excited when you see meat. They will be afraid of you."“ It's OK. They like me too late. How can they be afraid of me. Yes, meat Mo Lishen picked up a piece of meat and put it in his ear.

"Bai Qianqian, Bai Qianqian, it said 'take me home quickly, take me home‘ If you don't believe it, just listen to it. "“ Bang, childish Bai Qianqian pushes the cart and selects pork to make dumpling stuffing.

Mo Lishen, a child, began to destroy the meat again. For a while, he opened his mouth and said that he would eat them all. For a while, he would ask them questions seriously, making Bai Qianqian like taking a two or three-year-old child out to the supermarket. How Bai Qianqian didn't want to know this man at this time. Such a big man has to do such childish things. He's speechless. Seeing him, he's full of black lines.

"Don't leave deep, you really give enough, you really don't want it."“ I don't want to make you happy. "“ Forget it. I'll be very happy if you stay with me“ OK, meats, Bai Qianqian, she won't allow me to amuse her, so I have to give up on you. Goodbye

Bai Qianqian chooses the meat and leaves here quickly. She doesn't want to stay with this psycho any more. She used to be fine. How can she be so abnormal today.

"Oh, wait for me!" Mo Lishen chases Bai Qianqian behind him. Bai Qianqian pushes the car without turning back“ Wait for me. I almost couldn't find you. "“ Isn't that just right? "“ You are willing to leave me alone! That's what you're willing to do“ There's nothing I can't bear. Go and buy some fruit over there. "“ Well, I promise I'll be good this time. "“ Well, good, good boy

"Hoo, I'm so full!" Lin Yuqiao finished his last mouthful of soup, felt his round stomach and ate so much“ Are you all full? Do you want more? "“ Well, no, no, I'm going to die. "“ How about you, handsome man? "“ The handsome man is full. "“ All right, waiter, pay for it

"Come on! You spend 98 yuan altogether. "“ Oh, here's a hundred. "“ Here, two yuan for you, please“ All right, let's go! "“ Hello, three. Welcome to our next visit“ Thank you

Three people came out of the seafood restaurant. The cold air outside made them cool.

"Ah, Xiaoxia, what are you doing?"“ Nothing. It's been so long. Why hasn't he called me yet? "“ Who are you talking about? "“ It's the handsome guy she met today, but he's really handsome. "

"Did you all leave contact information?"“ No, I gave him my number, but I forgot to ask for it. "“ Is a man stupid? "“ Yeah, I'm stupid, but I just watch him and forget. Oh, I'm so stupid. "

"Come on, don't complain any more. He will contact you one day."“ What? One of these days, in such a long run. "“ Come on, don't talk about it. Let's have a meal. We'll have to change shifts later. ""Xiaoxia, you'd better not think about it. You'd better be prepared! You're guarding the morgue today. Don't forget. "“ Oh, my God, you don't say I really forget. What to do? It's terrible. Ai Ai, do you want us to change shifts? "

"I refuse. I have to write a report later."“ I'll write it for you. "“ Mm-hmm. No. Do your own things, and you can even have the courage. Don't be afraid. "“ What? I want to protest. "“ The protest is invalid! "“ Eat well, then go. We'll be waiting for you to come back. Come on, honey

"Wuwu, you all bully me."“ Don't be afraid. Don't worry. You can do it. " Nurse Xiaoxia curled her lips and looked aggrieved.

How much courage does it take to be on duty in the morgue? It also needs a brave heart. If you can watch ghost movies in it, you really admire it.

After dinner, Xiaoxia can only come to the morgue on duty. In the cold room, there were rows of dead people covered with white cloth. Xiaoxia trembles and moves slowly. It's terrible inside!