In Dabao's eyes, Niuniu has changed. She is no longer the girl he used to know.

But in the eyes of the other three people in the Ji family, they seem to have no sense of Niu Niu's change. Maybe it's because they live together every day and are used to it, so they turn a blind eye to it?

At this time, facing the girl in front of him, even if he had any idea, he would not feel guilty any more. After all, she was almost 15 years old, and she was no longer the little kid who didn't know anything.

Originally, without the burden of the heart, the distance between each other should be easier to get closer. But in fact, on the contrary, he always felt that although he was close to her, it was difficult to touch her.

This kind of touch is not only limited to physical contact, but also to ideological communication. Niuniu is extremely repellent to him.

This kind of rejection, let Dabao very headache, and, very difficult to accept.

He can't help but wonder if he is really right to leave for three years?

No doubt, Niuniu has changed, or, to be exact, she has grown up, as he hoped.

But the direction of her change, no, is the direction of her growth, it seems, is different from the direction he preset.

Three years ago, he just wanted to leave her enough space to touch the world she should touch, including people and things.

But he did not think, let her contact the outside world, she became, not close to him.

Once upon a time, even if she was angry and uncomfortable, she would rub her cute girl in his arms with just a few words of coax. It seems that with the passage of three years, she has disappeared.

Now Niuniu will call her brother in a polite way, and will ask and answer her politely when he asks her what.

But what he wanted was not such a girl who respected him.

At first, Dabao thought that he was oversensitive, which was his illusion. But after several attempts, he could no longer comfort himself with the excuse of "Niuniu just didn't get used to it".

Clearly she is still a smiling face to others, eye contact with her, those smiles, will instantly cold in the corner of the lip.

For example, now, a moment ago, she was still excitedly talking to Xiao Bao about the funny story of Da Hui Da Hei. When she turned her head to see Da Hui, her eyes inadvertently turned to his eyes, and the originally upturned lips quickly drooped down.

She immediately dodged to avoid eyes, let Dabao's eyes dark down.

"Niuniu, I heard that there will be a Violin Master concert in Z city the next day. Why don't I book three tickets and let's go and have a look?" Dabao sat on the grass with his knees crossed. He followed the big gray hair with his big hands, but his eyes were fixed on the girl who looked at the distance.

"Brother, please spare me! I really don't know how to appreciate those elegant music. I can fall asleep in the first three minutes. You go with your sister, and I won't do it. " Niuniu hasn't answered yet. Xiaobao has rejected Dabao's proposal.

When Xiaobao said that, Dabao didn't ask for it. Instead, he looked at Niuniu. Originally, Dabao didn't care whether Xiaobao would go or not. He would have this idea, but he wanted to accompany Niuniu to do something she liked.

Niuniu finally took her eyes back, but instead of looking at Dabao, she lifted her fingers and scratched Dabao's chin. Her eyes dropped, as if she was looking at Dabao attentively.

"I'm going to a charity concert in L City the day after tomorrow. I can't go to the concert."

Both L and Z are about 100 kilometers away from R, but l is in the East and Z is in the West.

Dabao was not disappointed, but naturally said, "I'll take you there!"

Anyway, he just wanted to spend more time with her. It didn't matter whether he would accompany her to the concert or the performance.

Moreover, before he went abroad, whenever she wanted to go out to perform, he was the elder brother who accompanied her.

Niuniu shook her head. "Teacher Fan said that the organizer sent a car to pick us up. Don't bother my brother."

Even though Dabao obviously felt Niuniu's intention of shirking, it was hard to say, "I'll send you to teacher fan. What time will you gather?"

Niu Niu didn't say a word. She bent her eyes and focused on scratching Da Hui's chin.

After a while, she raised her eyelids to look at Dabao.

"Brother, you just came back. You should have a lot of friends and classmates to see, right? Go and do your own business. I'm not a child. I can handle my own business. "

Dabao looked at her without blinking. "Girl, my friends and classmates are never as important as you, are they?"

Xiaobao seems to be vaguely aware of something. He gets up and pats the grass on his body. Then he calls two dogs, "big gray and big black, let's go for a walk in the bamboo forest."

Two silly dogs obediently got up, wagged their tails and ran away with Xiaobao happily. Dabao also stood up and pointed to the path on the other side, "come on, take me there."

Then he bent down and put his big hand in front of her.

Niu Niu looked at his palm and hesitated for a moment. In the end, she didn't see anything in front of her. She propped up her hands on the grass and jumped up.

As if nothing had happened, Dabao took back his hand and said with a smile, "he's good at skating. I've been skating for a long time, haven't I?"

Dabao's psychological endurance and acceptance have always been very strong. When he saw the change of Niuniu, he said that he was not unwilling to lose. That's a lie. But those negative emotions are just a short pass, not too long to stay on him, let alone let him tangle.

Just like the decision to leave three years ago, it was made in a flash.

At this moment, the idea of redefining the relationship between him and her with a new kind of relationship is also determined in a very short moment.

Xiao Bao has just told him in detail about the cause and effect of her learning to skate in a row, but he still wants to learn more about her.

"I haven't practiced for long. Xiao Bao is a good coach."

Niuniu didn't climb Dabao's arm as before, but followed his steps to the direction of tea garden.

"Very handsome! Can I have a copy of the photos taken at that time? "

In the past three years, Dabao deliberately cut off the connection with her. He seldom called home. It's not that he didn't care about her, but that he didn't dare to care.

He told his family that heavy school work was one reason. After all, it took him three years to complete all the studies that others took seven or eight years to complete.

Another more important reason is that he is afraid that once he gets in touch with her, he will leave his unfinished studies behind and run back home. All his previous efforts were ruined.

"I don't have one either. If you want to see it, I'll let sister Ziwen pass it on to me." Niu Niu's tone is still tepid.

"Her phone hasn't changed, has it? I'll call her myself. I don't have to pass it on. " In addition to the photos and video clips, Dabao wants to get more clips and gags that others haven't seen.